From: (Michael J. Loeffler)
I started messing around with a utility like this, just for fun. I never finished it. I know it did work at the time. You might be able to use some of the code as a base point. Don't know if you feel like poring through the details, but hope it helps.
{ Network resource utility. Similar in function to NetWork- Neighborhood. Michael J. Loeffler 1997.01.31 } unit netres_main_unit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Buttons, Menus, ExtCtrls; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) tvResources: TTreeView; btnOK: TBitBtn; btnClose: TBitBtn; Label1: TLabel; barBottom: TStatusBar; popResources: TPopupMenu; mniExpandAll: TMenuItem; mniCollapseAll: TMenuItem; mniSaveToFile: TMenuItem; mniLoadFromFile: TMenuItem; grpListType: TRadioGroup; grpResourceType: TRadioGroup; dlgOpen: TOpenDialog; dlgSave: TSaveDialog; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure mniExpandAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mniCollapseAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mniSaveToFileClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mniLoadFromFileClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); private ListType, ResourceType: DWORD; procedure ShowHint(Sender: TObject); procedure DoEnumeration; procedure DoEnumerationContainer(NetResContainer: TNetResource); procedure AddContainer(NetRes: TNetResource); procedure AddShare(TopContainerIndex: Integer; NetRes: TNetResource); procedure AddShareString(TopContainerIndex: Integer; ItemName: String); procedure AddConnection(NetRes: TNetResource); public { Public declarations } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TfrmMain.ShowHint(Sender: TObject); begin barBottom.Panels.Items[0].Text:=Application.Hint; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Application.OnHint:=ShowHint; barBottom.Panels.Items[0].Text:=''; end; procedure TfrmMain.btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; { Enumerate through all network resources: } procedure TfrmMain.DoEnumeration; var NetRes: Array[0..2] of TNetResource; Loop: Integer; r, hEnum, EntryCount, NetResLen: DWORD; begin case grpListType.ItemIndex of { Connected resources: } 1: ListType:=RESOURCE_CONNECTED; { Persistent resources: } 2: ListType:=RESOURCE_REMEMBERED; { Global: } else ListType:=RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; end; case grpResourceType.ItemIndex of { Disk resources: } 1: ResourceType:=RESOURCETYPE_DISK; { Print resources: } 2: ResourceType:=RESOURCETYPE_PRINT; { All: } else ResourceType:=RESOURCETYPE_ANY; end; Screen.Cursor:=crHourGlass; try { Delete any old items in the tree view: } for Loop:=tvResources.Items.Count-1 downto 0 do tvResources.Items[Loop].Delete; except end; { Start enumeration: } r:=WNetOpenEnum(ListType,ResourceType,0,nil,hEnum); if r<>NO_ERROR then begin if r=ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR then MessageDlg('Unable to Enumerate the Network.'+#13+ 'A network-specific error occurred.',mtError,[mbOK],0) else MessageDlg('Unable to Enumerate the Network.', mtError,[mbOK],0); Exit; end; try { We got a valid enumeration handle; walk the resources: } while (1=1) do begin EntryCount:=1; NetResLen:=SizeOf(NetRes); r:=WNetEnumResource(hEnum,EntryCount,@NetRes,NetResLen); case r of 0: begin { It's a container, iterate it: } if NetRes[0].dwUsage=RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER then DoEnumerationContainer(NetRes[0]) else { Persistent and connected resources show up here: } if ListType in [RESOURCE_REMEMBERED,RESOURCE_CONNECTED] then AddConnection(NetRes[0]); end; { Done: } ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: Break; { Other error: } else begin MessageDlg('Error Walking Resources.',mtError,[mbOK],0); Break; end; end; end; finally Screen.Cursor:=crDefault; { Close enumeration handle: } WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); end; end; { Enumerate through the specified container: This function is usually recursively called. } procedure TfrmMain.DoEnumerationContainer(NetResContainer: TNetResource); var NetRes: Array[0..10] of TNetResource; TopContainerIndex: Integer; r, hEnum, EntryCount, NetResLen: DWORD; begin { Add container name to tree view: } AddContainer(NetResContainer); { Keep track of this item as current root: } TopContainerIndex:=tvResources.Items.Count-1; { Start enumeration: } if ListType=RESOURCE_GLOBALNET then { Enumerating global