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java.lang.Object | +----java.awt.Component | +----java.awt.Canvas | +----jclass.bwt.JCComponent | +----jclass.chart.ChartCanvas | +----jclass.chart.JCTitle | +----jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
JCChartLabel.ATTACH_COORD - attach label to an absolute point anywhere on the chart
JCChartLabel.ATTACH_DATACOORD - attach label to a point in the data space on the chart area
JCChartLabel.ATTACH_DATAINDEX - attach the label to a specific point/bar/slice on the chart
The coordinate in the chart's space where the label is to be attached. The coordinate in the chart area's data space where the label is to be attached. A data index representing the point/bar/slice in the chart to which the label is to be attached. if IsDwellLabel is set to true the label is only displayed when the cursor is over the point/bar/slice that the label is attched to. This flag is only valid for for labels using ATTACH_DATAINDEX as their attachMethod. If IsDwellLabel is false (the default), the label will always be displayed. For labels using ATTACH_DATACOORD, this property specifies which ChartDataView's axes should be used. Offset specifies where the label should be positioned relative to the position the lables thinks it should be, depending on what the label's attachMethod is.Name | Method |
IsShowing | If true, the ChartCanvas will appear on the screen. If false, it will not appear on the screen. (Note that legend, header, footer and chart area are all ChartCanvas instances). Default value is true. |
BorderType | Determines the style of border drawn around the ChartCanvas. Valid values come from BWTEnum, and include SHADOW_NONE, SHADOW_ETCHED_IN, SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT, SHADOW_IN, SHADOW_OUT, SHADOW_PLAIN, SHADOW_FRAME_IN, SHADOW_FRAME_OUT. (Note that legend, header, footer and chart area are all ChartCanvas instances). Default value is BWTEnum.SHADOW_IN. |
BorderWidth | The BorderWidth property determines the width of the border drawn around the canvas. (Note that legend, header, footer and chart area are all ChartCanvas instances). Default value is 2. |
Text | The Text property controls the text displayed inside the title. The default value is " " (empty string). |
Top | The Top property determines the location of the top of the ChartCanvas. The default value is calculated. |
TopIsDefault | The TopIsDefault property determines whether the top position of the chart canvas is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Top property (false). Default value is true. |
Left | The Left property determines the location of the left of the ChartCanvas. Default value is generated. |
LeftIsDefault | The LeftIsDefault property determines whether the left position of the chart canvas is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Left property (false). Default value is true. |
Width | The Width property determines the width of the ChartCanvas. Default value is generated. |
WidthIsDefault | The WidthIsDefault property determines whether the width of the chart canvas is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Width property (false). Default value is true. |
Height | The Height property determines the height of the ChartCanvas. Default value is generated. |
HeightIsDefault | The HeightIsDefault property determines whether the height of the chart canvas is calculated by Chart (true) or taken from the Height property (false). Default value is true. |
Adjust | The Adjust property determines how text is justified or positioned in the title. Valid values include ChartText.LEFT, ChartText.CENTER and ChartText.RIGHT. Default value is ChartText.LEFT. |
Anchor | |
AttachMethod | |
Coord | |
DataCoord | |
Data Index | |
IsDwellLabel | |
DataView | |
Offset |
public final static int NORTHEASTNORTH
public final static int NORTHNORTHWEST
public final static int NORTHWESTEAST
public final static int EASTWEST
public final static int WESTSOUTHEAST
public final static int SOUTHEASTSOUTH
public final static int SOUTHSOUTHWEST
public final static int SOUTHWESTCENTER
public final static int CENTERAUTO
public final static int AUTOATTACH_NONE
public final static int ATTACH_NONEATTACH_COORD
public final static int ATTACH_COORDATTACH_DATACOORD
public final static int ATTACH_DATAINDEX
public JCChartLabel()JCChartLabel
public JCChartLabel(String contents, boolean jcstring)
public void addNotify()
public void recalc()
public void paint(Graphics g)
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
public synchronized void setAnchor(int a)getAnchor
public int getAnchor()setAttachMethod
public void setAttachMethod(int newMethod)setCoord
public void setCoord(Point p)setDataView
public void setDataView(ChartDataView dv)getDataView
public ChartDataView getDataView()setDataCoord
public void setDataCoord(JCDataCoord p)setDataIndex
public void setDataIndex(JCDataIndex di)setOffset
public void setOffset(int x, int y)setIsDwellLabel
public void setIsDwellLabel(boolean b)getIsDwellLabel
public boolean getIsDwellLabel()getChart
public JCChart getChart()
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