From: Martin Larsson <>
var i : integer s : string; begin s := '$' + ThatHexString; i := StrToInt(a); end;
CONST HEX : ARRAY['A'..'F'] OF INTEGER = (10,11,12,13,14,15); VAR str : String; Int, i : integer; BEGIN READLN(str); Int := 0; FOR i := 1 TO Length(str) DO IF str[i] < 'A' THEN Int := Int * 16 + ORD(str[i]) - 48 ELSE Int := Int * 16 + HEX[str[i]]; WRITELN(Int); READLN; END.
From: Mark Bracey <>
I guess you mean as a string, correct.
HexString := Format('%0x',DecValue);
From: (Greg Carter)
These work on byte array to strings, also look at the Ord and Chr functions in Delphi.
BytesToHexStr does this [0,1,1,0] of byte would be converted to string := '30313130'; HexStrToBytes goes the other way.
unit Hexstr; interface uses String16, SysUtils; Type PByte = ^BYTE; procedure BytesToHexStr(var hHexStr: String; pbyteArray: PByte; InputLength: WORD); procedure HexStrToBytes(hHexStr: String; pbyteArray: Pointer); procedure HexBytesToChar(var Response: String; hexbytes: PChar; InputLength: WORD); implementation procedure BytesToHexStr(var hHexStr: String; pbyteArray: PByte; InputLength: WORD); Const HexChars : Array[0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var i, j: WORD; begin SetLength(hHexStr, (InputLength * 2)); FillChar(hHexStr, sizeof(hHexStr), #0); j := 1; for i := 1 to InputLength do begin hHexStr[j] := Char(HexChars[pbyteArray^ shr 4]); inc(j); hHexStr[j] := Char(HexChars[pbyteArray^ and 15]); inc(j); inc(pbyteArray); end; end; procedure HexBytesToChar(var Response: String; hexbytes: PChar; InputLength: WORD); var i: WORD; c: byte; begin SetLength(Response, InputLength); FillChar(Response, SizeOf(Response), #0); for i := 0 to (InputLength - 1) do begin c := BYTE(hexbytes[i]) And BYTE($f); if c > 9 then Inc(c, $37) else Inc(c, $30); Response[i + 1] := char(c); end;{for} end; procedure HexStrToBytes(hHexStr: String; pbyteArray: Pointer); {pbyteArray must point to enough memory to hold the output} var i, j: WORD; tempPtr: PChar; twoDigits : String[2]; begin tempPtr := pbyteArray; j := 1; for i := 1 to (Length(hHexStr) DIV 2) do begin twoDigits := Copy(hHexStr, j, 2); Inc(j, 2); PByte(tempPtr)^ := StrToInt('$' + twoDigits); Inc(tempPtr); end;{for} end; end.
UNIT String16. interface {$IFNDEF Win32} procedure SetLength(var S: string; Len: Integer); procedure SetString(var Dst: string; Src: PChar; Len: Integer); {$ENDIF} implementation {$IFNDEF Win32} procedure SetLength(var S: string; Len: Integer); begin if Len > 255 then S[0] := Chr(255) else S[0] := Chr(Len) end; procedure SetString(var Dst: string; Src: PChar; Len: Integer); begin if Len > 255 then Move(Src^, Dst[1], 255) else Move(Src^, Dst[1], Len); SetLength(Dst, Len); end; {$ENDIF} end.
Can someone give me an idea of a simple way to convert binary (base2) to decimal(base10).