net: } r:=WNetOpenEnum(ListType,ResourceType,RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER, @NetResContainer,hEnum) else { Enumerating connections or persistent (won't normally get here): } r:=WNetOpenEnum(ListType,ResourceType,RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER, nil,hEnum); { Couldn't enumerate through this container; just make a note of it and continue on: } if r<>NO_ERROR then begin AddShareString(TopContainerIndex,'<Couldn''t Enumerate Resources (Error #'+ IntToStr(r)+'>'); WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); Exit; end; { We got a valid enumeration handle; walk the resources: } while (1=1) do begin EntryCount:=1; NetResLen:=SizeOf(NetRes); r:=WNetEnumResource(hEnum,EntryCount,@NetRes,NetResLen); case r of 0: begin { Yet another container to enumerate; call this function recursively to handle it: } if (NetRes[0].dwUsage=RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER) or (NetRes[0].dwUsage=10) then DoEnumerationContainer(NetRes[0]) else case NetRes[0].dwDisplayType of { Top level type: } RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC, RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN, RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER: AddContainer(NetRes[0]); { Share: } RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE: AddShare(TopContainerIndex,NetRes[0]); end; end; ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: Break; else begin MessageDlg('Error #'+IntToStr(r)+' Walking Resources.',mtError,[mbOK],0); Break; end; end; end; { Close enumeration handle: } WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); end; procedure TfrmMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin DoEnumeration; end; { Add item to tree view; indicate that it is a container: } procedure TfrmMain.AddContainer(NetRes: TNetResource); var ItemName: String; begin ItemName:=Trim(String(NetRes.lpRemoteName)); if Trim(String(NetRes.lpComment))<>'' then begin if ItemName<>'' then ItemName:=ItemName+' '; ItemName:=ItemName+'('+String(NetRes.lpComment)+')'; end; tvResources.Items.Add(tvResources.Selected,ItemName); end; { Add child item to container denoted as current top: } procedure TfrmMain.AddShare(TopContainerIndex: Integer; NetRes: TNetResource); var ItemName: String; begin ItemName:=Trim(String(NetRes.lpRemoteName)); if Trim(String(NetRes.lpComment))<>'' then begin if ItemName<>'' then ItemName:=ItemName+' '; ItemName:=ItemName+'('+String(NetRes.lpComment)+')'; end; tvResources.Items.AddChild(tvResources.Items[TopContainerIndex],ItemName); end; { Add child item to container denoted as current top; this just adds a string for purposes such as being unable to enumerate a container. That is, the container's shares are not accessible to us. } procedure TfrmMain.AddShareString(TopContainerIndex: Integer; ItemName: String); begin tvResources.Items.AddChild(tvResources.Items[TopContainerIndex],ItemName); end; { Add a connection to the tree view. Mostly used for persistent and currently connected resources to be displayed. } procedure TfrmMain.AddConnection(NetRes: TNetResource); var ItemName: String; begin ItemName:=Trim(String(NetRes.lpLocalName)); if Trim(String(NetRes.lpRemoteName))<>'' then begin if ItemName<>'' then ItemName:=ItemName+' '; ItemName:=ItemName+'-> '+Trim(String(NetRes.lpRemoteName)); end; tvResources.Items.Add(tvResources.Selected,ItemName); end; { Expand all containers in the tree view: } procedure TfrmMain.mniExpandAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin tvResources.FullExpand; end; { Collapse all containers in the tree view: } procedure TfrmMain.mniCollapseAllClick(Sender: TObject); begin tvResources.FullCollapse; end; { Allow saving of tree view to a file: } procedure TfrmMain.mniSaveToFileClick(Sender: TObject); begin if dlgSave.Execute then tvResources.SaveToFile(dlgSave.FileName); end; { Allow loading of tree view from a file: } procedure TfrmMain.mniLoadFromFileClick(Sender: TObject); begin if dlgOpen.Execute then tvResources.LoadFromFile(dlgOpen.FileName); end; { Rebrowse: } procedure TfrmMain.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin DoEnumeration; end; end.
From: "Ryan Smith" <>
You can try this code. I've been using it on a Netware LAN for some time now with no problems. It depends on having the NWCALLS.DLL library already on the users machine; if users have a Netware connection, then they should already have that DLL.
