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Class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent


public class JCChartComponent
extends JCChart
JCChartComponent is a derived class intended to allow JClass Chart to integrate with Symantec Visual Cafe 1.0. It has two main purposes:

  1. Moves all enums into the component class to work around a limitation in Visual Cafe.
  2. Exposes non-trivial properties (ie those properties that deal with individual cells). This is accomplished by using the HTML string converters.

Below is a list of properties that are exposed in Visual Cafe.


Name Method
IsBatched The IsBatched property controls whether chart updates are accumulated. Default value is false.
AllowUserChanges The AllowUserChanges property determines whether the user viewing the graph can modify graph values. Default value is false.
TopMargin The TopMargin property controls the top margin on the chart. Default value is 1.
LeftMargin The LeftMargin property controls the left margin on the chart. Default value is 1.
RightMargin The RightMargin property controls the right margin on the chart. Default value is 1.
BottomMargin The BottomMargin property controls the bottom margin on the chart. Default value is 1.
DataSources The DataSources property is an indexed property used to get data into Chart. Each element in DataSources is either a filename or a valid URL from which properly-formatted data can be retrieved.
DataView1 The DataView1 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
DataView1ChartType The DataView1ChartType property determines the chart type of the first set of data in the chart.
DataViewIsInverted The DataViewIsInverted property determines whether the x and y axis are inverted.
DataView2 The DataView2 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
DataView2ChartType The DataView2ChartType property determines the chart type of the first set of data in the chart.
AxisBoundingBox The AxisBoundingBox property determines whether a box is drawn around the area bound by the inner axes. (AxisBoundingBox is actually a property of JCChartArea).
FastAction The FastAction property determines whether chart actions will use an optimized mode in which it does not bother to display axis annotations or grid lines. (FastAction is actually a property of JCChartArea).
Depth The Depth property controls the apparent depth of a graph when displayed in 3D mode. (Depth is actually a property of JCChartArea). Default value is 0.0.
Elevation The Elevation property controls the distance form the x axis when the chart is displayed in 3D mode. (Elevation is actually a property of JCChartArea). Default value is 0.0.
Rotation The Rotation property controls the position of the eye relative to the y axis when the chart is displayed in 3D mode. (Rotation is actually a property of JCChartArea). Default value is 0.0.
X1AxisIsLogarithmic The X1AxisIsLogarithmic property determines whether the first x axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false). Default value is false.
X1AxisIsReversed The X1AxisIsReversed property determines whether the first x axis will be reversed in direction. Default value is false.
X1AxisIsShowing The X1AxisIsShowing property determines whether the first x axis is currently visible. Default value is true.
X1AxisAnnotationRotation The X1AxisAnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation of each axis label. Valid values are ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 or ROTATE_NONE. Default value is ROTATE_NONE.
X1AxisPlacement The X1AxisPlacement property determines the method used to place the first x axis. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), ORIGIN (appears at the origin of another axis), MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), MAX (appears at the maximum axis value) or VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis). Default value is AUTOMATIC.
X1AxisAnnotationMethod The X1AxisAnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values include VALUE (axis annotations are generated by chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), VALUE_LABELS (axis annotations are taken from a list of value labels provided by the user. Note that a value label is a label that is to appear at a particular value along the axis), POINT_LABELS (axis annotations come from the data source in the form of point labels ie labels associated with particular data points) and TIME_LABELS (chart generates time/date/labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties). Default value is VALUE.
X1AxisPrecision The X1AxisPrecision property controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in chart-generated axis labels. Default value is calculated.
X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault The X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the precision provided in X1AxisPrecision. Default value is true.
X1AxisNumSpacing The X1AxisNumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels. Default value is calculated.
X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault The X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing. Default value is true.
X1AxisTickSpacing The X1AxisTickSpacing property controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS, tick lines appear at point values. Default value is calculated.
X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault The X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing. Default value is true.
X1AxisGridSpacing The X1AxisGridSpacing property controls the spacing between grid lines relative to the axis. Default value is calculated.
X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault The X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing. Default value is true.
X1AxisGridIsShowing The X1AxisGridIsShowing property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis. Default value is false.
X1AxisTimeUnit The X1AxisTimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis. Valid X1AxisTimeUnit values include SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS and YEARS. Default value is SECONDS.
X1AxisTimeFormat The X1AxisTimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. The formats supported are similar to those supported by the C function strftime(). Default value is based on value of X1AxisTimeUnit.
X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault The X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for X1AxisTimeFormat is used. Default value is true.
X1AxisMin The X1AxisMin property controls the minimum value shown on the axis. Default value is calculated.
X1AxisMinIsDefault The X1AxisMinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis min. If false, Chart will use the provided axis min. Default value is true.
X1AxisMax The X1AxisMax property controls the maximum value shown on the axis. Default value is calculated.
X1AxisMaxIsDefault The X1AxisMaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis max. If false, Chart will use the provided axis max. Default value is true.
X1AxisOrigin The X1AxisOrigin property controls location of the origin along the axis. Default value is calculated.
X1AxisOriginIsDefault The X1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the axis origin. If false, Chart uses the provided axis origin value. Default value is true.
X1AxisOriginPlacement The X1AxisOriginPlacement property specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the X1AxisOriginPlacement property is only active if the X1AxisOrigin property has not been set. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value or at zero if there are negative and positive values), ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis) or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis). Default value is calculated.