//////////////////////////////////////////////// // convert 32 bit base2 to 32 bit base10 // // max number = 99 999 999, return -1 if more // //////////////////////////////////////////////// function Base10(Base2:Integer) : Integer; assembler; asm cmp eax,100000000 // check upper limit jb @1 // ok mov eax,-1 // error flag jmp @exit // exit with -1 @1: push ebx // save registers push esi xor esi,esi // result = 0 mov ebx,10 // diveder base 10 mov ecx,8 // 8 nibbles (10^8-1) @2: mov edx,0 // clear remainder div ebx // eax DIV 10, edx mod 10 add esi,edx // result = result + remainder[I] ror esi,4 // shift nibble loop @2 // loop for all 8 nibbles mov eax,esi // function result pop esi // restore registers pop ebx @exit: end;
function IntToBin(Value: LongInt;Size: Integer): String; var i: Integer; begin Result:=''; for i:=Size downto 0 do begin if Value and (1 shl i)<>0 then begin Result:=Result+'1'; end else begin Result:=Result+'0'; end; end; end; function BinToInt(Value: String): LongInt; var i,Size: Integer; begin Result:=0; Size:=Length(Value); for i:=Size downto 0 do begin if Copy(Value,i,1)='1' then begin Result:=Result+(1 shl i); end; end; end;
Give this function any decimal value, specify a base (1..16) and it will return you a string containing the proper value, BaseX. You can use a similar method for Arabic/Roman conversion (see below).
function DecToBase( Decimal: LongInt; const Base: Byte): String; const Symbols: String[16] = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var scratch: String; remainder: Byte; begin scratch := ''; repeat remainder := Decimal mod Base; scratch := Symbols[remainder + 1] + scratch; Decimal := Decimal div Base; until ( Decimal = 0 ); Result := scratch; end;
function DecToRoman( Decimal: LongInt ): String; const Romans: Array[1..13] of String = ( 'I', 'IV', 'V', 'IX', 'X', 'XL', 'L', 'XC', 'C', 'CD', 'D', 'CM', 'M' ); Arabics: Array[1..13] of Integer = ( 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000); var i: Integer; scratch: String; begin scratch := ''; for i := 13 downto 1 do while ( Decimal >= Arabics[i] ) do begin Decimal := Decimal - Arabics[i]; scratch := scratch + Romans[i]; end; Result := scratch; end;
From: (Michael Vincze)
var Icon : TIcon; Bitmap : TBitmap; begin Icon := TIcon.Create; Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; Icon.LoadFromFile('c:\picture.ico'); Bitmap.Width := Icon.Width; Bitmap.Height := Icon.Height; Bitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Icon ); Bitmap.SaveToFile('c:\picture.bmp'); Icon.Free; Bitmap.Free; end;
From: (John M. Miano)
This is a unit that I wrote for reading and writing Unix files.unit StreamFile; { Unix Stream File Interface Copyright 1996 by John Miano Software } interface Uses SysUtils ; Procedure AssignStreamFile (var F : Text ; Filename : String) ; implementation Const BufferSize = 128 ; Type TStreamBuffer = Array [1..High (Integer)] of Char ; TStreamBufferPointer = ^TStreamBuffer ; TStreamFileRecord = Record Case Integer Of 1: ( Filehandle : Integer ; Buffer : TStreamBufferPointer ; BufferOffset : Integer ; ReadCount : Integer ; ) ; 2: ( Dummy : Array [1 .. 