ORDER FORM GPP Software From: ____________________________ P.O. Box 1124 Manly Address: ____________________________ NSW AUSTRALIA ____________________________ 2095 ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ E-Mail/Internet/CIS ID: ____________________________ Qty Unit Price Total ___ HelpBuilder AU$80.00 _____ ___ HelpBuilder Upgrade AU$40.00 _____ ___ HelpBuilder SpellChecker AU$50.00 _____ ___ Setup Builder AU$120.00 _____ ___ Setup Builder Upgrade AU$60.00 _____ ___ SpellChecker Developer Edition AU$80.00 _____ ___ SpellChecker Distribution License AU$30.00 each _____ Postage / packing / handling ___ Per disk (in Australia) AU$5.00 _____ ___ Per disk (outside Australia) AU$10.00 _____ ___ Any number of user license numbers AU$5.00 _____ Total _____ Plus 4% Surcharge (Credit Card Orders Only) _____ Payment Method (Please Tick) __ Cheque __ Bankers Draft __ Money Order __ Bankcard __ Mastercard __ Visa __ Amex __ Diners Club Card Number _____________________________________________________ Name on Card _______________________ Expiry Date (d/m/y) _________ Signature _____________________________________________________ Please make cheques/bankers drafts payable to GPP Software. Cheques and bankers drafts must be made out in Australian Dollars and drawn on an Australian Bank. Upon receipt of this paid order, a current disk and notifications of upgrades will be sent.