Program, který umožňuje pracovat starým aplikacím s dlouhými jmény. =================================================================== Purpose: LongToShort is a command line utility that lets you use long filenames with older applications that don't support them. Usage: LongToShort is a mere 61 lines of code, including comments. It takes the 16-bit program name and long filename as parameters. So if, for example, you're still using Charles Petzold's BROWSE utility, and you want to browse a file called MysteryFile, you'd type: LTOS browse MysteryFile LongToShort takes care of translating MysteryFile into a short filename that BROWSE can handle. The exact syntax for LongToShort is LTOS Program.exe This is a long filename.ext LTOS Program.exe "This is a long filename.ext" arg1 arg2... If command line arguments are added after the long filename, the long filename must be in quotation marks. Note that LongToShort will retain the long filename even if you make changes to it from within a 16-bit editor and save the file.