The JBuilder documentation set
JBuilder includes a Getting Started booklet, which shows the main windows and glyphs of the JBuilder graphical environment, as well as options for the command-line compilers.
The JBuilder online documentation includes the following:
- Welcome to JBuilder (this document)
provides general information about JBuilder and its documentation.
- BeansExpress
explains how to quickly create and deploy your own Java Beans using JBuilder.
- User's Guide
describes the development environment, explains how to create and manage projects,
design your user interface, and compile and debug Java programs.
- Database Application Developer's Guide
provides information on using JBuilder's DataBroker database architecture and explains
the inter-relationships between the main JavaBeans Component Library (JBCL) data components
and classes, and how to use them to create your database applications.
- Component Writer's Guide
explains how to develop new JavaBeans components. It describes the tasks involved in the
development of components, explains the model-view architecture of a composite component,
and introduces the JBCL.
- JBCL Reference
documenting all classes and interfaces in JBuilder's Java Beans Component Library.
JBuilder also includes the following online documents about Java:
- The API reference documentation for the Sun JDK Library
(including the Java Language Specification).
You can access this documentation several ways:
- Choose Java Reference on the Help menu.
- Choose the Doc tab in the Content pane when viewing a .java file.
- Select a class in the Structure pane, then press F1.
- Choose Help|Help Topics. On the Shortcuts page, click JDK Reference.
- Documentation for the ObjectSpace Java Generic Library, which is a collection of optimized data structures and algorithms similar to the C++ Standard Template Library.
The JBuilder web site at has additional information about JBuilder and links to Java resources.