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Class jclass.bwt.JCOutlinerComponent


public class JCOutlinerComponent
extends JCComponent
implements JCOutlinerInterface, JCMultiColumnInterface, JCSortInterface, JCScrollableInterface
The internal private component of a JCOutliner.

See Also:

Variable Index

 o actionListeners
List of JCActionEvent listeners
 o data
The object which maintains the multi-column data.
 o default_style
 o END
 o full_node_height
 o itemListeners
List of JCOutlinerEvent listeners
 o node_list
List of all nodes, in drawing order.
 o scrolled_window
Parent window.
 o shortcut_close_icon
 o shortcut_open_icon
 o style_list

Constructor Index

 o JCOutlinerComponent()
Creates an empty JCOutliner.
 o JCOutlinerComponent(int, boolean)
Creates an outliner with the specified number of visible lines.
 o JCOutlinerComponent(JCOutlinerNode)
Creates a new JCOutliner with the specified root node.
 o JCOutlinerComponent(JCOutlinerNode, Applet, String)
Creates an outliner which reads parameters from the applet's HTML file.

Method Index

 o addActionListener(JCActionListener)
Adds the specified action listener to receive action events.
 o addItemListener(JCItemListener)
Adds the specified item listener to receive node events.
 o addNotify()
Creates icons and processes nodes.
 o calculateNodeHeight(JCOutlinerNode)
Calculates the height of a node (by looking at the node's style).
 o calculateStyleHeight(JCOutlinerNodeStyle)
Calculates the height of a node given its style characteristics.
 o calcWidth(int)
Calculates the width of a column for all nodes.
 o calcWidth(JCOutlinerNode, int)
Calculates the width of a node's column, excluding the left and right margins.
 o checkState(int)
Checks that a state is valid.
 o compare(Object, Object)
JCSortInterface comparison method.
 o countAllNodes(JCOutlinerNode, JCVector)
Returns the number of nodes and subnodes in a folder, regardless of visibility
 o countChildren(JCOutlinerNode)
Returns the number of nodes and subnodes in a folder.
 o countPreviousRows(JCOutlinerNode)
Returns the number of visible nodes prior to a node.
 o countRows(JCOutlinerNode)
Returns the number of visible nodes and subnodes in a folder.
 o countRows(JCOutlinerNode, JCOutlinerNode)
Returns the number of visible nodes between 2 nodes.
 o doubleClickAction(JCOutlinerNode, Event)
Called when the node is double-clicked.
 o drawNode(JCOutlinerNode, boolean)
Draws a single node.
 o drawNode(JCOutlinerNode, Graphics, boolean)
Draws a single node.
 o drawNode(JCOutlinerNode, int, int, Graphics)
Draws a node and its children.
 o drawShortcut(JCOutlinerNode, Graphics, int, int)
Draws a folder's shortcut button.
 o drop(Event)
Called when the user finishes the drag & drop operation.
 o dropOver(Event)
Called as the user drags over the outliner.
 o eventInShortcut(Event, JCOutlinerNode)
Returns true if the node is a folder and the event is within the folder's shortcut button.
 o eventToNode(Event)
Gets the node in which the event occurred.
 o eventToNode(Event, boolean)
Gets the node in which the event occurred.
 o findNode(char)
Finds the first node whose label starts with the specified character, or null if none could be found.
 o findNode(JCOutlinerNode, int)
Returns a visible node at a position.
 o folderChanged(JCOutlinerNode)
Notifies the outliner that the number of a folder's children has changed.
 o getAllowMultipleSelections()
Returns true if this outliner allows multiple selections.
 o getAutoSelect()
Gets the AutoSelect value.
 o getBatched()
Gets the Batched value.
 o getBounds(JCOutlinerNode, Rectangle)
Gets the physical bounding rectangle of a node (icon and label) (ie adjusted for scrolling and insets).
 o getColumnAlignment(int)
Gets a column's alignment.
 o getColumnAlignments()
Gets the column alignments.
 o getColumnLeftMargin(int)
Gets the column's left margin value (pixels).
 o getColumnPosition(int)
Gets the physical position of the left boundary of the column (accounting for horizontal scrolling).
 o getColumnRightMargin(int)
Gets the column's right margin value (pixels).
 o getColumnWidth(int)
Gets the current width of a column, or 0 if the column does not exist.
 o getColumnWidths()
Gets a list of the column widths.
 o getDefaultNodeStyle()
Gets the default node style.
 o getDoubleBufferGraphics()
Creates a double-buffer image, for subsequent retrieval via getDoubleBufferImage
 o getDoubleBufferImage()
Returns the double-buffer image previously created in a call to getDoubleBufferGraphics.
 o getDragAndDropPolicy()
Gets the DragAndDropPolicy value.
 o getFocusNode()
Returns the node which currently has focus, or null.
 o getHorizOrigin()
Gets the horizontal origin.
 o getIcon(JCOutlinerNode)
Gets the appropriate image for a node.
 o getMultiColumnData()
Gets the component's JCMultiColumnData instance.
 o getNextNode(JCOutlinerNode)
Returns the next node (not necessarily visible).
 o getNextState(JCOutlinerNode)
Gets the folder's next state, or BWTEnum.NOVALUE if the node is not a folder.
 o getNextVisibleNode(JCOutlinerNode)
Returns the next visible node, or null if none was found.
 o getNodeHeight()
Gets the NodeHeight value.
 o getNodeIndent()
Gets the NodeIndent value.
 o getNumColumns()
Gets the current number of columns.
 o getNumNodes()
Gets the current number of non-collapsed nodes (ie the number of open folders and their children).
 o getParameters()
Reads the parameter values from the HTML page using the component's applet.
 o getPreviousNode(JCOutlinerNode)
Returns the previous node (not necessarily visible).
 o getPreviousVisibleNode(JCOutlinerNode)
Returns the previous visible node, or null if none was found.
 o getRootNode()
Gets the root node.
 o getRootVisible()
Gets the RootVisible value.
 o getSelectedIndex()
Gets the row of the first selected node, or BWTEnum.NOTFOUND if no node is selected.
 o getSelectedIndexes()
Returns an array containing the selected indexes, or null if no nodes are selected.
 o getSelectedNode()
Returns the currently selected node, or null.
 o getSelectedObjects()
Returns the an array (length 1) containing the label of the selected node, or null if no node is selected.
 o getSpacing()
Gets the spacing between items.
 o getStateList()
Gets the current StateList.
 o getStyleList()
Gets the current StyleList.
 o getTree()
Gets the current node hierarchy as a string list.
 o getVertOrigin()
Gets the vertical origin.
 o getVisibleNodes()
Gets a list of the nodes which are currently displayed.
 o getVisibleRows()
Returns the number of visible lines.
 o invalidate()
Invalidates the component.
 o isDropTarget(JCOutlinerNode, JCOutlinerNode)
Returns true if the node is a potential target for a drag & drop operation by the drag node.
 o isMultiSelectable(JCOutlinerNode, boolean)
If more then one node will be selected as a result of the last event, we check to make sure all nodes have the same parent
 o isVisible(JCOutlinerNode)
Checks whether the node should be visible.
 o keyDown(Event, int)
If the down arrow is hit, calls nextFocus.