32] Of Char ) End ; Function StreamFileOpen (var F : TTextRec) : Integer ; Var Status : Integer ; Begin With TStreamFileRecord (F.UserData) Do Begin GetMem (Buffer, BufferSize) ; Case F.Mode Of fmInput: FileHandle := FileOpen (StrPas (F.Name), fmShareDenyNone) ; fmOutput: FileHandle := FileCreate (StrPas (F.Name)) ; fmInOut: Begin FileHandle := FileOpen (StrPas (F.Name), fmShareDenyNone Or fmOpenWrite or fmOpenRead) ; If FileHandle <> -1 Then status := FileSeek (FileHandle, 0, 2) ; { Move to end of file. } F.Mode := fmOutput ; End ; End ; BufferOffset := 0 ; ReadCount := 0 ; F.BufEnd := 0 ; { If this is not here it thinks we are at eof. } If FileHandle = -1 Then Result := -1 Else Result := 0 ; End ; End ; Function StreamFileInOut (var F : TTextRec) : Integer ; Procedure Read (var Data : TStreamFileRecord) ; Procedure CopyData ; Begin While (F.BufEnd < Sizeof (F.Buffer) - 2) And (Data.BufferOffset <= Data.ReadCount) And (Data.Buffer [Data.BufferOffset] <> #10) Do Begin F.Buffer [F.BufEnd] := Data.Buffer^ [Data.BufferOffset] ; Inc (Data.BufferOffset) ; Inc (F.BufEnd) ; End ; If Data.Buffer [Data.BufferOffset] = #10 Then Begin F.Buffer [F.BufEnd] := #13 ; Inc (F.BufEnd) ; F.Buffer [F.BufEnd] := #10 ; Inc (F.BufEnd) ; Inc (Data.BufferOffset) ; End ; End ; Begin F.BufEnd := 0 ; F.BufPos := 0 ; F.Buffer := '' ; Repeat Begin If (Data.ReadCount = 0) Or (Data.BufferOffset > Data.ReadCount) Then Begin Data.BufferOffset := 1 ; Data.ReadCount := FileRead (Data.FileHandle, Data.Buffer^, BufferSize) ; End ; CopyData ; End Until (Data.ReadCount = 0) Or (F.BufEnd >= Sizeof (F.Buffer) - 2) ; Result := 0 ; End ; Procedure Write (var Data : TStreamFileRecord) ; Var Status : Integer ; Destination : Integer ; II : Integer ; Begin With TStreamFileRecord (F.UserData) Do Begin Destination := 0 ; For II := 0 To F.BufPos - 1 Do Begin If F.Buffer [II] <> #13 Then Begin Inc (Destination) ; Buffer^[Destination] := F.Buffer [II] ; End ; End ; Status := FileWrite (FileHandle, Buffer^, Destination) ; F.BufPos := 0 ; Result := 0 ; End ; End ; Begin Case F.Mode Of fmInput: Read (TStreamFileRecord (F.UserData)) ; fmOutput: Write (TStreamFileRecord (F.UserData)) ; End ; End ; Function StreamFileFlush (var F : TTextRec) : Integer ; Begin Result := 0 ; End ; Function StreamFileClose (var F : TTextRec) : Integer ; Begin With TStreamFileRecord (F.UserData) Do Begin FreeMem (Buffer) ; FileClose (FileHandle) ; End ; Result := 0 ; End ; Procedure AssignStreamFile (var F : Text ; Filename : String) ; Begin With TTextRec (F) Do Begin Mode := fmClosed ; BufPtr := @Buffer ; BufSize := Sizeof (Buffer) ; OpenFunc := @StreamFileOpen ; InOutFunc := @StreamFileInOut ; FlushFunc := @StreamFileFlush ; CloseFunc := @StreamFileClose ; StrPLCopy (Name, FileName, Sizeof(Name) - 1) ; End ; End ; end.
> >Using Delphi 3, how do I translate a bitmap into an JPEG file? > Assume Image1 is a TImage component containing a bitmap. You could use the following code segment to convert the bitmap into a JPEG file format:
var MyJpeg: TJpegImage; Image1: TImage; begin Image1:= TImage.Create; MyJpeg:= TJpegImage.Create; Image1.LoadFromFile('TestImage.BMP'); // Load the Bitmap from a file MyJpeg.Assign(Image1.Picture.Bitmap); // Assign the BitMap to MyJpeg object MyJpeg.SaveToFile('MyJPEGImage.JPG'); // Save the JPEG to Disk end;
Does any body know how to convert a wave format file to raw format. e.g. I want to strip out any header or encoding mechanism/method which may be stored or encode in a wave file.I have a D1/D2 routine that reads WAV files and pulls out raw data, but it doesn't decompress using the various forms of compression.