X1AxisTitleText The X1AxisTitleText property specifies the text that will appear as the x1 axis title. Default value is " " (empty string).
X1AxisTitleIsShowing The X1AxisTitleIsShowing property determines whether the x1 axis is visible. Default value is false.
X1AxisTitlePlacement The X1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH or JCLegend.SOUTH for horizontal axes, and JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, JCLegend.SOUTHEAST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST or JCLegend.SOUTHEAST for vertical axes. Default value is calculated.
X1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault The X1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title. Default value is true.
Y1AxisIsLogarithmic The Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property determines whether the first y axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false). Default value is false.
Y1AxisIsReversed The Y1AxisIsReversed property determines whether the first y axis will be reversed in direction. Default value is false.
Y1AxisIsShowing The Y1AxisIsShowing property determines whether the first y axis is currently visible. Default value is true.
Y1AxisAnnotationRotation The Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation of each axis label. Valid values are ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 or ROTATE_NONE. Default value is ROTATE_NONE.
Y1AxisPlacement The Y1AxisPlacement property determines the method used to place the first y axis. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), ORIGIN (appears at the origin of another axis), MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), MAX (appears at the maximum axis value) or VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis). Default value is AUTOMATIC.
Y1AxisAnnotationMethod The Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values include VALUE (axis annotations are generated by chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), VALUE_LABELS (axis annotations are taken from a list of value labels provided by the user. Note that a value label is a label that is to appear at a particular value along the axis), POINT_LABELS (axis annotations come from the data source in the form of point labels ie labels associated with particular data points) and TIME_LABELS (chart generates time/date/labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties). Default value is VALUE.
Y1AxisPrecision The Y1AxisPrecision property controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in chart-generated axis labels. Default value is calculated.
Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault The Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the precision provided in Y1AxisPrecision. Default value is true.
Y1AxisNumSpacing The Y1AxisNumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels. Default value is calculated.
Y1AxisNumSpacing The Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing. Default value is true.
Y1AxisTickSpacing The Y1AxisTickSpacing property controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS, tick lines appear at point values. Default value is calculated.
Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault The Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing. Default value is true.
Y1AxisGridSpacing The Y1AxisGridSpacing property controls the spacing between grid lines relative to the axis. Default value is calculated.
Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault The Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing. Default value is true.
Y1AxisGridIsShowing The Y1AxisGridIsShowing property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis. Default value is false.
Y1AxisTimeUnit The Y1AxisTimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis. Valid Y1AxisTimeUnit values include SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS and YEARS. Default value is SECONDS.
Y1AxisTimeFormat The Y1AxisTimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. The formats supported are similar to those supported by the C function strftime(). Default value is calculated based on the value of Y1AxisTimeUnit.
Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault The Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for Y1AxisTimeFormat is used. Default value is true.
Y1AxisMin The Y1AxisMin property controls the minimum value shown on the axis. Default value is calculated.
Y1AxisMinIsDefault The Y1AxisMinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis min. If false, Chart will use the provided axis min. Default value is true.
Y1AxisMax The Y1AxisMax property controls the maximum value shown on the axis. Default value is calculated.
Y1AxisMaxIsDefault The Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis max. If false, Chart will use the provided axis max. Default value is true.
Y1AxisOrigin The Y1AxisOrigin property controls location of the origin along the axis. Default value is calculated.
Y1AxisOriginIsDefault The Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the axis origin. If false, Chart uses the provided axis origin value. Default value is true.
Y1AxisOriginPlacement The Y1AxisOriginPlacement property specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property is only active if the Y1AxisOrigin property has not been set. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value or at zero if there are negative and positive values), ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis) or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis). Default value is AUTOMATIC.
Y1AxisTitleText The Y1AxisTitleText property specifies the text that will appear as the Y1 axis title. Default value is " " (empty string).
Y1AxisTitleIsShowing The Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property determines whether the Y1 axis is visible. Default value is false. Default value is false.
Y1AxisTitlePlacement The Y1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH or JCLegend.SOUTH for horizontal axes, and JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, JCLegend.SOUTHEAST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST or JCLegend.SOUTHEAST for vertical axes. Default value is calculated.
Y1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault The Y1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title. Default value is true.
HeaderText The HeaderText property holds the text that is displayed in the header. Default value is " " (empty string).
HeaderIsShowing The HeaderIsShowing property determines whether the header is visible. Default value is false.
FooterText The FooterText property holds the text that is displayed in the footer. Default value is " " (empty string).
FooterIsShowing The FooterIsShowing property determines whether the footer is visible. Default value is false.
LegendIsShowing The LegendIsShowing property determines whether the legend is visible. Default value is false.
LegendAnchor The LegendAnchor property determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea. Valid values include NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHEAST and SOUTHEAST. Default value is EAST.
LegendOrientation The LegendOrientation property determines how legend information is laid out. Valid values include VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL. Default value is VERTICAL.

