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Class jclass.bwt.JCTextArea


public class JCTextArea
extends JCScrolledWindow
implements JCTextAreaInterface
A JCTextArea component is a multi-line area that displays text.


Name Method
Alignment setAlignment
Background setBackground
CaretPosition setCaretPosition
Columns setColumns
CursorPosition setCursorPosition
Editable setEditable
Font setFont
Foreground setForeground
Insets setInsets
MaximumLength setMaximumLength
Multiline setMultiline
Overstrike setOverstrike
PreferredSize setPreferredSize
Rows setRows
ScrollbarDisplay setScrollbarDisplay
ScrollbarOffset setScrollbarOffset
SelectedBackground setSelectedBackground
SelectedForeground setSelectedForeground
SelectionEnd setSelectionEnd
SelectionList setSelectionList
SelectionStart setSelectionStart
ShadowThickness setShadowThickness
ShowCursorPosition setShowCursorPosition
StringCase setStringCase
Text setText
TopCharacter setTopCharacter
TopRow setTopRow
Traversable setTraversable
UserData setUserData


Class Listener Description
JCTextEvent addTextListener Posted when the value changes
addTextCursorListener Posted when the cursor is moved

Variable Index


Constructor Index

 o JCTextArea()
Creates an empty JCTextArea with 5 rows and 20 columns.
 o JCTextArea(Applet, String, int, int)
Creates an editable field with the text from the specified file.
 o JCTextArea(String)
Creates a new JCTextArea with the specified text and 5 rows by 20 columns.
 o JCTextArea(String, Applet, String)
Creates a TextArea which reads parameters from the applet's HTML file.
 o JCTextArea(String, int, int)
Creates a new JCTextArea with the specified text and number of rows and columns.
 o JCTextArea(String, int, int, int)
Constructs a new TextArea with the specified text and number of rows, columns, and scrollbar visibility.

Method Index

 o addTextCursorListener(JCTextCursorListener)
Adds the specified JCTextCursorEvent listener to receive cursor movement events.
 o addTextListener(JCTextListener)
Adds the specified listener to receive text events.
 o append(String)
Appends text to the end.
 o appendRow(String)
Appends a row of text.
 o beep()
Emits a beep.
 o getAlignment()
Gets the field's alignment.
 o getCaretPosition()
Gets the position of the cursor (provided for JDK 1.1 compatibility).
 o getChanged()
Returns true if the user has changed the value since the last programmatic setting.
 o getColumns()
Returns the number of columns.
 o getCursorPosition()
Gets the position of the cursor.
 o getEditable()
Returns the boolean indicating whether this component is editable or not.
 o getLastPosition()
Gets the position of the last character in the text.
 o getMaximumLength()
Gets the MaximumLength value.
 o getMinimumSize(int)
Returns the minimum size needed for the specified number of columns.
 o getMinimumSize(int, int)
Returns the minimum size needed for the specified number of rows and columns.
 o getMultiline()
Gets the Multiline value.
 o getOverstrike()
Gets the Overstrike value.
 o getRows()
Returns the number of rows.
 o getSelectedBackground()
Gets the SelectedBackground value.
 o getSelectedForeground()
Gets the SelectedForeground value.
 o getSelectedText()
Returns the selected text contained in this component.
 o getSelectionEnd()
Returns the selected text's end position.
 o getSelectionList()
Gets the current SelectionList.
 o getSelectionStart()
Returns the selected text's start position.
 o getShadowThickness()
Gets the shadow's thickness.

