Report Smith
M Richens <>
"Matthew M. Boron" <> writes >I am having trouble passing a customer id to reportsmith to print a >specific master/detail report. I keep getting prompted by reportsmith to >enter the id for the report variable. > >Is there a way to pass this variable from Delphi into ReportSmithThis caused me a lot of grief to start with but example
begin MillCardNewRep.InitialValues.Clear; {Send the Current Milling Number either just finished or the last one to ReportSmith} MillCardNewRep.InitialValues.Add('@MILLING=<'+MillingNoEdit.Text+'>') MillCardNewRep.Run; end;
notice that you MUST send the value from Delphi as the .Text not as a Value. If needed convert it to str (or PChar??) but I just read it from an edit box which was readonly as I used an AutoIncrement field.