Variable Index

 o MAX
 o MIN
 o ROTATE_270
 o ROTATE_90

Constructor Index

 o JCChartComponent()

Method Index

 o getAxisBoundingBox()
Gets the value of the AxisBoundingBox property.
 o getDataSources()
Gets the value of the DataSources property.
 o getDataView1()
Gets the value of the DataView1 property The DataView1 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
 o getDataView1ChartType()
Gets the value of the DataView1ChartType property.
 o getDataView2()
Gets the value of the DataView2 property The DataView2 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
 o getDataView2ChartType()
Gets the value of the DataView2ChartType property.
 o getDataViewIsInverted()
Gets the value of the DataViewIsInverted property.
 o getDepth()
Gets the value of the Depth property.
 o getElevation()
Gets the value of the Elevation property.
 o getFastAction()
Gets the value of the FastAction property.
 o getFooterIsShowing()
Gets the value of the FooterIsShowing property.
 o getFooterText()
Gets the value of the FooterText property The FooterText property holds the text that is displayed in the footer.
 o getHeaderIsShowing()
Gets the value of the HeaderIsShowing property.
 o getHeaderText()
Gets the value of the HeaderText property The HeaderText property holds the text that is displayed in the header.
 o getLegendAnchor()
Gets the value of the LegendAnchor property.
 o getLegendIsShowing()
Gets the value of the LegendIsShowing property.
 o getLegendOrientation()
Gets the value of the LegendOrientation property.
 o getRotation()
Gets the value of the Rotation property.
 o getX1AxisAnnotationMethod()
Gets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property.
 o getX1AxisAnnotationRotation()
Gets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationRotation property.
 o getX1AxisGridIsShowing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridIsShowing property.
 o getX1AxisGridSpacing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacing property.
 o getX1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property.
 o getX1AxisIsLogarithmic()
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsLogarithmic property.
 o getX1AxisIsReversed()
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsReversed property.
 o getX1AxisIsShowing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsShowing property.
 o getX1AxisMax()
Gets the value of the X1AxisMax property.
 o getX1AxisMaxIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisMaxIsDefault property.
 o getX1AxisMin()
Gets the value of the X1AxisMin property.
 o getX1AxisMinIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisMinIsDefault property.
 o getX1AxisNumSpacing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacing property.
 o getX1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property.
 o getX1AxisOrigin()
Gets the value of the X1AxisOrigin property.
 o getX1AxisOriginIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisOriginIsDefault property The X1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin.
 o getX1AxisOriginPlacement()
Gets the value of the X1AxisOriginPlacement property.
 o getX1AxisPlacement()
Gets the value of the X1AxisPlacement property.
 o getX1AxisPrecision()
Gets the value of the X1AxisPrecision property.
 o getX1AxisPrecisionIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision.
 o getX1AxisTickSpacing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacing property.
 o getX1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property.
 o getX1AxisTimeFormat()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormat property.
 o getX1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property.
 o getX1AxisTimeUnit()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeUnit property.
 o getX1AxisTitleIsShowing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitleIsShowing property.
 o getX1AxisTitlePlacement()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacement property The X1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis.
 o getX1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The X1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.
 o getX1AxisTitleText()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitleText property.
 o getY1AxisAnnotationMethod()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property.
 o getY1AxisAnnotationRotation()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property.
 o getY1AxisGridIsShowing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridIsShowing property.
 o getY1AxisGridSpacing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacing property.
 o getY1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property.
 o getY1AxisIsLogarithmic()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property.
 o getY1AxisIsReversed()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsReversed property.
 o getY1AxisIsShowing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsShowing property.
 o getY1AxisMax()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMax property.
 o getY1AxisMaxIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property.
 o getY1AxisMin()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMin property.
 o getY1AxisMinIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMinIsDefault property.
 o getY1AxisNumSpacing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacing property.
 o getY1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property.
 o getY1AxisOrigin()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOrigin property.
 o getY1AxisOriginIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property The Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin.
 o getY1AxisOriginPlacement()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property.
 o getY1AxisPlacement()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPlacement property.
 o getY1AxisPrecision()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPrecision property.
 o getY1AxisPrecisionIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision.
 o getY1AxisTickSpacing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacing property.
 o getY1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property.
 o getY1AxisTimeFormat()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormat property.
 o getY1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property.
 o getY1AxisTimeUnit()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeUnit property.
 o getY1AxisTitleIsShowing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property.
 o getY1AxisTitlePlacement()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacement property The Y1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis.
 o getY1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The Y1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.
 o getY1AxisTitleText()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitleText property.
 o setAxisBoundingBox(boolean)
Sets the value of the AxisBoundingBox property.
 o setDataSources(String[])
Sets the value of the DataSources property.
 o setDataView1(String)
Sets the value of the DataView1 property The DataView1 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
 o setDataView1ChartType(int)
Sets the value of the DataView1ChartType property.
 o setDataView2(String)
Sets the value of the DataView2 property The DataView2 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
 o setDataView2ChartType(int)
Sets the value of the DataView2ChartType property.
 o setDataViewIsInverted(boolean)
Sets the value of the DataViewIsInverted property.
 o setDepth(int)
Sets the value of the Depth property.
 o setElevation(int)
Sets the value of the Elevation property.
 o setFastAction(boolean)
Sets the value of the FastAction property.
 o setFooterIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the FooterIsShowing property.
 o setFooterText(String)
Sets the value of the FooterText property The FooterText property holds the text that is displayed in the footer.
 o setHeaderIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the HeaderIsShowing property.
 o setHeaderText(String)
Sets the value of the HeaderText property The HeaderText property holds the text that is displayed in the header.
 o setLegendAnchor(int)
Sets the value of the LegendAnchor property.
 o setLegendIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the LegendIsShowing property.
 o setLegendOrientation(int)
Sets the value of the LegendOrientation property.
 o setRotation(int)
Sets the value of the Rotation property.
 o setX1AxisAnnotationMethod(int)
Sets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property.
 o setX1AxisAnnotationRotation(int)
Sets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationRotation property.
 o setX1AxisGridIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridIsShowing property.
 o setX1AxisGridSpacing(String)
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacing property.
 o setX1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property.
 o setX1AxisIsLogarithmic(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsLogarithmic property.
 o setX1AxisIsReversed(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsReversed property.
 o setX1AxisIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsShowing property.
 o setX1AxisMax(String)
Sets the value of the X1AxisMax property.
 o setX1AxisMaxIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisMaxIsDefault property.
 o setX1AxisMin(String)
Sets the value of the X1AxisMin property.
 o setX1AxisMinIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisMinIsDefault property.
 o setX1AxisNumSpacing(String)
Sets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacing property.
 o setX1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property.
 o setX1AxisOrigin(String)
Sets the value of the X1AxisOrigin property.
 o setX1AxisOriginIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisOriginIsDefault property The X1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin.
 o setX1AxisOriginPlacement(int)
Sets the value of the X1AxisOriginPlacement property.
 o setX1AxisPlacement(int)
Sets the value of the X1AxisPlacement property.
 o setX1AxisPrecision(int)
Sets the value of the X1AxisPrecision property.
 o setX1AxisPrecisionIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision.
 o setX1AxisTickSpacing(String)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacing property.
 o setX1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property.
 o setX1AxisTimeFormat(String)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormat property.
 o setX1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property.
 o setX1AxisTimeUnit(int)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeUnit property.
 o setX1AxisTitleIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitleIsShowing property.
 o setX1AxisTitlePlacement(int)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacement property The X1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis.
 o setX1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The X1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.
 o setX1AxisTitleText(String)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitleText property.
 o setY1AxisAnnotationMethod(int)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property.
 o setY1AxisAnnotationRotation(int)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property.
 o setY1AxisGridIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridIsShowing property.
 o setY1AxisGridSpacing(String)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacing property.
 o setY1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property.
 o setY1AxisIsLogarithmic(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property.
 o setY1AxisIsReversed(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsReversed property.
 o setY1AxisIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsShowing property.
 o setY1AxisMax(String)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMax property.
 o setY1AxisMaxIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property.
 o setY1AxisMin(String)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMin property.
 o setY1AxisMinIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMinIsDefault property.
 o setY1AxisNumSpacing(String)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacing property.
 o setY1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property.
 o setY1AxisOrigin(String)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOrigin property.
 o setY1AxisOriginIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property The Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin.
 o setY1AxisOriginPlacement(int)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property.
 o setY1AxisPlacement(int)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPlacement property.
 o setY1AxisPrecision(int)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPrecision property.
 o setY1AxisPrecisionIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision.
 o setY1AxisTickSpacing(String)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacing property.
 o setY1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property.
 o setY1AxisTimeFormat(String)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormat property.
 o setY1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property.
 o setY1AxisTimeUnit(int)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeUnit property.
 o setY1AxisTitleIsShowing(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property.
 o setY1AxisTitlePlacement(int)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacement property The Y1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis.
 o setY1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault(boolean)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The Y1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.
 o setY1AxisTitleText(String)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitleText property.