HTML param name/value: "ShadowThickness"/int

 o getShowCursorPosition()
Gets the ShowCursorPosition value.
 o getStringCase()
Gets the StringCase value.
 o getText()
Returns the text contained in this component.
 o getTextComponent()
Gets the internal text area.
 o getTopCharacter()
Gets the position of the leftmost character on the first line currently displayed, or 0 if the component is empty.
 o getTopRow()
Gets the current top-most visible row.
 o getViewportHeight()
Sets the work area height to be the text area's virtual height.
 o getViewportWidth()
Sets the work area width to be the text's virtual width.
 o gotFocus(Event, Object)
 o insert(String, int)
Inserts text at the specified position.
 o isEditable()
Returns the boolean indicating whether this component is editable or not.
 o isFocusTraversable()
Returns whether this component can be traversed using Tab or Shift-Tab keyboard focus traversal.
 o isTraversable()
Returns true if the component can accept focus - it must be traversable, showing, and enabled.
 o pointToPosition(int, int)
Maps a physical position to the corresponding character position.
 o readFile(Applet, String)
Reads data from a file and appends it to the textarea.
 o readFile(InputStream)
Reads data from a file stream and appends it to the textarea.
 o removeTextCursorListener(JCTextCursorListener)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives JCTextCursorEvents.
 o removeTextListener(JCTextListener)
Removes the specified text listener so it no longer receives text events.
 o replaceRange(String, int, int)
Replaces the existing text between two positions with the specified text.
 o scrollVertical(int)
Scrolls the window vertically to the specified row.
 o scrollVertical(JCScrollableInterface, JCAdjustmentEvent, int)
Scrolls a scrollableInterface component vertically.
 o select(int, int)
Selects the text found between the specified start and end locations.
 o selectAll()
Selects all the text in the component.
 o setAlignment(int)
Sets the position of the text:
LEFT (default), CENTER, or RIGHT.
 o setCaretPosition(int)
Sets the position of the cursor (provided for JDK 1.1 compatibility).
 o setColumns(int)
Sets the number of columns.
 o setCursorPosition(int)
Sets the position of the cursor.
 o setEditable(boolean)
Determines whether this component is editable.
 o setHorizScrollbarValues(int, int, int, int)
This method may be overriden by a subclass to set the horizontal scrollbar's values.
 o setMaximumLength(int)
Sets the maximum number of characters which may be entered by the user (default: BWTEnum.MAXINT).
 o setMultiline(boolean)
If true (default), the user can break text into multiple lines by hitting Enter.
 o setOverstrike(boolean)
If false (default), characters typed by the user are inserted into the current text.
 o setRows(int)
Sets the number of rows.
 o setSelectedBackground(Color)
Sets the background color of selected text (default: blue).

HTML param name/value: "SelectedBackground"/color

 o setSelectedForeground(Color)
Sets the foreground color of selected text (default: background color).

HTML param name/value: "SelectedForeground"/color

 o setSelectionEnd(int)
Gets the selected text's end position.
 o setSelectionList(int[])
Sets a list of values used for multi-click.
 o setSelectionStart(int)
Gets the selected text's start position.
 o setShadowThickness(int)
Sets the shadow's thickness (default: 2)
 o setShowCursorPosition(boolean)
If set to true (default), the cursor position will be indicated with a vertical I-beam.
 o setStringCase(int)
Sets the case of text entered by the user or set programmatically:
CASE_AS_IS       No conversion (default)
CASE_LOWER       Convert to lower case
CASE_UPPER       Convert to upper case

HTML param name/value: "StringCase"/enum

 o setText(String)
Sets the text of this component to the specified text.
 o setTextComponent(JCTextAreaComponent)
Replaces the current internal text component.
 o setTopCharacter(int)
Sets the position of the leftmost character on the first line currently displayed.
 o setTopRow(int)
Sets the top-most visible row.
 o setTraversable(boolean)
Sets whether the component can accept focus (default: true).