If the up arrow is hit, calls previousFocus.

If RETURN is hit, calls doubleClickAction for the focus node.

If space key is hit, selects focus node.

 o makeNodeVisible(JCOutlinerNode)
Scrolls the display if necessary to make the node visible.
 o mouseDown(Event, int, int)
Process mouse down events.

If a node is clicked, setFocusNode and selectNode are called.

If a node is double-clicked or a shortcut button is clicked, calls doubleClickAction.

 o mouseDrag(Event, int, int)
 o mouseUp(Event, int, int)
 o multiSelectNode(JCOutlinerNode, Event)
MultiSelect support This exhibits multi-select behavior similar to the Windows ListView, but some logic must be altered to bring it into complete emulation.
 o nextFocus(Event)
Sets the focus on the next node after the current node which has focus.
 o paintComponent(Graphics)
Draws all visible nodes.
 o postActionEvent(Event, int, JCOutlinerNode, int)
Posts a JCOutlinerEvent if the node is a folder, or a JCActionEvent if the node is not a folder
 o preferredHeight()
Calculates the height based on the node heights.
 o preferredWidth()
Gets the subclass' preferred width (default: 100).
 o previousFocus(Event)
Sets the focus on the previous node before the current node which has focus.
 o processRootNode()
Sets the node_list.
 o removeActionListener(JCActionListener)
Removes the specified action listener so it no longer receives action events.
 o removeItemListener(JCItemListener)
Removes the specified item listener so it no longer receives node events.
 o repaint()
Repaints the component if Batched is false.
 o selectNode(JCOutlinerNode)
Selects a node.
 o selectNode(JCOutlinerNode, Event)
Selects a node, and posts a JCOutlinerEvent.
 o setAllowMultipleSelections(boolean)
Sets whether the outliner allows multiple selections.
 o setAutoSelect(boolean)
If true (default), the node which currently has focus is also selected.
 o setBackground(Color)
Sets the background color of the component.

