From: "Rodney E Geraghty" <>
Try some thing like this:
procedure TForm1.Menu11Click(Sender: TObject); begin {Check if Shift key is down} if HiWord(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)) <> 0 then Label1.Caption := 'Shift' else {Check if Ctrl key is down} if HiWord(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) <> 0 then Label1.Caption := 'Control' else {Check if Alt key is down} if HiWord(GetKeyState(VK_MENU)) <> 0 then Label1.Caption := 'Alt' else Label1.Caption := 'None'; end;
From: Chris Jobson <>
Try something like thisprocedure TForm1.PopupMenu2Popup(Sender: TObject); var mi, msub: TmenuItem; begin with (Sender as TPopupMenu) do begin // Delete all items // while Items.Count > 0 do Items.delete(0); // Old version had resource leak. Leak plugged by Andrew Stewart ( while Items.Count > 0 do Items[0].Free; // Create ordinary item "First" mi := TMenuItem.Create(self); with mi do begin Caption := 'First'; OnClick := MyClick; end; Items.Insert(0, mi); // Create a submenu "Sub" with two items "Sub1" and // "Sub2" mi := TMenuItem.Create(self); with mi do begin Caption := 'Sub'; msub := TMenuItem.Create(self); with msub do begin Caption := 'Sub1'; OnClick := MyClick; end; Insert(0, msub); msub := TMenuItem.Create(self); with msub do begin Caption := 'Sub2'; OnClick := MyClick; end; Insert(1, msub); end; Items.Insert(1, mi); end; end; procedure TForm1.MyClick(Sender: TObject); begin beep; end;
From: (Kurt Claeys)
> How do I add bitmaps to a menu? Maybe like this :var Bmp1 : TPicture; ... Bmp1 := TPicture.Create; Bmp1.LoadFromFile('c:\where\b1.BMP'); SetMenuItemBitmaps( MenuItemTest.Handle, 0, MF_BYPOSITION, Bmp1.Bitmap.Handle, Bmp1.Bitmap.Handle); ...
Load a .BMP from somewhere into the picture.
Use the SetMenuItemBitmaps API call to connect the Picture to the Menu with these parameters :
The first of the two bitmap-handles is the one for the bitmap displayed for the unchecked menuitem.
The second is the one for the checked menuitem. These can be the same or not.
All this can by coded in the .Create of a form.
Result : It works, but only the right-top of the bitmap is displayed. Rest us to change the height and/or width of the menuitem according to the bitmap
From: Jeff Lawton <>
Now I'm not sure what your trying to do, add it to the top menu, or as a sub menu item, so I'll include code for both.. You can work it out from there.New Top Level Item:
procedure tform1.addmainitem(s:string); var newitem : Tmenuitem; begin newitem:=tmenuitem.create(Mainmenu1); newitem.caption:=s; {if you want to assign an onclick newitem.onclick:=Dynamenuclick; } {add it to the top level menu} mainmenu1.items.insert(mainmenu1.items.count,newitem); removemenu1.enabled:=true; addmenuitem1.enabled:=true; end;
procedure tform1.addsubitem(s:string; to : integer); var newitem, toitem : Tmenuitem; begin {to = top level menu to add item to} toitem:=mainmenu1.items[to]; newitem:=tmenuitem.create(toitem); newitem.caption:=s; {if you want to assign an onclick newitem.onclick:=Dynamenuclick; } toitem.onclick:=nil; toitem.insert(toitem.count,newitem); removemenuitem1.enabled:=true; end;
From: (Jani Järvinen)
You should use the ready made menu functions defined in the Menus unit. The routines in D2 are as follows:function NewMenu(Owner: TComponent; const AName: string; Items: array of TMenuItem): TMainMenu; function NewPopupMenu(Owner: TComponent; const AName: string; Alignment: TPopupAlignment; AutoPopup: Boolean; Items: array of TMenuitem): TPopupMenu; function NewSubMenu(const ACaption: string; hCtx: Word; const AName: string; Items: array of TMenuItem): TMenuItem; function NewItem(const ACaption: string; AShortCut: TShortCut; AChecked, AEnabled: Boolean; AOnClick: TNotifyEvent; hCtx: Word; const AName: string): TMenuItem; function NewLine: TMenuItem;
This is what I've done fo far
Procedure TTypeOfFrame.CreateAPopUpMenu; var NewItem: TMenuItem; FDragEnabledPopUpMenu : TPopUpMenu; begin NewItem := TMenuItem.Create(Self); NewItem.Caption := 'Drag'; FDragEnabledPopUpMenu:= TPopUpmenu.Create(Self); with FDragEnabledPopUpMenu do begin Items.Add(NewItem); end; end;
To hook a procedure to this new item, you must create a procedure inside an object (define a private method for the form), like this:
procedure MyClick(Sender : TObject);
NewItem := TMenuItem.Create(Self); NewItem.Caption := 'Drag'; NewItem.OnClick := MyClick;
It will vary the number of menu items per column depending on the screen resolution. It appears to work quite well. The following code assumes that there is a menu item called mnuView, and a OnClick procedure called HandleMenuClick..
procedure TfrmMain.LoadViewMenu; var itemNum: integer; mnu: TMenuItem; menuItemHeight: integer; itemsPerColumn: integer; begin {remove any existing menu items from the View menu} while mnuView.Count > 0 do begin {freeing an item apparently deletes it from the menu} mnuView.Items[0].Free; end; {find the height of each menu item. The 2 was chosen after some experimentation} menuItemHeight := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) + 2; {calculate the number of items per column} itemsPerColumn := screen.height div menuItemHeight; {create the items} for itemNum := 0 to 99 do begin mnu := TMenuItem.Create(self); mnu.caption := 'Item ' + inttostr(itemNum); {start a new column if necessary} if (itemNum mod itemsPerColumn = 0) and (itemNum>0) then begin mnu.break := mbBarBreak; end; {assign the method which handles the menu} mnu.OnClick := HandleMenuClick; mnuView.Add(mnu); end; end;