HTML param name/value: "Traversable"/boolean

 o setVertScrollbarValues(int, int, int, int)
This method may be overriden by a subclass to set the vertical scrollbar's values.
 o showPosition(int)
Scrolls the text if necessary to ensure that the position is visible.
 o useSystemColor(boolean)
Specifies that java.awt.SystemColor colors are to be used for new components.


 public static final int LEFT
 public static final int CENTER
 public static final int RIGHT
 public static final int CASE_AS_IS
 public static final int CASE_LOWER
 public static final int CASE_UPPER


 o JCTextArea
 public JCTextArea()
Creates an empty JCTextArea with 5 rows and 20 columns. No parameters are read from an HTML file.

 o JCTextArea
 public JCTextArea(String text)
Creates a new JCTextArea with the specified text and 5 rows by 20 columns. No parameters are read from an HTML file.

 o JCTextArea
 public JCTextArea(String text,
                   int rows,
                   int cols)
Creates a new JCTextArea with the specified text and number of rows and columns. No parameters are read from an HTML file.

 o JCTextArea
 public JCTextArea(String text,
                   int rows,
                   int columns,
                   int sb_display)
Constructs a new TextArea with the specified text and number of rows, columns, and scrollbar visibility.

sb_display - the visibility of scrollbars
See Also:
 o JCTextArea
 public JCTextArea(String text,
                   Applet applet,
                   String name)
Creates a TextArea which reads parameters from the applet's HTML file.

applet - the applet whose PARAM tags are to be read
name - if this is not null, only parameters preceded by this name are read
See Also:
getParameter, JCString
 o JCTextArea
 public JCTextArea(Applet applet,
                   String file,
                   int rows,
                   int cols) throws IOException
Creates an editable field with the text from the specified file.

applet - if not null, its documentBase() is used to construct a complete filename if necessary.
file - the file to be read. If an http protocol is not specified (a ":" is not present), the current working directory is prepended to the file name
rows,cols - the number of rows and columns to display
Throws: IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
See Also:


 o getTextComponent
 public JCTextAreaComponent getTextComponent()
Gets the internal text area.

 o setTextComponent
 public void setTextComponent(JCTextAreaComponent text)
Replaces the current internal text component.

 o useSystemColor
 public static void useSystemColor(boolean v)
Specifies that java.awt.SystemColor colors are to be used for new components. If false (default), or if running under JDK 1.0, the parent's colors are used.

See Also:
 o getViewportWidth
 protected int getViewportWidth()
Sets the work area width to be the text's virtual width.

getViewportWidth in class JCScrolledWindow
 o getViewportHeight
 protected int getViewportHeight()
Sets the work area height to be the text area's virtual height.

getViewportHeight in class JCScrolledWindow
 o setHorizScrollbarValues
 protected void setHorizScrollbarValues(int value,
                                        int visible,
                                        int min,
                                        int max)
This method may be overriden by a subclass to set the horizontal scrollbar's values.

setHorizScrollbarValues in class JCScrolledWindow
 o setVertScrollbarValues
 protected void setVertScrollbarValues(int value,
                                       int visible,
                                       int min,
                                       int max)
This method may be overriden by a subclass to set the vertical scrollbar's values.

setVertScrollbarValues in class JCScrolledWindow
 o scrollVertical
 protected void scrollVertical(JCScrollableInterface scrollable,
                               JCAdjustmentEvent ev,
                               int value)
Scrolls a scrollableInterface component vertically.

scrollVertical in class JCScrolledWindow
 o scrollVertical
 public void scrollVertical(int row)
Scrolls the window vertically to the specified row.

scrollVertical in class JCScrolledWindow
 o getMinimumSize
 public Dimension getMinimumSize(int columns)
Returns the minimum size needed for the specified number of columns.

 o getMinimumSize
 public Dimension getMinimumSize(int rows,
                                 int columns)
Returns the minimum size needed for the specified number of rows and columns.

 o getChanged
 public boolean getChanged()
Returns true if the user has changed the value since the last programmatic setting.

 o beep
 public void beep()
Emits a beep.

 o addTextListener
 public void addTextListener(JCTextListener l)
Adds the specified listener to receive text events.

See Also:
JCTextEvent, JCTextListener
 o removeTextListener
 public void removeTextListener(JCTextListener l)
Removes the specified text listener so it no longer receives text events.

 o addTextCursorListener
 public void addTextCursorListener(JCTextCursorListener l)
Adds the specified JCTextCursorEvent listener to receive cursor movement events.

