Delphi 3 Migration

  1. D3 LoadStr constants

D3 LoadStr constants

From: Stefan.Hoffmeister@UNI-Passau.DE (Stefan Hoffmeister) Have you been politically correct and raised exceptions with Borland supplied text from CONSTS.PAS in Delphi 1 or Delphi 2? For instance:

   raise SomeException.Create(LoadStr(SInsertLineError));
This will no longer work. My suggested change is to use
   raise SomeException.Create(
         {$IFNDEF VER100}LoadStr{$ENDIF}

which conditional on being compiled with Delphi 3 leaves out the "LoadStr" which seems to have become obsolete *for this purpose* now.

In general all code making use of the constants declared in CONSTS(.PAS/.DCU) will cause a compiler error: "Incompatible types: 'Integer' and 'String'"

I have not found anything in Borland's printed or online documentation to this effect.

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