HTML param name/value: "Background"/Color

 o setBatched(boolean)
If false (default), the component is repainted every time an item is changed.
 o setColumnAlignment(int, int)
Sets a column's alignment.
 o setColumnAlignments(int[])
Sets the column's alignments.
 o setColumnButtons(JCVector)
If the outliner is a child of a JCOutliner, sets a header for the window with buttons with the specified labels.
 o setColumnLabels(JCVector)
If the list is a child of a JCMultiColumnList, sets a header for the window with the specified labels.
 o setColumnLeftMargin(int, int)
Sets the column's left margin value (pixels) (default: 2).
 o setColumnRightMargin(int, int)
Sets the column's right margin value (pixels) (default: 2).

The values for all columns may be set from an HTML file using a PARAM tag with a "ColumnRightMargins" name and a comma-separated list of ints.

 o setColumnWidth(int, int)
Sets the width of a column.
 o setColumnWidths(int[])
Sets the list of column widths.
 o setDoubleBuffer(boolean)
Controls whether double-buffering is used when displaying and updating the component (default: true).

HTML param name/value: "DoubleBuffer"/boolean

 o setDragAndDropPolicy(int)
Sets whether the outliner can be used as a drag and/or drop site.
 o setFocusNode(JCOutlinerNode, Event)
Sets a node to have the keyboard focus.
 o setFont(Font)
Sets the font of the component.
 o setForeground(Color)
Sets the foreground color of the component.

HTML param name/value: "Foreground"/Color

 o setHorizOrigin(int)
Sets the horizontal origin prior to scrolling.
 o setNodeHeight(int)
Sets the height of each node (pixels).
 o setNodeIndent(int)
Sets the indentation of each node relative to its parent (pixels) (default: 15).
 o setNodeState(JCOutlinerNode, int, boolean)
Sets the state of a folder.
 o setNumColumns(int)
Sets the current number of columns (default: 1).

HTML param name/value: "NumColumns"/int

 o setRootNode(JCOutlinerNode)
Sets the root node.
 o setRootVisible(boolean)
If true (default), the root node is drawn.
 o setSpacing(int)
Sets the spacing between items (default: 0).
 o setStateList(int[])
Sets a list of values used for double-clicking on a folder or clicking it shortcut button.
 o setStyleList(JCOutlinerNodeStyle[])
Sets the list of node styles.
 o setTree(String[])
Sets the node hierarchy by parsing the string list.
 o setVertOrigin(int)
Sets the vertical origin prior to scrolling.
 o setVisibleRows(int)
Sets the number of visible rows.
 o shouldBeDrawn(JCOutlinerNode)
Checks the node's folder to determine whether the node should be drawn.
 o sort(int, JCSortInterface, int)
Sorts the open nodes in the list based on a specified column, using the String equivalents of each value.


 public static final int FOLDER_CLOSED
 public static final int FOLDER_OPEN_NONE
 public static final int FOLDER_OPEN_FOLDERS
 public static final int FOLDER_OPEN_ITEMS
 public static final int FOLDER_OPEN_ALL
 public static final int DRAGDROP_NONE
 public static final int DRAGDROP_TARGET
 public static final int DRAGDROP_SOURCE
 public static final int DRAGDROP_ALL
 o data
 protected OutlinerMultiColumnData data
The object which maintains the multi-column data.

 o scrolled_window
 protected transient JCMultiColumnWindow scrolled_window
Parent window.

 o node_list
 protected JCVector node_list
List of all nodes, in drawing order.