See Also:
 o removeTextCursorListener
 public void removeTextCursorListener(JCTextCursorListener l)
Removes the specified listener so it no longer receives JCTextCursorEvents.

See Also:
 o readFile
 public void readFile(Applet applet,
                      String file) throws IOException
Reads data from a file and appends it to the textarea.

applet - if not null, its documentBase() is used to construct a complete filename if necessary.
file - the file to be read. If an http protocol is not specified (a ":" is not present), the current working directory is prepended to the file name
Throws: IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
 o readFile
 public void readFile(InputStream stream) throws IOException
Reads data from a file stream and appends it to the textarea.

Throws: IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
 o setText
 public void setText(String t)
Sets the text of this component to the specified text.

See Also:
 o getText
 public String getText()
Returns the text contained in this component.

See Also:
 o getSelectedText
 public String getSelectedText()
Returns the selected text contained in this component.

See Also:
 o getMaximumLength
 public int getMaximumLength()
Gets the MaximumLength value.

See Also:
 o setMaximumLength
 public void setMaximumLength(int v)
Sets the maximum number of characters which may be entered by the user (default: BWTEnum.MAXINT). If the user attempts to enter more characters, the values will be ignored and the bell will be sounded. This value is ignored for values set programmatically.

HTML param name/value: "MaximumLength"/int

See Also:
 o getStringCase
 public int getStringCase()
Gets the StringCase value.

See Also:
 o setStringCase
 public void setStringCase(int v)
Sets the case of text entered by the user or set programmatically:
CASE_AS_IS       No conversion (default)
CASE_LOWER       Convert to lower case
CASE_UPPER       Convert to upper case

HTML param name/value: "StringCase"/enum

Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If an invalid value is set
 o isEditable
 public boolean isEditable()
Returns the boolean indicating whether this component is editable or not.

See Also:
 o getEditable
 public boolean getEditable()
Returns the boolean indicating whether this component is editable or not.

See Also:
 o setEditable
 public void setEditable(boolean t)
Determines whether this component is editable.

See Also:
 o getSelectionStart
 public int getSelectionStart()
Returns the selected text's start position.

 o getSelectionEnd
 public int getSelectionEnd()
Returns the selected text's end position.

 o setSelectionStart
 public void setSelectionStart(int pos)
Gets the selected text's start position.

 o setSelectionEnd
 public void setSelectionEnd(int pos)
Gets the selected text's end position.

 o select
 public void select(int start,
                    int end)
Selects the text found between the specified start and end locations.

 o selectAll
 public void selectAll()
Selects all the text in the component.

 o insert
 public void insert(String str,
                    int pos)
Inserts text at the specified position.

See Also:
setText, replaceRange
 o append
 public void append(String str)
Appends text to the end. The cursor is moved to the end of the text.

See Also:
 o appendRow
 public void appendRow(String str)
Appends a row of text. The cursor is moved to the end of the text.

 o replaceRange
 public void replaceRange(String str,
                          int start,
                          int end)
Replaces the existing text between two positions with the specified text.

See Also:
 o getSelectionList
 public int[] getSelectionList()
Gets the current SelectionList.

See Also:
 o setSelectionList
 public void setSelectionList(int list[])
Sets a list of values used for multi-click. As the mouse is clicked in rapid succession, each click selects the next type in the list. Valid values (in order of the default list):
 SELECT_POSITION     Selects the current pointer position
 SELECT_WORD         Selects the current word
 SELECT_LINE         Selects the current line
 SELECT_ALL          Selects all the text

 o setMultiline
 public void setMultiline(boolean v)
If true (default), the user can break text into multiple lines by hitting Enter.

 o getMultiline
 public boolean getMultiline()
Gets the Multiline value.

See Also:
 o getRows
 public int getRows()
Returns the number of rows.

See Also:
 o getColumns
 public int getColumns()
Returns the number of columns.