 public static final int ROTATE_NONE
 o ROTATE_90
 public static final int ROTATE_90
 o ROTATE_270
 public static final int ROTATE_270
 public static final int AUTOMATIC
 public static final int ORIGIN
 o MIN
 public static final int MIN
 o MAX
 public static final int MAX
 public static final int VALUE_ANCHORED
 public static final int VALUE
 public static final int VALUE_LABELS
 public static final int TIME_LABELS
 public static final int POINT_LABELS
 public static final int SECONDS
 public static final int MINUTES
 public static final int HOURS
 public static final int DAYS
 public static final int WEEKS
 public static final int MONTHS
 public static final int YEARS
 public static final int NORTHEAST
 public static final int NORTH
 public static final int NORTHWEST
 public static final int EAST
 public static final int WEST
 public static final int SOUTHEAST
 public static final int SOUTH
 public static final int SOUTHWEST
 public static final int HORIZONTAL
 public static final int VERTICAL


 o JCChartComponent
 public JCChartComponent()


 o getDataSources
 public String[] getDataSources()
Gets the value of the DataSources property. The DataSources property is an indexed property used to get data into Chart. Each element in DataSources is either a filename or a valid URL from which properly-formatted data can be retrieved.

 o setDataSources
 public void setDataSources(String newData[])
Sets the value of the DataSources property. The DataSources property is an indexed property used to get data into Chart. Each element in DataSources is either a filename or a valid URL from which properly-formatted data can be retrieved.

 o getDataView1
 public String getDataView1()
Gets the value of the DataView1 property The DataView1 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.

 o setDataView1
 public void setDataView1(String s)
Sets the value of the DataView1 property The DataView1 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.

 o getDataView1ChartType
 public int getDataView1ChartType()
Gets the value of the DataView1ChartType property. The DataView1ChartType property determines the chart type of the first set of data in the chart.

 o setDataView1ChartType
 public void setDataView1ChartType(int ct)
Sets the value of the DataView1ChartType property. The DataView1ChartType property determines the chart type of the first set of data in the chart.

 o getDataViewIsInverted
 public boolean getDataViewIsInverted()
Gets the value of the DataViewIsInverted property. The DataViewIsInverted property determines whether the x and y axis are inverted.

 o setDataViewIsInverted
 public void setDataViewIsInverted(boolean nv)
Sets the value of the DataViewIsInverted property. The DataViewIsInverted property determines whether the x and y axis are inverted.

 o getDataView2
 public String getDataView2()
Gets the value of the DataView2 property The DataView2 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.

 o setDataView2
 public void setDataView2(String s)
Sets the value of the DataView2 property The DataView2 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.

 o getDataView2ChartType
 public int getDataView2ChartType()
Gets the value of the DataView2ChartType property. The DataView2ChartType property determines the chart type of the first set of data in the chart.

 o setDataView2ChartType
 public void setDataView2ChartType(int ct)
Sets the value of the DataView2ChartType property. The DataView2ChartType property determines the chart type of the first set of data in the chart.