 o style_list
 protected JCOutlinerNodeStyle style_list[]
 o default_style
 protected JCOutlinerNodeStyle default_style
 o shortcut_open_icon
 protected transient Image shortcut_open_icon
 o shortcut_close_icon
 protected transient Image shortcut_close_icon
 protected static final int SHORTCUT_SIZE
 protected static final int BEGIN
 o END
 protected static final int END
 o full_node_height
 protected int full_node_height
 o itemListeners
 protected JCVector itemListeners
List of JCOutlinerEvent listeners

 o actionListeners
 protected JCVector actionListeners
List of JCActionEvent listeners


 o JCOutlinerComponent
 public JCOutlinerComponent()
Creates an empty JCOutliner.

 o JCOutlinerComponent
 public JCOutlinerComponent(JCOutlinerNode root)
Creates a new JCOutliner with the specified root node.

 o JCOutlinerComponent
 public JCOutlinerComponent(int rows,
                            boolean multipleSelections)
Creates an outliner with the specified number of visible lines.

rows - the number of items to show. If set to 0, the outliner will attempt to show all its items.
multipleSelections - if true then multiple selections are allowed.
 o JCOutlinerComponent
 public JCOutlinerComponent(JCOutlinerNode root,
                            Applet applet,
                            String name)
Creates an outliner which reads parameters from the applet's HTML file.

root - the root node (may be null, and set later with setRootNode())
applet - the applet whose PARAM tags are to be read
name - if this is not null, only parameters preceded by this name are read
See Also:
setRootNode, getParameter, JCString


 o getParameters
 protected void getParameters()
Reads the parameter values from the HTML page using the component's applet. The values will override those previously set.

getParameters in class JCComponent
 o setFont
 public synchronized void setFont(Font f)
Sets the font of the component. This value may be set from an HTML file using a PARAM tag with a "Font" name and a Font value.

setFont in class JCComponent
See Also:
 o processRootNode
 protected void processRootNode()
Sets the node_list.

 o setColumnLabels
 public synchronized void setColumnLabels(JCVector labels)
If the list is a child of a JCMultiColumnList, sets a header for the window with the specified labels.

See Also:
 o setColumnButtons
 public synchronized void setColumnButtons(JCVector labels)
If the outliner is a child of a JCOutliner, sets a header for the window with buttons with the specified labels.

See Also:
 o folderChanged
 public synchronized void folderChanged(JCOutlinerNode node)
Notifies the outliner that the number of a folder's children has changed. This must be called only if the outliner has been made visible.

 o getRootNode
 public JCOutlinerNode getRootNode()
Gets the root node.

See Also:
 o setRootNode
 public synchronized void setRootNode(JCOutlinerNode node)
Sets the root node.

 o getTree
 public String[] getTree()
Gets the current node hierarchy as a string list.

See Also:
 o setTree
 public synchronized void setTree(String s[])
Sets the node hierarchy by parsing the string list. Each line in the list represents a node. Spaces or tabs at the start of each line specify the tree hierarchy. Lines with the same indentation level are children.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if the indentation levels are invalid
 o getRootVisible
 public boolean getRootVisible()
Gets the RootVisible value.

See Also:
 o setRootVisible
 public synchronized void setRootVisible(boolean v)
If true (default), the root node is drawn.

 o getBatched
 public boolean getBatched()
Gets the Batched value.

See Also:
 o setBatched
 public synchronized void setBatched(boolean v)
If false (default), the component is repainted every time an item is changed. If set to true, the component is only repainted (if necessary) when the value is again set to false.

 o getNodeHeight
 public int getNodeHeight()
Gets the NodeHeight value.

See Also:
 o setNodeHeight
 public synchronized void setNodeHeight(int v)
Sets the height of each node (pixels). If 0 (default), the height is determined using the largest font and image height in the list of node styles.

 o getNumNodes
 public int getNumNodes()
Gets the current number of non-collapsed nodes (ie the number of open folders and their children).

 o getAllowMultipleSelections
 public boolean getAllowMultipleSelections()
Returns true if this outliner allows multiple selections.

See Also:
 o setAllowMultipleSelections
 public void setAllowMultipleSelections(boolean v)
Sets whether the outliner allows multiple selections. HTML param name/value: "AllowMultipleSelections"/boolean

See Also:
 o getAutoSelect
 public boolean getAutoSelect()
Gets the AutoSelect value.

See Also:
 o setAutoSelect
 public synchronized void setAutoSelect(boolean v)
If true (default), the node which currently has focus is also selected.

See Also:
setFocusNode, selectNode
 o getNodeIndent
 public int getNodeIndent()
Gets the NodeIndent value.

