Contacting Borland

Installation Assistance and Developer Support

Borland offers a range of support services for JBuilder and other tools. For information, see our World Wide Web site at

For assistance outside of North America, contact your local Borland representative. For a list of offices and distributors world-wide, see

Online Resources

You can get information from any of these online sources:

World Wide Web
Borland Online
Technical documents available by anonymous ftp.
Listserv To subscribe to electronic newsletters, use the online form at:
or, for Borland's international listserver,
TECHFAX 1-800-822-4269 (North America)
Technical documents available by fax.

World Wide Web

Check Borland's Web site regularly. The JBuilder Product Team will post white papers, competitive analyses, answers to frequently asked questions, sample applications, updated software, and information about new and existing products.

You may want to check these URLs in particular:

If you register with Borland Online, you can participate in threaded discussion groups devoted to JBuilder.

Borland Newsgroups

You can find user-supported newsgroups for JBuilder and other Borland products at

Usenet Newsgroups

The following Usenet groups are devoted to Java and related programming issues:

These newsgroups are maintained by users and are not official Borland sites.