See Also:
 o setRows
 public void setRows(int v)
Sets the number of rows. The component will attempt to resize itself to display this number of lines in the current font.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If the value is less than 0.
 o setColumns
 public void setColumns(int v)
Sets the number of columns. The component will attempt to resize itself to display this number of N's in the current font.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If the value is less than 0.
 o getSelectedBackground
 public Color getSelectedBackground()
Gets the SelectedBackground value.

See Also:
 o setSelectedBackground
 public void setSelectedBackground(Color v)
Sets the background color of selected text (default: blue).

HTML param name/value: "SelectedBackground"/color

See Also:
 o getSelectedForeground
 public Color getSelectedForeground()
Gets the SelectedForeground value.

See Also:
 o setSelectedForeground
 public void setSelectedForeground(Color v)
Sets the foreground color of selected text (default: background color).

HTML param name/value: "SelectedForeground"/color

See Also:
 o pointToPosition
 public int pointToPosition(int x,
                            int y)
Maps a physical position to the corresponding character position.

 o showPosition
 public void showPosition(int pos)
Scrolls the text if necessary to ensure that the position is visible.

pos - the number of characters from the beginning of the text buffer.
 o getTopRow
 public int getTopRow()
Gets the current top-most visible row.

See Also:
 o setTopRow
 public void setTopRow(int row)
Sets the top-most visible row.

 o getTopCharacter
 public int getTopCharacter()
Gets the position of the leftmost character on the first line currently displayed, or 0 if the component is empty.

See Also:
 o setTopCharacter
 public void setTopCharacter(int pos)
Sets the position of the leftmost character on the first line currently displayed. This is the number of characters from the beginning of the text buffer. The first character position is 0.

See Also:
 o getCursorPosition
 public int getCursorPosition()
Gets the position of the cursor.

See Also:
 o setCursorPosition
 public void setCursorPosition(int pos)
Sets the position of the cursor.

 o setOverstrike
 public void setOverstrike(boolean v)
If false (default), characters typed by the user are inserted into the current text.

 o getOverstrike
 public boolean getOverstrike()
Gets the Overstrike value.

See Also:
 o getLastPosition
 public int getLastPosition()
Gets the position of the last character in the text. This represents the position that text appended to the component would be placed after.

 o getShowCursorPosition
 public boolean getShowCursorPosition()
Gets the ShowCursorPosition value.

See Also:
 o setShowCursorPosition
 public void setShowCursorPosition(boolean v)
If set to true (default), the cursor position will be indicated with a vertical I-beam.

 o getAlignment
 public int getAlignment()
Gets the field's alignment.

See Also:
 o setAlignment
 public void setAlignment(int v)
Sets the position of the text:
LEFT (default), CENTER, or RIGHT. HTML param name/value: "Alignment"/enum

Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If an invalid value is set
 o getCaretPosition
 public int getCaretPosition()
Gets the position of the cursor (provided for JDK 1.1 compatibility).

See Also:
 o setCaretPosition
 public void setCaretPosition(int pos)
Sets the position of the cursor (provided for JDK 1.1 compatibility).

See Also:
 o gotFocus
 public boolean gotFocus(Event ev,
                         Object what)
gotFocus in class Component
 o getShadowThickness
 public int getShadowThickness()
Gets the shadow's thickness.

HTML param name/value: "ShadowThickness"/int

See Also:
 o setShadowThickness
 public void setShadowThickness(int v)
Sets the shadow's thickness (default: 2)

 o isTraversable
 public boolean isTraversable()
Returns true if the component can accept focus - it must be traversable, showing, and enabled.

See Also:
setTraversable, isEnabled, isShowing
 o isFocusTraversable
 public boolean isFocusTraversable()
Returns whether this component can be traversed using Tab or Shift-Tab keyboard focus traversal.

isFocusTraversable in class Component
See Also:
 o setTraversable
 public void setTraversable(boolean v)
Sets whether the component can accept focus (default: true).

HTML param name/value: "Traversable"/boolean

See Also:

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