See Also:
 o setNodeIndent
 public synchronized void setNodeIndent(int v)
Sets the indentation of each node relative to its parent (pixels) (default: 15).

 o getStateList
 public int[] getStateList()
Gets the current StateList.

See Also:
 o setStateList
 public synchronized void setStateList(int list[])
Sets a list of values used for double-clicking on a folder or clicking it shortcut button. If this list is changed, the outliner will be redrawn. The folder's state is cycled through the list. Valid values:
 FOLDER_CLOSED       Folder closed; no children visible
 FOLDER_OPEN_NONE    Folder open; no children visible
 FOLDER_OPEN_FOLDERS Folder open; only folder children visible
 FOLDER_OPEN_ITEMS   Folder open; only non-folder children visible
 FOLDER_OPEN_ALL     Folder open; all children visible

 o getStyleList
 public JCOutlinerNodeStyle[] getStyleList()
Gets the current StyleList.

See Also:
 o setStyleList
 public synchronized void setStyleList(JCOutlinerNodeStyle list[])
Sets the list of node styles. The list is only used for determining the node height if it has not been set.

See Also:
 o setForeground
 public synchronized void setForeground(Color c)
Sets the foreground color of the component.

HTML param name/value: "Foreground"/Color

setForeground in class JCComponent
 o setBackground
 public synchronized void setBackground(Color c)
Sets the background color of the component.

HTML param name/value: "Background"/Color

setBackground in class JCComponent
 o getDefaultNodeStyle
 public JCOutlinerNodeStyle getDefaultNodeStyle()
Gets the default node style.

 o getSpacing
 public int getSpacing()
Gets the spacing between items.

See Also:
 o setSpacing
 public synchronized void setSpacing(int v)
Sets the spacing between items (default: 0). This value increases the HighlightThickness value.

See Also:
 o getVisibleRows
 public int getVisibleRows()
Returns the number of visible lines.

See Also:
 o setVisibleRows
 public synchronized void setVisibleRows(int v)
Sets the number of visible rows. If set to 0 (default), the list will attempt to resize itself so that all its items are visible.

 o getSelectedIndex
 public synchronized int getSelectedIndex()
Gets the row of the first selected node, or BWTEnum.NOTFOUND if no node is selected.

See Also:
 o getSelectedIndexes
 public synchronized int[] getSelectedIndexes()
Returns an array containing the selected indexes, or null if no nodes are selected.

 o getSelectedObjects
 public synchronized Object[] getSelectedObjects()
Returns the an array (length 1) containing the label of the selected node, or null if no node is selected.

 o getSelectedNode
 public synchronized JCOutlinerNode getSelectedNode()
Returns the currently selected node, or null.

 o selectNode
 public synchronized void selectNode(JCOutlinerNode node,
                                     Event ev)
Selects a node, and posts a JCOutlinerEvent.

node - if null, the currently selected node is deselected
ev - event which caused the selection
See Also:
 o selectNode
 protected void selectNode(JCOutlinerNode node)
Selects a node.

node - if null, the currently selected node is deselected
 o isMultiSelectable
 protected boolean isMultiSelectable(JCOutlinerNode node,
                                     boolean bMulti)
If more then one node will be selected as a result of the last event, we check to make sure all nodes have the same parent

 o multiSelectNode
 public synchronized void multiSelectNode(JCOutlinerNode node,
                                          Event ev)
MultiSelect support This exhibits multi-select behavior similar to the Windows ListView, but some logic must be altered to bring it into complete emulation. Select one or more nodes, and posts JCOutlinerEvents.

node - if null, the currently selected node is deselected
ev - event which caused the selection
See Also:
 o getFocusNode
 public JCOutlinerNode getFocusNode()
Returns the node which currently has focus, or null.

 o setFocusNode
 public synchronized void setFocusNode(JCOutlinerNode node,
                                       Event ev)
Sets a node to have the keyboard focus.

node - if null, no the current focus node is unchanged
ev - event which caused the focus change
 o getVisibleNodes
 public JCVector getVisibleNodes()
Gets a list of the nodes which are currently displayed.

 o findNode
 public JCOutlinerNode findNode(char c)
Finds the first node whose label starts with the specified character, or null if none could be found.