unit GetLogin; {This unit is a wrapper for several external functions in the NWCALLS.DLL} {Adapted by Ray Buck from code written by Gregory Trubetskoy} {The unit contains a function that returns the Netware User ID} {and one that returns the user's full name.} interface uses SysUtils, Messages, Dialogs; function GetUserLogin: string; function GetUserFullName( SomeUser: string): string; implementation type NWTimeStamp = record Year: byte; Month: byte; Day: byte; Hour: byte; Minute: byte; Second: byte; DayOfWeek: byte; end; {Netware API's - require NWCALLS.DLL} function NWGetDefaultConnectionID(var Connection: word): word; far; external 'NWCALLS'; function NWGetConnectionNumber(Connection: word; var ConnectionNumber: word): word; far; external 'NWCALLS'; function NWGetConnectionInformation(Connection: word; ConnectionNumber: word; ObjectName: pchar; var ObjectType: word; var ObjectID: word; var LoginTime: NWTimeStamp):word; far; external 'NWCALLS'; function NWReadPropertyValue(Connection: word; ObjectName: pChar; ObjectType: word; PropertyName: pChar; DataSetIndex: byte; DataBuffer: pChar; var More: byte; var Flags: byte): word; far; external 'NWCALLS'; { end of Netware API stuff } function GetUserLogin: string; var ConnectionID: word; ConnectionNumber: word; RC: word; Name: array[0..50] of Char; ObjectType: word; ObjectID: word; LoginTime: NWTimeStamp; begin RC := NWGetDefaultConnectionID(ConnectionID); RC := NWGetConnectionNumber(ConnectionID, ConnectionNumber); RC := NWGetConnectionInformation( ConnectionID, ConnectionNumber, Name, ObjectType, ObjectID, LoginTime); Result := StrPas(Name); end; function GetUserFullName( SomeUser: string): string; {The real user name is a 'property' called 'IDENTIFICATON'. You have to call NWReadPropertyValue passing it (among other things) your ConnectionID, the name of the object (same as the login of the user who's full name you need) and the name property you want to retrieve, in this case 'IDENTIFICATION' (which translated from Novellish to English means 'Full Name').} var ConnectionID: word; RC: word; Name: array[0..50] of Char; ObjectType: word; PropName: array[0..14] of Char; DataSetIndex: byte; FullName: array[0..127] of Char; More: byte; Flags: byte; begin RC := NWGetDefaultConnectionID(ConnectionID); ObjectType := 256; {user} StrPCopy(PropName, 'IDENTIFICATION'); DataSetIndex := 1; StrPCopy(Name, SomeUser); RC := NWReadPropertyValue( ConnectionID, Name, ObjectType, PropName, DataSetIndex, FullName, More, Flags); if RC = 35324 then MessageDlg('No user ' + SomeUser + ' exists on this server!', mtError, [mbOK], 0); Result := StrPas(FullName); end; end.
This document explains how to create a 'Network' button that brings up a connection dialog and then sets a drive box to point to the new drive in Delphi. The code was created in Delphi 2, but doing it in Delphi 1 should be about the same procedure.
Create a command button named NetBtn, and a drive combo box named DriveBox. Then type this code in the OnClick event for the button:
procedure TStartForm.NetBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var OldDrives: TStringList; i: Integer; begin OldDrives := TStringList.Create; OldDrives.Assign(Drivebox.Items); // Remember old drive list // Show the connection dialog if WNetConnectionDialog(Handle, RESOURCETYPE_DISK) = NO_ERROR then begin DriveBox.TextCase := tcLowerCase; // Refresh the drive list box for i := 0 to DriveBox.Items.Count - 1 do begin if Olddrives.IndexOf(Drivebox.Items[i]) = -1 then begin // Find new Drive letter DriveBox.ItemIndex := i; // Updates the drive list box to new drive letter DriveBox.Drive := DriveBox.Text[1]; // Cascades the update to connected directory lists, etc end; end; DriveBox.SetFocus; end; OldDrives.Free; end;
You must also add the WinProcs and WinTypes units to the uses clause of your unit.
The difficult part here is that the DriveComboBox lacks a refresh function. By setting the TextCase property, we force an update of the box.
Copyright © 1997 by Josef Garvi
Try WNetConnectionDialog. This function is already pre-wrapped in Windows.pas and is specifically designed to do exactly what you want it to do.
> How can I detect my own IP address in delphi 1?
function my_ip_address:longint; const bufsize=255; var buf: pointer; RemoteHost : PHostEnt; (* No, don't free it! *) begin buf:=NIL; try getmem(buf,bufsize); winsock.gethostname(buf,bufsize); (* this one maybe without domain *) RemoteHost:=Winsock.GetHostByName(buf); if RemoteHost=NIL then my_ip_address:=winsock.htonl($07000001) (* *) else my_ip_address:=longint(pointer(RemoteHost^.h_addr_list^)^); finally if buf<>NIL then freemem(buf,bufsize); end; result:=winsock.ntohl(result); end;
You only need a winsock.dcu/winsock.pas as this one isn't included with D1; I have one together with my tcpip component pack (where I snipped out the above routine).