 o getAxisBoundingBox
 public boolean getAxisBoundingBox()
Gets the value of the AxisBoundingBox property. The AxisBoundingBox property determines whether a box is drawn around the area bound by the inner axes. (AxisBoundingBox is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o setAxisBoundingBox
 public void setAxisBoundingBox(boolean abb)
Sets the value of the AxisBoundingBox property. The AxisBoundingBox property determines whether a box is drawn around the area bound by the inner axes. (AxisBoundingBox is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o getFastAction
 public boolean getFastAction()
Gets the value of the FastAction property. The FastAction property determines whether chart actions will use an optimized mode in which it does not bother to display axis annotations or grid lines. (FastAction is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o setFastAction
 public void setFastAction(boolean fr)
Sets the value of the FastAction property. The FastAction property determines whether chart actions will use an optimized mode in which it does not bother to display axis annotations or grid lines. (FastAction is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o getDepth
 public int getDepth()
Gets the value of the Depth property. The Depth property controls the apparent depth of a graph when displayed in 3D mode. (Depth is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o setDepth
 public void setDepth(int d)
Sets the value of the Depth property. The Depth property controls the apparent depth of a graph when displayed in 3D mode. (Depth is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o getElevation
 public int getElevation()
Gets the value of the Elevation property. The Elevation property controls the distance form the y axis when the chart is displayed in 3D mode. (Elevation is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o setElevation
 public void setElevation(int d)
Sets the value of the Elevation property. The Elevation property controls the distance form the y axis when the chart is displayed in 3D mode. (Elevation is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o getRotation
 public int getRotation()
Gets the value of the Rotation property. The Rotation property controls the position of the eye relative to the y axis when the chart is displayed in 3D mode. (Rotation is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o setRotation
 public void setRotation(int d)
Sets the value of the Rotation property. The Rotation property controls the position of the eye relative to the y axis when the chart is displayed in 3D mode. (Rotation is actually a property of JCChartArea).

 o getX1AxisIsLogarithmic
 public boolean getX1AxisIsLogarithmic()
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsLogarithmic property. The X1AxisIsLogarithmic property determines whether the first x axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false)

 o setX1AxisIsLogarithmic
 public void setX1AxisIsLogarithmic(boolean b)
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsLogarithmic property. The X1AxisIsLogarithmic property determines whether the first x axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false)

 o getX1AxisIsReversed
 public boolean getX1AxisIsReversed()
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsReversed property. The X1AxisIsReversed property determines whether the first x axis will be reversed in direction.

 o setX1AxisIsReversed
 public void setX1AxisIsReversed(boolean b)
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsReversed property. The X1AxisIsReversed property determines whether the first x axis will be reversed in direction.

 o getX1AxisIsShowing
 public boolean getX1AxisIsShowing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsShowing property. The X1AxisIsShowing property determines whether the first x axis is currently visible.

 o setX1AxisIsShowing
 public void setX1AxisIsShowing(boolean b)
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsShowing property. The X1AxisIsShowing property determines whether the first x axis is currently visible.

 o getX1AxisAnnotationRotation
 public int getX1AxisAnnotationRotation()
Gets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationRotation property. The X1AxisAnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation of each axis label. Valid values are ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 or ROTATE_NONE

 o setX1AxisAnnotationRotation
 public void setX1AxisAnnotationRotation(int r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationRotation property. The X1AxisAnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation of each axis label. Valid values are ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 or ROTATE_NONE

 o getX1AxisPlacement
 public int getX1AxisPlacement()
Gets the value of the X1AxisPlacement property. The X1AxisPlacement property determines the method used to place the first x axis. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), ORIGIN (appears at the origin of another axis), MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), MAX (appears at the maximum axis value) or VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis)

 o setX1AxisPlacement
 public void setX1AxisPlacement(int r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisPlacement property. The X1AxisPlacement property determines the method used to place the first x axis. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), ORIGIN (appears at the origin of another axis), MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), MAX (appears at the maximum axis value) or VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis)

 o getX1AxisAnnotationMethod
 public int getX1AxisAnnotationMethod()
Gets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property. The X1AxisAnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values include VALUE (axis annotations are generated by chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), VALUE_LABELS (axis annotations are taken from a list of value labels provided by the user. Note that a value label is a label that is to appear at a particular value along the axis), POINT_LABELS (axis annotations come from the data source in the form of point labels ie labels associated with particular data points) and TIME_LABELS (chart generates time/date/labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties).

 o setX1AxisAnnotationMethod
 public void setX1AxisAnnotationMethod(int r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property. The X1AxisAnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values include VALUE (axis annotations are generated by chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), VALUE_LABELS (axis annotations are taken from a list of value labels provided by the user. Note that a value label is a label that is to appear at a particular value along the axis), POINT_LABELS (axis annotations come from the data source in the form of point labels ie labels associated with particular data points) and TIME_LABELS (chart generates time/date/labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties).

 o getX1AxisPrecision
 public int getX1AxisPrecision()
Gets the value of the X1AxisPrecision property. The X1AxisPrecision property controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in chart-generated axis labels.

 o setX1AxisPrecision
 public void setX1AxisPrecision(int r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisPrecision property. The X1AxisPrecision property controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in chart-generated axis labels.

 o getX1AxisPrecisionIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisPrecisionIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the precision provided in X1AxisPrecision.

 o setX1AxisPrecisionIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisPrecisionIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the precision provided in X1AxisPrecision.

 o getX1AxisNumSpacing
 public String getX1AxisNumSpacing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacing property. The X1AxisNumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels.

 o setX1AxisNumSpacing
 public void setX1AxisNumSpacing(String r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacing property. The X1AxisNumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels.

 o getX1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property. The X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing.

 o setX1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property. The X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing.

 o getX1AxisTickSpacing
 public String getX1AxisTickSpacing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacing property. The X1AxisTickSpacing property controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS, tick lines appear at point values.

 o setX1AxisTickSpacing
 public void setX1AxisTickSpacing(String r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacing property. The X1AxisTickSpacing property controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS, tick lines appear at point values.

 o getX1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property. The X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing.

 o setX1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property. The X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing.

 o getX1AxisGridSpacing
 public String getX1AxisGridSpacing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacing property. The X1AxisGridSpacing property controls the spacing between grid lines relative to the axis.

 o setX1AxisGridSpacing
 public void setX1AxisGridSpacing(String r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacing property. The X1AxisGridSpacing property controls the spacing between grid lines relative to the axis.

 o getX1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property. The X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing.

 o setX1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property. The X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing.

 o getX1AxisGridIsShowing
 public boolean getX1AxisGridIsShowing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridIsShowing property. The X1AxisGridIsShowing property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis.