 o calculateNodeHeight
 public int calculateNodeHeight(JCOutlinerNode node)
Calculates the height of a node (by looking at the node's style).

 o calculateStyleHeight
 protected int calculateStyleHeight(JCOutlinerNodeStyle style)
Calculates the height of a node given its style characteristics.

 o preferredHeight
 protected int preferredHeight()
Calculates the height based on the node heights.

preferredHeight in class JCComponent
 o preferredWidth
 protected int preferredWidth()
Gets the subclass' preferred width (default: 100).

preferredWidth in class JCComponent
 o repaint
 public synchronized void repaint()
Repaints the component if Batched is false.

repaint in class JCComponent
See Also:
 o addNotify
 public void addNotify()
Creates icons and processes nodes.

addNotify in class JCComponent
 o setDoubleBuffer
 public synchronized void setDoubleBuffer(boolean v)
Controls whether double-buffering is used when displaying and updating the component (default: true).

HTML param name/value: "DoubleBuffer"/boolean

setDoubleBuffer in class JCComponent
 o invalidate
 public void invalidate()
Invalidates the component.

invalidate in class Component
 o getDoubleBufferImage
 public Image getDoubleBufferImage()
Returns the double-buffer image previously created in a call to getDoubleBufferGraphics.

getDoubleBufferImage in class JCComponent
 o getDoubleBufferGraphics
 public synchronized Graphics getDoubleBufferGraphics()
Creates a double-buffer image, for subsequent retrieval via getDoubleBufferImage

getDoubleBufferGraphics in class JCComponent
 o paintComponent
 protected void paintComponent(Graphics gc)
Draws all visible nodes.

paintComponent in class JCComponent
 o setNodeState
 public boolean setNodeState(JCOutlinerNode node,
                             int state,
                             boolean notify)
Sets the state of a folder.

node - if not a folder, no action is taken
state - one of:
 FOLDER_CLOSED       Folder closed; no children visible
 FOLDER_OPEN_NONE    Folder open; no children visible
 FOLDER_OPEN_FOLDERS Folder open; only folder children visible
 FOLDER_OPEN_ITEMS   Folder open; only non-folder children visible
 FOLDER_OPEN_ALL     Folder open; all children visible
notify - if true, a JCOutlinerEvent is posted for the node
false if the app disallowed the state change
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If the value is invalid
See Also:
addActionListener, addItemListener
 o makeNodeVisible
 public boolean makeNodeVisible(JCOutlinerNode node)
Scrolls the display if necessary to make the node visible.

false if the node could not be made visible due to its parent's state
 o checkState
 protected boolean checkState(int state)
Checks that a state is valid.

 o getNextState
 protected int getNextState(JCOutlinerNode folder)
Gets the folder's next state, or BWTEnum.NOVALUE if the node is not a folder.

 o getNextNode
 public JCOutlinerNode getNextNode(JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns the next node (not necessarily visible).

See Also:
 o getNextVisibleNode
 public JCOutlinerNode getNextVisibleNode(JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns the next visible node, or null if none was found.

 o getPreviousNode
 public JCOutlinerNode getPreviousNode(JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns the previous node (not necessarily visible).

See Also:
 o getPreviousVisibleNode
 public JCOutlinerNode getPreviousVisibleNode(JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns the previous visible node, or null if none was found.

 o nextFocus
 protected boolean nextFocus(Event ev)
Sets the focus on the next node after the current node which has focus.

 o previousFocus
 protected boolean previousFocus(Event ev)
Sets the focus on the previous node before the current node which has focus.

 o addItemListener
 public void addItemListener(JCItemListener l)
Adds the specified item listener to receive node events. If the listener implements JCOutlinerListener (an JCItemListener subclass), it will be passed JCOutlinerEvents.

See Also:
JCItemEvent, JCOutlinerEvent, JCOutlinerListener
 o removeItemListener
 public void removeItemListener(JCItemListener l)
Removes the specified item listener so it no longer receives node events.

 o addActionListener
 public void addActionListener(JCActionListener l)
Adds the specified action listener to receive action events. Action events occur when a node is double-clicked.

See Also:
 o removeActionListener
 public void removeActionListener(JCActionListener l)
Removes the specified action listener so it no longer receives action events.