unit LinearSystem; interface {============== WAV Format Coding Type ==================} type WAVHeader = record nChannels : Word; nBitsPerSample : LongInt; nSamplesPerSec : LongInt; nAvgBytesPerSec : LongInt; RIFFSize : LongInt; fmtSize : LongInt; formatTag : Word; nBlockAlign : LongInt; DataSize : LongInt; end; {============== Sample DataStreams ========================} const MaxN = 300; { max number of sample values } type SampleIndex = 0 .. MaxN+3; type DataStream = array[ SampleIndex ] of Real; var N : SampleIndex; {============== Observation Variables ======================} type Observation = record Name : String[40]; {Name of this observation} yyy : DataStream; {Array of data points} WAV : WAVHeader; {WAV specs for observation} Last : SampleIndex;{Last valid index to yyy} MinO, MaxO : Real; {Range values from yyy} end; var K0R, K1R, K2R, K3R : Observation; K0B, K1B, K2B, K3B : Observation; {================== File Name Variables ===================} var StandardDatabase : String[ 80 ]; BaseFileName : String[ 80 ]; StandardOutput : String[ 80 ]; StandardInput : String[ 80 ]; {=============== Operations ==================} procedure ReadWAVFile (var Ki, Kj : Observation); procedure WriteWAVFile(var Ki, Kj : Observation); procedure ScaleData (var Kk : Observation); procedure InitAllSignals; procedure InitLinearSystem; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses VarGraph, SysUtils; {================== Standard WAV File Format ===================} const MaxDataSize : LongInt = (MaxN+1)*2*2; const MaxRIFFSize : LongInt = (MaxN+1)*2*2+36; const StandardWAV : WAVHeader = ( nChannels : Word(2); nBitsPerSample : LongInt(16); nSamplesPerSec : LongInt(8000); nAvgBytesPerSec : LongInt(32000); RIFFSize : LongInt((MaxN+1)*2*2+36); fmtSize : LongInt(16); formatTag : Word(1); nBlockAlign : LongInt(4); DataSize : LongInt((MaxN+1)*2*2) ); {================== Scale Observation Data ===================} procedure ScaleData(var Kk : Observation); var I : SampleIndex; begin {Initialize the scale values} Kk.MaxO := Kk.yyy[0]; Kk.MinO := Kk.yyy[0]; {Then scan for any higher or lower values} for I := 1 to Kk.Last do begin if Kk.MaxO < Kk.yyy[I] then Kk.MaxO := Kk.yyy[I]; if Kk.MinO > Kk.yyy[I] then Kk.MinO := Kk.yyy[I]; end; end; { ScaleData } procedure ScaleAllData; begin ScaleData(K0R); ScaleData(K0B); ScaleData(K1R); ScaleData(K1B); ScaleData(K2R); ScaleData(K2B); ScaleData(K3R); ScaleData(K3B); end; {ScaleAllData} {================== WAV Data I/O ===================} VAR InFile, OutFile : file of Byte; type Tag = (F0, T1, M1); type FudgeNum = record case X:Tag of F0 : (chrs : array[0..3] of Byte); T1 : (lint : LongInt); M1 : (up,dn: Integer); end; var ChunkSize : FudgeNum; procedure WriteChunkName(Name:String); var i : Integer; MM : Byte; begin for i := 1 to 4 do begin MM := ord(Name[i]); write(OutFile,MM); end; end; {WriteChunkName} procedure WriteChunkSize(LL:Longint); var I : integer; begin ChunkSize.x:=T1; ChunkSize.lint:=LL; ChunkSize.x:=F0; for I := 0 to 3 do Write(OutFile,ChunkSize.chrs[I]); end; procedure WriteChunkWord(WW:Word); var I : integer; begin ChunkSize.x:=T1; ChunkSize.up:=WW; ChunkSize.x:=M1; for I := 0 to 1 do Write(OutFile,ChunkSize.chrs[I]); end; {WriteChunkWord} procedure WriteOneDataBlock(var Ki, Kj : Observation); var