 o setX1AxisGridIsShowing
 public void setX1AxisGridIsShowing(boolean s)
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridIsShowing property. The X1AxisGridIsShowing property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis.

 o getX1AxisTimeUnit
 public int getX1AxisTimeUnit()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeUnit property. The X1AxisTimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis. Valid X1AxisTimeUnit values include SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS and YEARS.

 o setX1AxisTimeUnit
 public void setX1AxisTimeUnit(int r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeUnit property. The X1AxisTimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis. Valid X1AxisTimeUnit values include SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS and YEARS.

 o getX1AxisTimeFormat
 public String getX1AxisTimeFormat()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormat property. The X1AxisTimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. The formats supported are similar to those supported by the C function strftime().

 o setX1AxisTimeFormat
 public void setX1AxisTimeFormat(String f)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormat property. The X1AxisTimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. The formats supported are similar to those supported by the C function strftime().

 o getX1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property. The X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for X1AxisTimeFormat is used.

 o setX1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property. The X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for X1AxisTimeFormat is used.

 o getX1AxisMin
 public String getX1AxisMin()
Gets the value of the X1AxisMin property. The X1AxisMin property controls the minimum value shown on the axis.

 o setX1AxisMin
 public void setX1AxisMin(String r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisMin property. The X1AxisMin property controls the minimum value shown on the axis.

 o getX1AxisMinIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisMinIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisMinIsDefault property. The X1AxisMinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis min. If false, Chart will use the provided axis min.

 o setX1AxisMinIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisMinIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisMinIsDefault property. The X1AxisMinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis min. If false, Chart will use the provided axis min.

 o getX1AxisMax
 public String getX1AxisMax()
Gets the value of the X1AxisMax property. The X1AxisMax property controls the maximum value shown on the axis.

 o setX1AxisMax
 public void setX1AxisMax(String r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisMax property. The X1AxisMax property controls the maximum value shown on the axis.

 o getX1AxisMaxIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisMaxIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisMaxIsDefault property. The X1AxisMaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis max. If false, Chart will use the provided axis max.

 o setX1AxisMaxIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisMaxIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisMaxIsDefault property. The X1AxisMaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis max. If false, Chart will use the provided axis max.

 o getX1AxisOrigin
 public String getX1AxisOrigin()
Gets the value of the X1AxisOrigin property. The X1AxisOrigin property controls location of the origin along the axis.

 o setX1AxisOrigin
 public void setX1AxisOrigin(String r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisOrigin property. The X1AxisOrigin property controls location of the origin along the axis.

 o getX1AxisOriginIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisOriginIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisOriginIsDefault property The X1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the axis origin. If false, Chart uses the provided axis origin value.

 o setX1AxisOriginIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisOriginIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the X1AxisOriginIsDefault property The X1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the axis origin. If false, Chart uses the provided axis origin value.

 o getX1AxisOriginPlacement
 public int getX1AxisOriginPlacement()
Gets the value of the X1AxisOriginPlacement property. The X1AxisOriginPlacement property specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the X1AxisOriginPlacement property is only active if the X1AxisOrigin property has not been set. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value or at zero if there are negative and positive values), ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis) or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis).

 o setX1AxisOriginPlacement
 public void setX1AxisOriginPlacement(int p)
Sets the value of the X1AxisOriginPlacement property. The X1AxisOriginPlacement property specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the X1AxisOriginPlacement property is only active if the X1AxisOrigin property has not been set. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value or at zero if there are negative and positive values), ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis) or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis).

 o getX1AxisTitleText
 public String getX1AxisTitleText()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitleText property. The X1AxisTitleText property specifies the text that will appear as the x1 axis title.

 o setX1AxisTitleText
 public void setX1AxisTitleText(String t)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitleText property. The X1AxisTitleText property specifies the text that will appear as the x1 axis title.

 o getX1AxisTitleIsShowing
 public boolean getX1AxisTitleIsShowing()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitleIsShowing property. The X1AxisTitleIsShowing property determines whether the x1 axis is visible.

 o setX1AxisTitleIsShowing
 public void setX1AxisTitleIsShowing(boolean s)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitleIsShowing property. The X1AxisTitleIsShowing property determines whether the x1 axis is visible.

 o getX1AxisTitlePlacement
 public int getX1AxisTitlePlacement()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacement property The X1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH or JCLegend.SOUTH for horizontal axes, and JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, JCLegend.SOUTHEAST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST or JCLegend.SOUTHEAST for vertical axes.

 o setX1AxisTitlePlacement
 public void setX1AxisTitlePlacement(int v)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacement property The X1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH or JCLegend.SOUTH for horizontal axes, and JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, JCLegend.SOUTHEAST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST or JCLegend.SOUTHEAST for vertical axes.

 o getX1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault
 public boolean getX1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault()
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The X1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.

 o setX1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault
 public void setX1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault(boolean s)
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The X1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.

 o getY1AxisIsLogarithmic
 public boolean getY1AxisIsLogarithmic()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property. The Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property determines whether the first y axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false)

 o setY1AxisIsLogarithmic
 public void setY1AxisIsLogarithmic(boolean b)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property. The Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property determines whether the first y axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false)

 o getY1AxisIsReversed
 public boolean getY1AxisIsReversed()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsReversed property. The Y1AxisIsReversed property determines whether the first y axis will be reversed in direction.

 o setY1AxisIsReversed
 public void setY1AxisIsReversed(boolean b)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsReversed property. The Y1AxisIsReversed property determines whether the first y axis will be reversed in direction.

 o getY1AxisIsShowing
 public boolean getY1AxisIsShowing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsShowing property. The Y1AxisIsShowing property determines whether the first y axis is currently visible.

 o setY1AxisIsShowing
 public void setY1AxisIsShowing(boolean b)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsShowing property. The Y1AxisIsShowing property determines whether the first y axis is currently visible.