See Also:
 o postActionEvent
 protected JCOutlinerEvent postActionEvent(Event ev,
                                           int stage,
                                           JCOutlinerNode node,
                                           int new_state)
Posts a JCOutlinerEvent if the node is a folder, or a JCActionEvent if the node is not a folder

stage - BEGIN or END
the posted event, or null if no itemListeners/actionListeners have been registered
See Also:
addActionListener, addItemListener
 o doubleClickAction
 protected boolean doubleClickAction(JCOutlinerNode node,
                                     Event ev)
Called when the node is double-clicked.

 o keyDown
 public boolean keyDown(Event ev,
                        int key)
If the down arrow is hit, calls nextFocus.

If the up arrow is hit, calls previousFocus.

If RETURN is hit, calls doubleClickAction for the focus node.

If space key is hit, selects focus node.

keyDown in class Component
See Also:
nextFocus, previousFocus, doubleClickAction
 o eventToNode
 public JCOutlinerNode eventToNode(Event ev)
Gets the node in which the event occurred.

 o eventToNode
 public JCOutlinerNode eventToNode(Event ev,
                                   boolean inside)
Gets the node in which the event occurred.

inside - if true, the event must be inside the node
 o eventInShortcut
 public boolean eventInShortcut(Event ev,
                                JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns true if the node is a folder and the event is within the folder's shortcut button.

 o mouseDown
 public boolean mouseDown(Event ev,
                          int x,
                          int y)
Process mouse down events.

If a node is clicked, setFocusNode and selectNode are called.

If a node is double-clicked or a shortcut button is clicked, calls doubleClickAction.

mouseDown in class JCComponent
See Also:
setFocusNode, selectNode, doubleClickAction
 o getDragAndDropPolicy
 public int getDragAndDropPolicy()
Gets the DragAndDropPolicy value.

See Also:
 o setDragAndDropPolicy
 public void setDragAndDropPolicy(int v)
Sets whether the outliner can be used as a drag and/or drop site.

 o isDropTarget
 protected boolean isDropTarget(JCOutlinerNode drag_node,
                                JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns true if the node is a potential target for a drag & drop operation by the drag node. It returns false if the nodes are equal, or if the drag_node is the drop node's parent.

 o mouseDrag
 public boolean mouseDrag(Event ev,
                          int x,
                          int y)
mouseDrag in class Component
 o dropOver
 public boolean dropOver(Event ev)
Called as the user drags over the outliner.

true if the drag was handled
 o mouseUp
 public boolean mouseUp(Event ev,
                        int x,
                        int y)
mouseUp in class Component
 o drop
 public boolean drop(Event ev)
Called when the user finishes the drag & drop operation.

true if the drop was handled
 o getBounds
 public Rectangle getBounds(JCOutlinerNode node,
                            Rectangle rect)
Gets the physical bounding rectangle of a node (icon and label) (ie adjusted for scrolling and insets).

rect - if not null, its members are set
null if rect is null, otherwise the bounding rectangle
 o getIcon
 protected Image getIcon(JCOutlinerNode node)
Gets the appropriate image for a node.

 o shouldBeDrawn
 protected boolean shouldBeDrawn(JCOutlinerNode node)
Checks the node's folder to determine whether the node should be drawn.

 o isVisible
 protected boolean isVisible(JCOutlinerNode node)
Checks whether the node should be visible.

 o drawNode
 protected boolean drawNode(JCOutlinerNode node,
                            boolean clear)
Draws a single node.

clear - if true, the node's rectangle is cleared to the background color
false if the node is outside the drawing area
 o drawNode
 protected boolean drawNode(JCOutlinerNode node,
                            Graphics gc,
                            boolean clear)
Draws a single node.

clear - if true, the node's rectangle is cleared to the background color
false if the node is outside the drawing area
 o drawNode
 protected int drawNode(JCOutlinerNode node,
                        int indent,
                        int row,
                        Graphics gc)
Draws a node and its children.

indent - indentation level at which to draw node
row - row at which to draw node
the number of rows this node took to display
 o drawShortcut
 protected void drawShortcut(JCOutlinerNode node,
                             Graphics gc,
                             int x,
                             int y)
Draws a folder's shortcut button.

 o countRows
 protected int countRows(JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns the number of visible nodes and subnodes in a folder.

 o countChildren
 protected int countChildren(JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns the number of nodes and subnodes in a folder.

 o countPreviousRows
 protected int countPreviousRows(JCOutlinerNode node)
Returns the number of visible nodes prior to a node.

