Copyright and Disclaimer
The book, "Laura Lemay's Web Workshop: JavaScript," and all excerpts, promotional material, and other information about
the book contained within this web site are (c) 1996, publishing. New material created for this site is (c) 1996, Michael Moncur. All rights reserved, except as noted
specifically below.
Copying JavaScript Examples
You may copy the examples from the examples page for use on your own pages if you follow these guidelines:
- You must include this notice in the source code for the HTML page containing the script, or optionally on the page
itself: JavaScript from Laura Lemay's Web Workshop: JavaScript, (c) 1996 publishing.
- Any notices already present as comments in the JavaScript source code must remain intact.
- The script can be used to add value to your page; it may not be used as the sole or primary content of the page.
- You are encouraged (but not required) to include a link to this site.
- By using any such scripts, you agree not to hold Michael Moncur or publishing liable for any problems that may occur at your site as a result of said scripts.
Although every precaution has been taken in the
preparation of the book and this web site, the publisher and author assume no liability for errors or omissions.
Although JavaScript is usually quite safe, it may cause browser crashes, which in turn can cause possible complications on some machines. Neither Michael
Moncur nor publishing assumes any liability for problems that may occur on your machine or your users' machines as a result
of these scripts, nor for inaccessibility of your site to some users if scripts are used.
New material which appears on this site has been created by Michael Moncur, and is in no way responsible for
said material. has not reviewed all material on this web site, and should not be held responsible for any errors or
discrepancies therein.
Whew! Consider yourself duly disclaimed. Hope it didn't hurt.
michael moncur ...