100 Message from the ISDN-CallWatcher 101 ISDN-CallWatcher 102 Info about ISDN-CallWatcher 103 Input error 104 Request ISDN-CallWatcher 105 Fatal error 106 Confirmation 107 Errormessage ISDN-CallWatcher 1000 - nicht in englisch - 1001 1002 Action "%s" could not be completed. Please check the access-path. 1003 - nicht in englisch - 1004 \nYou must supply a number ! 1005 \nInvalid service ! 1006 - nicht in englisch - 1007 sound-files (*.wav) 1008 programs (*.exe) 1009 all files (*.*) 1010 sound/program, that is played/executed when call comes in 1011 \nIf you specify '->5' (e.g.) as number, 1012 this action is executed with every call to number 5 (or 1235, 5335, ...)\n 1013 '1234*' does this action on all calls 1014 starting with this number as origin. 1015 The '*' is only allowed at the end. 1016 The action-list is interpreted from top to bottom. 1017 The first matching action is executed. 1018 Information about action-numbers 1019 \nIf you add '$R' after the program you want to execute, the\n 1020 number of the caller is added as 1021 a command-line arg, '$M'=EAZ/MSN, $D=Service, $N=Name. 1022 Information about executing a program 1023 With every call a WM_COMMAND-message is sent 1024 to a window with the caption 'MoniEventHandler', 1025 ID 4711 (=wParam), lParam is a far-pointer to 1026 a zero-terminated string containing the caller number.\n 1027 In short:\n 1028 PostMessage( FindWindow( NULL, "MoniEventHandler" ), 1029 WM_COMMAND, 4711, (LPARAM) szCallBuffer ); 1030 Information for Windows-Developer 2000 Calling-Nr 2001 Name 2002 when called? 2003 Should we use CAPI 2.0, if driver is available 2004 (else CAPI 1.1) ?\n 2005 With menu 'Options/General' you 2006 could switch back. 2007 Call from: 2008 Problems !\n 2009 There is no ISDN-card installed or no CAPI-interface 2010 available.\nThis way, nothing works of course.\n 2011 Please verify that the file CAPI.DLL or 2012 CAPI20.DLL is accessible (path).\n 2013 The program have to be closed. 2014 Sorry !\n 2015 You only got the free, but limited 2016 Shareware-version.\n 2017 You can register by sending me an eMail telling me your full address.\n 2018 The price is US-$ 29.-\n 2020 I will send you the key-file ('ISDNMo32.key'), that you have to 2021 copy to the ISDNMo32.exe-directory. 2022 We have to abort this program... 2023 Now we really have to quit!\n 2024 If you want to start the program once more, 2025 you have to restart Windows before. 2026 To pay this little registration fee 2027 isn't too hard. 2028 We can't go on this way... 2029 \nPlease first activate with menu 'Options/General' 2030 the 'immediate call reject with F12'. But if your are 2031 making a call on the first channel, a second caller 2032 won't hear a busy-signal, even when 'knocking' is disabled. 2033 Really reject the current caller ? 2034 Request ISDN-CallWatcher 2035 This reset-function initializes the 2036 whole ISDN-interface of your card.\n 2037 Other ISDN-applications should be 2038 finished before doing this. You really want to reset ? 2039 Request Reset CAPI 2040 The ISDN-CAPI interface is re-initialized.\n 2041 \n(If this was really necessary, you might have some 2042 problems with this or other ISDN-applications ?)\n 2043 You could activate the debug-mode by starting with 'ISDNMoni /debug'. 2044 After finishing the ISDN-CallWatcher the 2045 file 'ISDNMoni.trc' could be analyzed or sent to me. 2046 \nCAPI 2.0 is not available. Please make sure 2047 that the file CAPI20.DLL is accessible (path). 2048 The ISDN-CallWatcher will utilize the CAPI 1.1 interface. 