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Class jclass.contrib.JCOutlinePanel


public class JCOutlinePanel
extends Panel
JCOutlinePanel is a Panel that has a line drawn around its border. This line is drawn by modifying the panel insets and overriding the paint() member.

A JCOutlinePanel instance must be used exactly as one would use a Panel instance.

Constructor Index

 o JCOutlinePanel()
The default constructor.

Method Index

 o insets()
Modifies the default insets to account for the line drawn around the Panel.
 o paint(Graphics)
Draws the line.


 o JCOutlinePanel
  public JCOutlinePanel()
The default constructor. It sets the default layout to null.


 o insets
  public Insets insets()
Modifies the default insets to account for the line drawn around the Panel. Most layout managers account for the insets, so the line is not overdrawn.

insets in class Container
 o paint
  public void paint(Graphics g)
Draws the line.

paint in class Container

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