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Class jclass.contrib.JCOutlinePanel
- public class JCOutlinePanel
- extends Panel
JCOutlinePanel is a Panel that has a line drawn around its border.
This line is drawn by modifying the panel insets and overriding
the paint() member.
A JCOutlinePanel instance must be used exactly as one would use
a Panel instance.
- The default constructor.
- Modifies the default insets to account for the line drawn
around the Panel.
- Draws the line.
public JCOutlinePanel()
- The default constructor. It sets the default layout to null.
public Insets insets()
- Modifies the default insets to account for the line drawn
around the Panel. Most layout managers account for the
insets, so the line is not overdrawn.
- Overrides:
- insets in class Container
public void paint(Graphics g)
- Draws the line.
- Overrides:
- paint in class Container
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