 o getY1AxisAnnotationRotation
 public int getY1AxisAnnotationRotation()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property. The Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation of each axis label. Valid values are ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 or ROTATE_NONE

 o setY1AxisAnnotationRotation
 public void setY1AxisAnnotationRotation(int r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property. The Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property specifies the rotation of each axis label. Valid values are ROTATE_90, ROTATE_180, ROTATE_270 or ROTATE_NONE

 o getY1AxisPlacement
 public int getY1AxisPlacement()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPlacement property. The Y1AxisPlacement property determines the method used to place the first y axis. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), ORIGIN (appears at the origin of another axis), MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), MAX (appears at the maximum axis value) or VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis)

 o setY1AxisPlacement
 public void setY1AxisPlacement(int r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPlacement property. The Y1AxisPlacement property determines the method used to place the first y axis. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (Chart chooses an appropriate location), ORIGIN (appears at the origin of another axis), MIN (appears at the minimum axis value), MAX (appears at the maximum axis value) or VALUE_ANCHORED (appears at a particular value along another axis)

 o getY1AxisAnnotationMethod
 public int getY1AxisAnnotationMethod()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property. The Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values include VALUE (axis annotations are generated by chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), VALUE_LABELS (axis annotations are taken from a list of value labels provided by the user. Note that a value label is a label that is to appear at a particular value along the axis), POINT_LABELS (axis annotations come from the data source in the form of point labels ie labels associated with particular data points) and TIME_LABELS (chart generates time/date/labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties).

 o setY1AxisAnnotationMethod
 public void setY1AxisAnnotationMethod(int r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property. The Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property determines how axis annotations are generated. Valid values include VALUE (axis annotations are generated by chart, with possible callbacks to a label generator), VALUE_LABELS (axis annotations are taken from a list of value labels provided by the user. Note that a value label is a label that is to appear at a particular value along the axis), POINT_LABELS (axis annotations come from the data source in the form of point labels ie labels associated with particular data points) and TIME_LABELS (chart generates time/date/labels based on the TimeUnit, TimeBase and TimeFormat properties).

 o getY1AxisPrecision
 public int getY1AxisPrecision()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPrecision property. The Y1AxisPrecision property controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in chart-generated axis labels.

 o setY1AxisPrecision
 public void setY1AxisPrecision(int r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPrecision property. The Y1AxisPrecision property controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in chart-generated axis labels.

 o getY1AxisPrecisionIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisPrecisionIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the precision provided in Y1AxisPrecision.

 o setY1AxisPrecisionIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisPrecisionIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision. If true, Chart will calculate the precision. If false, Chart will use the precision provided in Y1AxisPrecision.

 o getY1AxisNumSpacing
 public String getY1AxisNumSpacing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacing property. The Y1AxisNumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels.

 o setY1AxisNumSpacing
 public void setY1AxisNumSpacing(String r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacing property. The Y1AxisNumSpacing property controls the interval between axis labels.

 o getY1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property. The Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing.

 o setY1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property. The Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided numbering spacing.

 o getY1AxisTickSpacing
 public String getY1AxisTickSpacing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacing property. The Y1AxisTickSpacing property controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS, tick lines appear at point values.

 o setY1AxisTickSpacing
 public void setY1AxisTickSpacing(String r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacing property. The Y1AxisTickSpacing property controls the interval between tick lines on the axis. Note: if the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property is set to POINT_LABELS, tick lines appear at point values.

 o getY1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property. The Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing.

 o setY1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property. The Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the tick spacing. If true, Chart will calculate the tick spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided tick spacing.

 o getY1AxisGridSpacing
 public String getY1AxisGridSpacing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacing property. The Y1AxisGridSpacing property controls the spacing between grid lines relative to the axis.

 o setY1AxisGridSpacing
 public void setY1AxisGridSpacing(String r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacing property. The Y1AxisGridSpacing property controls the spacing between grid lines relative to the axis.

 o getY1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property. The Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing.

 o setY1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property. The Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the grid spacing value. If true, Chart will calculate the grid spacing. If false, Chart will use the provided grid spacing.

 o getY1AxisGridIsShowing
 public boolean getY1AxisGridIsShowing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridIsShowing property. The Y1AxisGridIsShowing property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis.

 o setY1AxisGridIsShowing
 public void setY1AxisGridIsShowing(boolean s)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridIsShowing property. The Y1AxisGridIsShowing property determines whether a grid is drawn for the axis.

 o getY1AxisTimeUnit
 public int getY1AxisTimeUnit()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeUnit property. The Y1AxisTimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis. Valid Y1AxisTimeUnit values include SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS and YEARS.

 o setY1AxisTimeUnit
 public void setY1AxisTimeUnit(int r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeUnit property. The Y1AxisTimeUnit property controls the unit of time used for labelling a time labelled axis. Valid Y1AxisTimeUnit values include SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS and YEARS.

 o getY1AxisTimeFormat
 public String getY1AxisTimeFormat()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormat property. The Y1AxisTimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. The formats supported are similar to those supported by the C function strftime().

 o setY1AxisTimeFormat
 public void setY1AxisTimeFormat(String f)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormat property. The Y1AxisTimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes. The formats supported are similar to those supported by the C function strftime().

 o getY1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property. The Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for Y1AxisTimeFormat is used.

 o setY1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property. The Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property determines whether a time label format is generated automatically, or the user value for Y1AxisTimeFormat is used.

 o getY1AxisMin
 public String getY1AxisMin()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMin property. The Y1AxisMin property controls the minimum value shown on the axis.

 o setY1AxisMin
 public void setY1AxisMin(String r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMin property. The Y1AxisMin property controls the minimum value shown on the axis.

 o getY1AxisMinIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisMinIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMinIsDefault property. The Y1AxisMinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis min. If false, Chart will use the provided axis min.

