From: (Brad Choate)
>Can someone please tell me the neatest way to make sure my app uses >fonts that I can provide, rather than the nearest font the user has >installed on their system? I have tried copying a #.ttf file into the >users windows\system directory but the app still can't pick it up.
The following is some Delphi 1 code that I have used for successfully installing dynamic fonts that are only loaded while the application is running. You can place the font file(s) within the application directory. It will be installed when the form loads and unloaded once the form is destroyed. You may need to modify the code to work with Delphi 2 since it calls various Windows API calls that may or may not have changed. Where you see "..." in the code, that is just to identify that other code can be placed there.
Of course, substitute "MYFONT" for the name of your font file.
type TForm1=class( TForm ) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); ... private { Private declarations } bLoadedFont: boolean; public { Public declarations } end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var sAppDir: string; sFontRes: string; begin sAppDir := Application.ExeName; sAppDir := copy( sAppDir, 1, rpos( '\', sAppDir ) ); sFontRes := sAppDir + 'MYFONT.FOT'; if not FileExists( sFontRes ) then begin sFontRes := sFontRes + #0; sFont := sAppDir + 'MYFONT.TTF' + #0; CreateScalableFontResource( 0, @sFontRes[ 1 ], @sFont[ 1 ], nil ); end; sFontRes := sAppDir + 'MYFONT.FOT'; if FileExists( sFontRes ) then begin sFontRes := sFontRes + #0; if AddFontResource( @sFontRes[ 1 ] ) = 0 then bLoadedFont := false else begin bLoadedFont := true; SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0 ); end; end; ... end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var sFontRes: string; begin if bLoadedFont then begin sFontRes := sAppDir + 'MYFONT.FOT' + #0; RemoveFontResource( @sFontRes[ 1 ] ); SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0 ); end; end;
I'm still building this part, so the Free buttons are not all included yet.