I : Integer; begin ChunkSize.x:=M1; with Ki.WAV do begin case nChannels of 1:if nBitsPerSample=16 then begin {1..2 16-bit samples in buffer for one channel} ChunkSize.up := trunc(Ki.yyy[N]+0.5); if N<MaxN then ChunkSize.dn := trunc(Ki.yyy[N+1]+0.5); N := N+2; end else begin {1..4 8-bit samples in buffer for one channel} for I:=0 to 3 do ChunkSize.chrs[I] := trunc(Ki.yyy[N+I]+0.5); N := N+4; end; 2:if nBitsPerSample=16 then begin {2 16-bit samples on two channels} ChunkSize.dn := trunc(Ki.yyy[N]+0.5); ChunkSize.up := trunc(Kj.yyy[N]+0.5); N := N+1; end else begin {4 8-bit samples on two channels} ChunkSize.chrs[1] := trunc(Ki.yyy[N]+0.5); ChunkSize.chrs[3] := trunc(Ki.yyy[N+1]+0.5); ChunkSize.chrs[0] := trunc(Kj.yyy[N]+0.5); ChunkSize.chrs[2] := trunc(Kj.yyy[N+1]+0.5); N := N+2; end; end; {with WAV do begin..} end; {the four-byte variable "ChunkSize" has now been filled} ChunkSize.x:=T1; WriteChunkSize(ChunkSize.lint);{put 4 bytes of data} end; {WriteOneDataBlock} procedure WriteWAVFile(var Ki, Kj : Observation); var MM : Byte; I : Integer; OK : Boolean; begin {Prepare to write a file of data} AssignFile(OutFile, StandardOutput); { File selected in dialog } ReWrite( OutFile ); With Ki.WAV do begin DataSize := nChannels*(nBitsPerSample div 8)*(Ki.Last+1); RIFFSize := DataSize+36; fmtSize := 16; end; {Write ChunkName "RIFF"} WriteChunkName('RIFF'); {Write ChunkSize} WriteChunkSize(Ki.WAV.RIFFSize); {Write ChunkName "WAVE"} WriteChunkName('WAVE'); {Write tag "fmt_"} WriteChunkName('fmt '); {Write ChunkSize} Ki.WAV.fmtSize := 16; {should be 16-18} WriteChunkSize(Ki.WAV.fmtSize); {Write formatTag, nChannels} WriteChunkWord(Ki.WAV.formatTag); WriteChunkWord(Ki.WAV.nChannels); {Write nSamplesPerSec} WriteChunkSize(Ki.WAV.nSamplesPerSec); {Write nAvgBytesPerSec} WriteChunkSize(Ki.WAV.nAvgBytesPerSec); {Write nBlockAlign, nBitsPerSample} WriteChunkWord(Ki.WAV.nBlockAlign); WriteChunkWord(Ki.WAV.nBitsPerSample); {WriteDataBlock tag "data"} WriteChunkName('data'); {Write DataSize} WriteChunkSize(Ki.WAV.DataSize); N:=0; {first write-out location} while N<=Ki.Last do WriteOneDataBlock(Ki,Kj); {put 4 bytes & increment N} {Free the file buffers} CloseFile( OutFile ); end; {WriteWAVFile} procedure InitSpecs; begin end; { InitSpecs } procedure InitSignals(var Kk : Observation); var J : Integer; begin for J := 0 to MaxN do Kk.yyy[J] := 0.0; Kk.MinO := 0.0; Kk.MaxO := 0.0; Kk.Last := MaxN; end; {InitSignals} procedure InitAllSignals; begin InitSignals(K0R); InitSignals(K0B); InitSignals(K1R); InitSignals(K1B); InitSignals(K2R); InitSignals(K2B); InitSignals(K3R); InitSignals(K3B); end; {InitAllSignals} var ChunkName : string[4]; procedure ReadChunkName; var I : integer; MM : Byte; begin ChunkName[0]:=chr(4); for I := 1 to 4 do begin Read(InFile,MM); ChunkName[I]:=chr(MM); end; end; {ReadChunkName} procedure ReadChunkSize; var I : integer; MM : Byte; begin ChunkSize.x := F0; ChunkSize.lint := 0; for I := 0 to 3 do begin Read(InFile,MM); ChunkSize.chrs[I]:=MM; end; ChunkSize.x := T1; end; {ReadChunkSize} procedure ReadOneDataBlock(var Ki,Kj:Observation); var I : Integer; begin if N<=MaxN then begin ReadChunkSize; {get 4 bytes of data} ChunkSize.x:=M1; with Ki.WAV do case nChannels of 1:if nBitsPerSample=16 then begin {1..2 16-bit samples in buffer for one