2049 \nYou already have the registered version of the ISDN-CallWatcher !\n 2050 The key-file 'ISDNMo32.key' is located 2051 in the ISDNMo32.exe-directory. 2052 - nicht in englisch - 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 Schade !\n 2061 Sie haben nur die kostenlose, dafür aber 2062 limitierte Shareware-Version.\n 2063 Den Key für die Vollversion erhalten Sie durch Anwahl der 2064 Btx-Seite 66000101. 2065 Geben Sie als Produkt-ID 1220 an (mit D-Info Support: ID 1280).\n 2066 Kopieren Sie die transferierte Key-Datei ('ISDNMo32.key') zum 2067 ISDNMo32.exe-Verzeichnis. 2068 \nPlease visit our Web-Site: http://www.fun.de. 2069 The latest version of the ISDN-CallWatcher and 2070 other 2071 great 2072 things could be found here. 2073 2074 2075 What's hot 2076 2083 Thanks for registering the ISDN-CallWatcher. This copy is licensed to:\n 2084 This is a piratecopy of the key.\n 2085 Some tricky Online-programs sometimes 2086 send the number of the pirate to 2087 some institutions - and then... 2088 Not this way! 2089 \nThanks for registering the ISDN-CallWatcher\n 2090 Congratulation 2091 Caller-logfile is not available 2092 Really execute command "%s" ? 2093 This COM-port is not available. 2094 ** CAPI-interface not ready - please wait ** 2200 Service: %02X/%02X 2201 EAZ: %s 2202 (rejected) 2203 ISDN-CallWatcher - notes to calls \n \n 2204 %H:%M %m/%d/%y 2205 >>> %-24s %-24s %s \n 2206 \nYou must supply a number ! 2207 \nwildcards '*' only valid at the end of the number ! 2208 \nYou must supply a name ! 2209 \nInvalid service ! 2210 Really want to erase this entry ? 2211 \nWith a number template of '1234*' for example the 2212 name will be shown on every calls starting 2213 with this number. The '*' is only allowed 2214 at the end. To find a name the list is scanned from top 2215 to bottom. the first matching item is 2216 displayed. 2217 Information about the caller number 2219 \nAt least one service must be supplied ! 2220 CAPI is not installed 2221 ISDN-card from: %s 2222 card-version: %s 2223 The ISDN-CallWatcher is licensed to: 2224 Thanks for registering the ISDN-CallWatcher\n 2225 serial number: %s 2226 \nserver-name and topic-name must be supplied ! 2227 \n'Init after every call' should better not 2228 switched of, when CAPI-Request via 2229 interrupt is enabled (special-menu). 2230 Sometimes a second call 2231 isn't displyed any more. 2232 Info about adjustment 2233 \nHere you can specify which CAPI-interface 2234 you prefer. If the requested interface is not 2235 available, the program tries to use the 2236 other one.\n 2237 Please make sure, that the file CAPI.DLL or 2238 CAPI20.DLL is accessible (path). 2239 \nYou must supply at least one (last) digit of your number ! 2240 program, that is executed on listbox-doubleclick 2241 Every day from 2242 Monday to Friday from 2243 Mo-Fr (weekend 24hours) from 2244 Only Saturday and Sunday from 2245 \nUngültige VON-Zeitangabe (HH:MM)! 2246 \nUngültige BIS-Zeitangabe (HH:MM)! 2400 Emergency: The file ISDNMoni.dat (configuration) 2401 could not be written back to the harddisk.\n 2402 Check your filesystem (e.g. use 'ScanDisk'). 2403 Is the file write protected ? 2404 %-24s %-24s %s \n 2405 Calling-Nr. 2406 Name 2407 when called 2408 The ISDN-CallWatcher could not be activated,\n 2409 errorcode %X (%s). Maybe problems with a 2410 second, ISDN-program. Please try 2411 to change settings 'which EAZ's to control ?' 2412 2413 2500 &Close 2501 >> busy << 2502 * free * 2503 can not check