The towers of hanoi is based on a very simple algorithm. I'll give you the algorithm and you can implement it.
type THanoiBin = 0..2; THanoiLevel = 0..9;
procedure MoveDisc(FromPin, ToPin : THanoiPin; Level : THanoiLevel); // This one you have to implement yourself. It moves 1 disc from a pin to another. // The disc to be moved must be on top (No discs above it)You can represent the 3 towers in any way you want. 3 Stacks might probably the easiest. In this way MoveDisc will become MoveTopDisc and will move the disc on the top of the FromPin to ToPin and MoveTower will take a pointer to the base of a stack in stead of a level. Or you can simply use three arrays [THanoiLevel] of boolean in which case true means that the disc with the particular size depicted by THanoiLevel is on the tower.
procedure MoveTower(FromPin, ToPin : THanoiPin; Level : THanoiLevel); begin if HanoiLevel <= High(THanoiLevel) then begin MoveTower(FromPin, 3 - FromPin - ToPin, Level + 1); MoveDisc(FromPin, ToPin, Level); MoveTower(3 - FromPin - ToPin, ToPin, Level + 1); end; end;To move the entire tower, you call MoveTower with the following as follows:
MoveTower(0, 1, Low(THanoiLevel));