Better Hint Windows     D2 D3
This code snippet shows how to make your popup hint windows behave more like normal windows apps. Instead of always being square under the control they belong to, they are based on where the mouse is.

This uses the GetIconInfo API, which is only available for Win32. I think you can use LockResource, passing it a cursor handle, to get a pointer to a CURSORSHAPE structure on Win16, but I don't have it installed any more so I can't be sure. It is supposed to work that way on Win32 as well, but it appears to be a bug in Windows. If anyone get's this working under Delphi 1.x, please let me know so I can post it here.

{ Add the following to your main form's OnCreate event handler: }

  procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    Application.OnShowHint := GetHintInfo;

{ Add the following declaration to your main form's protected declartion: }

  procedure GetHintInfo(var HintStr: string; var CanShow: boolean;
                        var HintInfo: THintInfo);

{ And, finally, add this procedure to your main form: }

  procedure TMainForm.GetHintInfo(var HintStr: string;
                                  var CanShow: boolean;
                                  var HintInfo: THintInfo);
    II: TIconInfo;
    Bmp: Windows.TBitmap;
    with HintInfo do begin
      // Make sure we have a control that fired the hint.
      if HintControl = NIL then exit;
      // Convert the cursor's coordinates from relative to hint to
      // relative to screen.
      HintPos := HintControl.ClientToScreen(CursorPos);
      // Get some information about the cursor that is used for the
      // hint control
      GetIconInfo(Screen.Cursors[HintControl.Cursor], II);
      // Get some information about the bitmap representing the cursor
      GetObject(II.hbmMask, SizeOf(Windows.TBitmap), @Bmp);
      // If the info did not include a color bitmap then the mask bitmap
      // is really two bitmaps, an AND & XOR mask.  Increment our Y
      // position by the bitmap's height.
      if II.hbmColor = 0 then
        inc(HintPos.Y, Bmp.bmHeight div 2)
        inc(HintPos.Y, Bmp.bmHeight);
      // Subtract out the Y hotspot position
      dec(HintPos.Y, II.yHotSpot);
      // We are responsible for cleaning up the bitmap handles returned
      // by GetIconInfo.