
Assumptions · Typographical Conventions Used in this Manual

Overview of Manual · Related Documents


This manual assumes that you are proficient with the Java programming language. Java concepts such as classes, methods and packages are required along with a basic knowledge of object-oriented programming before continuing with this manual. See "Related Documents" later in this section of the manual for information on Java documentation.

Typographical Conventions Used in this Manual

Typewriter Font
is used for
  • Java language source code and examples of file contents.
  • JClass BWT and Java methods and constants.
  • Commands that you enter on a terminal.
Italic Text
is used for
  • Pathnames, filenames, program, procedure and parameter names.
  • New terms as they are introduced, and to emphasize important words.
  • Figure and table titles.
  • The names of other documents referenced in this manual, such as Java in a Nutshell.

Overview of Manual

Part I-"Getting Started", describes how to install JClass BWT, provides an overview of JClass BWT, and contains information on how to obtain technical support.

"Preface", (this section), describes the underlying assumptions behind this manual, the typographical conventions it uses, provides an overview of the manual and lists a number of related documents useful to Java programmers.

"Installing JClass BWT", describes the files that comprise JClass BWT, and instructions on how to install the main JClass BWT components.

"JClass BWT Overview" contains basic information about Java and the features of JClass BWT.

"Technical Support and Feedback" provides information on how to contact JClass technical support, and the types of support options available.

Part II-"Using JClass BWT", describes how to use the individual components of JClass BWT.

Chapter 1, "JCLabel and JCButton", describes how to use the label and pushbutton components.

Chapter 2, "JCCheckbox and JCCheckboxGroup", describes how to use the checkbox and radio button components.

Chapter 3, "JCTabButton and JCTabManager", describes how to use the tab manager and tab button components.

Chapter 4, "JCScrolledWindow", describes how to use the scrolled window component.

Chapter 5, "JCList and JCMultiColumnList", describes how to use the list box and mult-column list components.

Chapter 6, "JCOutliner", describes how to use the outliner components.

Chapter 7, "JCTextComponent, JCTextArea and JCTextField", describes how to use the textfield and textarea components.

Chapter 8, "JCArrowButton", describes how to use the arrow button component.

Chapter 9, "JCComboBox", describes how to use the combobox component.

Chapter 10, "JCSpinbox" and "JCSpinboxString", describes how to use the spinbox component.

Chapter 11, "JCProgressMeter", describes how to use the progress meter component.

Chapter 12, "JCSlider", describes how to use the slider component.

Chapter 13, "JCSplitterWindow" and "JCSeparator", describes how to use the splitter window component.

Chapter 14, "JCAlignerLayout", describes how to use the BWT Aligner layout manager.

Chapter 15, "JCScrollbar", describes how to use the scrollbar component.

Part III-"Reference Appendices", contains additional technical reference information related to programming with JClass BWT.

Appendix A, "Colors and Fonts", lists all of the colornames and RGB values that can be used in JClass BWT applications. It also lists all of the fonts and font style constants that can be used.

Appendix B, "JCString Properties", describes the types of JCString properties available for adding hypertext, images and text within programs utilizing JClass BWT components.

Appendix C, "JClass BWT Event Summary", includes a summary table of events used in JClass BWT, a listing that maps AWT events to JClass BWT 2.0 counterparts, and a table that maps JClass BWT 1.0x callbacks to their 2.0 counterparts.

Related Documents

The following material is documentation that can be found on the World Wide Web and in published form that are designed to aid Java programmers: These documents are not required to develop applications using JClass BWT and Java, nor are they endorsed by KL Group, but they do provide a useful overview and reference to the Java programming language.