 o setY1AxisMinIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisMinIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMinIsDefault property. The Y1AxisMinIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the minimum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis min. If false, Chart will use the provided axis min.

 o getY1AxisMax
 public String getY1AxisMax()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMax property. The Y1AxisMax property controls the maximum value shown on the axis.

 o setY1AxisMax
 public void setY1AxisMax(String r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMax property. The Y1AxisMax property controls the maximum value shown on the axis.

 o getY1AxisMaxIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisMaxIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property. The Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis max. If false, Chart will use the provided axis max.

 o setY1AxisMaxIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisMaxIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property. The Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the maximum axis value. If true, Chart will calculate the axis max. If false, Chart will use the provided axis max.

 o getY1AxisOrigin
 public String getY1AxisOrigin()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOrigin property. The Y1AxisOrigin property controls location of the origin along the axis.

 o setY1AxisOrigin
 public void setY1AxisOrigin(String r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOrigin property. The Y1AxisOrigin property controls location of the origin along the axis.

 o getY1AxisOriginIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisOriginIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property The Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the axis origin. If false, Chart uses the provided axis origin value.

 o setY1AxisOriginIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisOriginIsDefault(boolean r)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property The Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin. If true, Chart calculates the axis origin. If false, Chart uses the provided axis origin value.

 o getY1AxisOriginPlacement
 public int getY1AxisOriginPlacement()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property. The Y1AxisOriginPlacement property specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property is only active if the Y1AxisOrigin property has not been set. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value or at zero if there are negative and positive values), ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis) or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis).

 o setY1AxisOriginPlacement
 public void setY1AxisOriginPlacement(int p)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property. The Y1AxisOriginPlacement property specifies where the origin is placed. Note that the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property is only active if the Y1AxisOrigin property has not been set. Valid values include AUTOMATIC (places origin at minimum value or at zero if there are negative and positive values), ZERO (places origin at zero), MIN (places origin at minimum value on axis) or MAX (places origin at maximum value on axis).

 o getY1AxisTitleText
 public String getY1AxisTitleText()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitleText property. The Y1AxisTitleText property specifies the text that will appear as the Y1 axis title.

 o setY1AxisTitleText
 public void setY1AxisTitleText(String t)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitleText property. The Y1AxisTitleText property specifies the text that will appear as the Y1 axis title.

 o getY1AxisTitleIsShowing
 public boolean getY1AxisTitleIsShowing()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property. The Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property determines whether the Y1 axis is visible.

 o setY1AxisTitleIsShowing
 public void setY1AxisTitleIsShowing(boolean s)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property. The Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property determines whether the Y1 axis is visible.

 o getY1AxisTitlePlacement
 public int getY1AxisTitlePlacement()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacement property The Y1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH or JCLegend.SOUTH for horizontal axes, and JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, JCLegend.SOUTHEAST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST or JCLegend.SOUTHEAST for vertical axes.

 o setY1AxisTitlePlacement
 public void setY1AxisTitlePlacement(int v)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacement property The Y1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis. Valid values include JCLegend.NORTH or JCLegend.SOUTH for horizontal axes, and JCLegend.EAST, JCLegend.WEST, JCLegend.NORTHEAST, JCLegend.SOUTHEAST, JCLegend.NORTHWEST or JCLegend.SOUTHEAST for vertical axes.

 o getY1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault
 public boolean getY1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault()
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The Y1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.

 o setY1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault
 public void setY1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault(boolean s)
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The Y1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.

 o getHeaderText
 public String getHeaderText()
Gets the value of the HeaderText property The HeaderText property holds the text that is displayed in the header.

 o setHeaderText
 public void setHeaderText(String t)
Sets the value of the HeaderText property The HeaderText property holds the text that is displayed in the header.

 o getHeaderIsShowing
 public boolean getHeaderIsShowing()
Gets the value of the HeaderIsShowing property. The HeaderIsShowing property determines whether the header is visible.

 o setHeaderIsShowing
 public void setHeaderIsShowing(boolean is)
Sets the value of the HeaderIsShowing property. The HeaderIsShowing property determines whether the header is visible.

 o getFooterText
 public String getFooterText()
Gets the value of the FooterText property The FooterText property holds the text that is displayed in the footer.

 o setFooterText
 public void setFooterText(String t)
Sets the value of the FooterText property The FooterText property holds the text that is displayed in the footer.

 o getFooterIsShowing
 public boolean getFooterIsShowing()
Gets the value of the FooterIsShowing property. The FooterIsShowing property determines whether the footer is visible.

 o setFooterIsShowing
 public void setFooterIsShowing(boolean is)
Sets the value of the FooterIsShowing property. The FooterIsShowing property determines whether the footer is visible.

 o getLegendIsShowing
 public boolean getLegendIsShowing()
Gets the value of the LegendIsShowing property. The LegendIsShowing property determines whether the legend is visible.

 o setLegendIsShowing
 public void setLegendIsShowing(boolean is)
Sets the value of the LegendIsShowing property. The LegendIsShowing property determines whether the legend is visible.

 o getLegendAnchor
 public int getLegendAnchor()
Gets the value of the LegendAnchor property. The LegendAnchor property determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea. Valid values include NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHEAST and SOUTHEAST

 o setLegendAnchor
 public void setLegendAnchor(int a)
Sets the value of the LegendAnchor property. The LegendAnchor property determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea. Valid values include NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST, NORTHEAST and SOUTHEAST

 o getLegendOrientation
 public int getLegendOrientation()
Gets the value of the LegendOrientation property. The LegendOrientation property determines how legend information is laid out. Valid values include VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL.

 o setLegendOrientation
 public void setLegendOrientation(int a)
Sets the value of the LegendOrientation property. The LegendOrientation property determines how legend information is laid out. Valid values include VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL.

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