 o countRows
 protected int countRows(JCOutlinerNode from,
                         JCOutlinerNode to)
Returns the number of visible nodes between 2 nodes.

 o countAllNodes
 protected int countAllNodes(JCOutlinerNode node,
                             JCVector list)
Returns the number of nodes and subnodes in a folder, regardless of visibility

list - if not null, the node is added to it
 o findNode
 protected JCOutlinerNode findNode(JCOutlinerNode node,
                                   int row)
Returns a visible node at a position. If not present, its visible children are checked.

 o compare
 public boolean compare(Object o1,
                        Object o2)
JCSortInterface comparison method. Compares nodes based on their labels.

 o sort
 public void sort(int column,
                  JCSortInterface sort_if,
                  int direction)
Sorts the open nodes in the list based on a specified column, using the String equivalents of each value.

sort_if - An optional interface whose compare method is called during sorting, to provide a mechanism for the application to specify whether one object is greater than another (similar to qsort's compare function). If this parameter is null, the column is sorted by numerical or string comparison as applicable.
direction - sort direction: JCqsort.ASCENDING or DESCENDING
 o calcWidth
 protected int calcWidth(JCOutlinerNode node,
                         int col)
Calculates the width of a node's column, excluding the left and right margins.

 o calcWidth
 public int calcWidth(int col)
Calculates the width of a column for all nodes.

 o getColumnWidths
 public int[] getColumnWidths()
Gets a list of the column widths.

See Also:
 o setColumnWidths
 public void setColumnWidths(int widths[])
Sets the list of column widths. If a column's value is set to BWTEnum.VARIABLE, the width is set to the widest value in the column.

This value may be set from an HTML file using a PARAM tag with a "ColumnWidths" name and a comma-separated list of ints.

 o getColumnWidth
 public int getColumnWidth(int col)
Gets the current width of a column, or 0 if the column does not exist.

 o setColumnWidth
 public void setColumnWidth(int col,
                            int width)
Sets the width of a column. If the value is set to BWTEnum.VARIABLE, the width is set to the widest value in the column.

 o getNumColumns
 public int getNumColumns()
Gets the current number of columns.

 o setNumColumns
 public void setNumColumns(int v)
Sets the current number of columns (default: 1).

HTML param name/value: "NumColumns"/int

 o getColumnAlignments
 public int[] getColumnAlignments()
Gets the column alignments.

 o getColumnAlignment
 public int getColumnAlignment(int col)
Gets a column's alignment.

 o setColumnAlignment
 public void setColumnAlignment(int col,
                                int align)
Sets a column's alignment. The first column's alignment (column 0) cannot be set.

 o setColumnAlignments
 public void setColumnAlignments(int align[])
Sets the column's alignments. The first column's alignment (column 0) cannot be set.

HTML param name/value: "ColumnAlignments"/a comma-separated list of enums.

 o getColumnPosition
 public int getColumnPosition(int col)
Gets the physical position of the left boundary of the column (accounting for horizontal scrolling).

 o getColumnLeftMargin
 public int getColumnLeftMargin(int col)
Gets the column's left margin value (pixels).

 o setColumnLeftMargin
 public void setColumnLeftMargin(int col,
                                 int value)
Sets the column's left margin value (pixels) (default: 2). The values for all columns may be set from an HTML file using a PARAM tag with a "ColumnLeftMargins" name and a comma-separated list of ints.

 o getColumnRightMargin
 public int getColumnRightMargin(int col)
Gets the column's right margin value (pixels).

 o setColumnRightMargin
 public void setColumnRightMargin(int col,
                                  int value)
Sets the column's right margin value (pixels) (default: 2).

The values for all columns may be set from an HTML file using a PARAM tag with a "ColumnRightMargins" name and a comma-separated list of ints.

 o getMultiColumnData
 public JCMultiColumnData getMultiColumnData()
Gets the component's JCMultiColumnData instance.

 o getHorizOrigin
 public int getHorizOrigin()
Gets the horizontal origin.

 o setHorizOrigin
 public void setHorizOrigin(int v)
Sets the horizontal origin prior to scrolling.

 o getVertOrigin
 public int getVertOrigin()
Gets the vertical origin.

 o setVertOrigin
 public void setVertOrigin(int v)
Sets the vertical origin prior to scrolling.

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