channel} Ki.yyy[N] :=1.0*ChunkSize.up; if N<MaxN then Ki.yyy[N+1]:=1.0*ChunkSize.dn; N := N+2; end else begin {1..4 8-bit samples in buffer for one channel} for I:=0 to 3 do Ki.yyy[N+I]:=1.0*ChunkSize.chrs[I]; N := N+4; end; 2:if nBitsPerSample=16 then begin {2 16-bit samples on two channels} Ki.yyy[N]:=1.0*ChunkSize.dn; Kj.yyy[N]:=1.0*ChunkSize.up; N := N+1; end else begin {4 8-bit samples on two channels} Ki.yyy[N] :=1.0*ChunkSize.chrs[1]; Ki.yyy[N+1]:=1.0*ChunkSize.chrs[3]; Kj.yyy[N] :=1.0*ChunkSize.chrs[0]; Kj.yyy[N+1]:=1.0*ChunkSize.chrs[2]; N := N+2; end; end; if N<=MaxN then begin {LastN := N;} Ki.Last := N; if Ki.WAV.nChannels=2 then Kj.Last := N; end else begin {LastN := MaxN;} Ki.Last := MaxN; if Ki.WAV.nChannels=2 then Kj.Last := MaxN; end; end; end; {ReadOneDataBlock} procedure ReadWAVFile(var Ki, Kj :Observation); var MM : Byte; I : Integer; OK : Boolean; NoDataYet : Boolean; DataYet : Boolean; nDataBytes : LongInt; begin if FileExists(StandardInput) then with Ki.WAV do begin { Bring up open file dialog } OK := True; {unless changed somewhere below} {Prepare to read a file of data} AssignFile(InFile, StandardInput); { File selected in dialog } Reset( InFile ); {Read ChunkName "RIFF"} ReadChunkName; if ChunkName<>'RIFF' then OK := False; {Read ChunkSize} ReadChunkSize; RIFFSize := ChunkSize.lint; {should be 18,678} {Read ChunkName "WAVE"} ReadChunkName; if ChunkName<>'WAVE' then OK := False; {Read ChunkName "fmt_"} ReadChunkName; if ChunkName<>'fmt ' then OK := False; {Read ChunkSize} ReadChunkSize; fmtSize := ChunkSize.lint; {should be 18} {Read formatTag, nChannels} ReadChunkSize; ChunkSize.x := M1; formatTag := ChunkSize.up; nChannels := ChunkSize.dn; {Read nSamplesPerSec} ReadChunkSize; nSamplesPerSec := ChunkSize.lint; {Read nAvgBytesPerSec} ReadChunkSize; nAvgBytesPerSec := ChunkSize.lint; {Read nBlockAlign} ChunkSize.x := F0; ChunkSize.lint := 0; for I := 0 to 3 do begin Read(InFile,MM); ChunkSize.chrs[I]:=MM; end; ChunkSize.x := M1; nBlockAlign := ChunkSize.up; {Read nBitsPerSample} nBitsPerSample := ChunkSize.dn; for I := 17 to fmtSize do Read(InFile,MM); NoDataYet := True; while NoDataYet do begin {Read tag "data"} ReadChunkName; {Read DataSize} ReadChunkSize; DataSize := ChunkSize.lint; if ChunkName<>'data' then begin for I := 1 to DataSize do {skip over any nondata stuff} Read(InFile,MM); end else NoDataYet := False; end; nDataBytes := DataSize; {Finally, start reading data for nDataBytes bytes} if nDataBytes>0 then DataYet := True; N:=0; {first read-in location} while DataYet do begin ReadOneDataBlock(Ki,Kj); {get 4 bytes} nDataBytes := nDataBytes-4; if nDataBytes<=4 then DataYet := False; end; ScaleData(Ki); if Ki.WAV.nChannels=2 then begin Kj.WAV := Ki.WAV; ScaleData(Kj); end; {Free the file buffers} CloseFile( InFile ); end else begin InitSpecs;{file does not exist} InitSignals(Ki);{zero "Ki" array} InitSignals(Kj);{zero "Kj" array} end; end; { ReadWAVFile } {================= Database Operations ====================} const MaxNumberOfDataBaseItems = 360; type SignalDirectoryIndex = 0 .. MaxNumberOfDataBaseItems; VAR DataBaseFile : file of Observation; LastDataBaseItem : LongInt; {Current number of database items} ItemNameS : array[SignalDirectoryIndex] of String[40]; procedure GetDatabaseItem( Kk : Observation; N : LongInt ); begin if N<=LastDataBaseItem then begin Seek(DataBaseFile, N); Read(DataBaseFile, Kk); end else InitSignals(Kk); end; {GetDatabaseItem} procedure PutDatabaseItem( Kk : Observation; N : LongInt ); begin if N<MaxNumberOfDataBaseItems then if N<=LastDataBaseItem then begin Seek(DataBaseFile, N); Write(DataBaseFile, Kk); LastDataBaseItem := LastDataBaseItem+1; end else while LastDataBaseItem<=N do begin Seek(DataBaseFile, LastDataBaseItem); Write(DataBaseFile, Kk); LastDataBaseItem := LastDataBaseItem+1; end else ReportError(1); {Attempt to read beyond MaxNumberOfDataBaseItems} end; {PutDatabaseItem} procedure InitDataBase; begin LastDataBaseItem := 0; if FileExists(StandardDataBase) then begin Assign(DataBaseFile,StandardDataBase); Reset(DataBaseFile); while not EOF(DataBaseFile) do begin GetDataBaseItem(K0R, LastDataBaseItem); ItemNameS[LastDataBaseItem] := K0R.Name; LastDataBaseItem := LastDataBaseItem+1; end; if EOF(DataBaseFile) then if LastDataBaseItem>0 then LastDataBaseItem := LastDataBaseItem-1; end; end; {InitDataBase} function FindDataBaseName( Nstg : String ):LongInt; var ThisOne : LongInt; begin ThisOne := 0; FindDataBaseName := -1; while ThisOne<LastDataBaseItem do begin if Nstg=ItemNameS[ThisOne] then begin FindDataBaseName := ThisOne; Exit; end; ThisOne := ThisOne+1; end; end; {FindDataBaseName} {======================= Init Unit ========================} procedure InitLinearSystem; begin BaseFileName := '\PROGRA~1\SIGNAL~1\'; StandardOutput := BaseFileName + 'K0.wav'; StandardInput := BaseFileName + 'K0.wav'; StandardDataBase := BaseFileName + 'Radar.sdb'; InitAllSignals; InitDataBase; ReadWAVFile(K0R,K0B); ScaleAllData; end; {InitLinearSystem} begin {unit initialization code} InitLinearSystem; end. {Unit LinearSystem}
>Is there an algorithm or routine to convert 32x32 bit Bitmaps to ICO's?
unit main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs,ExtCtrls, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Image1: TImage; Image2: TImage; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var winDC, srcdc, destdc : HDC; oldBitmap : HBitmap; iinfo : TICONINFO; begin GetIconInfo(Image1.Picture.Icon.Handle, iinfo); WinDC := getDC(handle); srcDC := CreateCompatibleDC(WinDC); destDC := CreateCompatibleDC(WinDC); oldBitmap := SelectObject(destDC, iinfo.hbmColor); oldBitmap := SelectObject(srcDC, iinfo.hbmMask); BitBlt(destdc, 0, 0, Image1.picture.icon.width, Image1.picture.icon.height, srcdc, 0, 0, SRCPAINT); Image2.picture.bitmap.handle := SelectObject(destDC, oldBitmap); DeleteDC(destDC); DeleteDC(srcDC); DeleteDC(WinDC); image2.Picture.Bitmap.savetofile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'myfile.bmp'); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin image1.picture.icon.loadfromfile('c:\myicon.ico'); end; end.
Yes, ironic that it's so difficult to find routines to convert from decimal to binary isn't it!
The following should work.(for negative numbers too)
function DecToBinStr(n: integer): string; var S: string; i: integer; Negative: boolean; begin if n < 0 then Negative := true; n := Abs(n); for i := 1 to SizeOf(n) * 8 do begin if n < 0 then S := S + '1' else S := S + '0'; n := n shl 1; end; Delete(S,1,Pos('1',S) - 1);//remove leading zeros if Negative then S := '-' + S; Result := S; end;