This page is a place holder for your custom HTML demo pages.


You should now create an online Web site around this HTML page

This Web page can be found in the \win95\sk\demobin\start.htm. (your first page must always be named Start.HTM and remain in this directory on the CD)

If you are an ISP (Internet Service Provider) - The IEAK wizard has placed your custom signup files in the signup directory under the Internet Explorer install directory. Use this HREF (click here) to envoke the signup process from your HTML

If you are an ICP (Internet Content Provider) - This HREF (click here) will automatically startup the Internet Connection Wizard

If you are a Corporate Administrator - You can use this Demo as KIOSK to provider further information or to install additional applications.

Important: Internet Explorer security is set to Minimum (low) while running in this mode, including:

Care should be taken when referencing external sites that allow users to connect directly to the WWW without these security features enabled.

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