Martin Larsson <> wrote:
> It's very nice to have a number say in the about box that the > customer can read you, and you can immediately find the version. > Using date and time of compilation would be a good number.
I'm assuming you already do something like this, but for all those who haven't realised this workaround, write a program which outputs the current date to a text file and call it something like "". A DOS program works best ( run it from your autoexec.bat - takes no time at all ), or stick a windows prog in you startup group/folder.
"" will have the form -
const _day : string[10] = 'Monday'; _date : word = 12; _month : word = 8; _year : word = 1996;
Then, just do a {$I c:\} at the top of all your programs.
Easy, although I agree - {$DATE} would be easier!
From: (Tim Hyder)
>Delays are still one of the major leaks in Delphi. >I'm using delphi1 and looking for a 2 ms delay with an accuracy of >about >-0 ms +1 ms error. Does anyone know something. >A loop is not accurate enough. Timer component is 18.2 times/sec.
I Have included a module I have used when making some 16 bit screen savers. It has a global called DelayInit which is global and should made in your form create like this
DelayInit := False; Delay(0); {If delay NOT done then init}
This calibrates itself for the system.
unit Globals; interface Uses WinProcs, WinTypes, Messages,Classes, Graphics, IniFiles; Const OT_USER = 1; Var SsType : Integer; { iObjL : Integer; { Current Object LEFT position } { iObjR : Integer; { Current Object RIGHT position } { iObjT : Integer; { Current Object TOP position } Finish : Boolean; TestMode : Boolean; { True if testing } LoopsMs : LongInt; { Ms loops } ScreenWd : Integer; { Screen width } ScreenHt : Integer; { Screen Height } SpotSize : Integer; { Spotlight Size } SpotSpeed : Integer; { Spotlight Speed } DelayInit : Boolean; { True if delay loop initiated } Procedure Delay(Ms : Integer); { Delay for Ms Millsecs } Procedure CursorOff; { Turn the cursor Off } Procedure CursorOn; { Turn the Cursor On } {$IFDEF NOVELL} {$ENDIF} implementation Uses SysUtils, Toolhelp; Procedure CursorOff; { Turn the Cursor Off } Var Cstate : Integer; { Current cursor State } Begin Cstate := ShowCursor(True); { Get State } While Cstate >= 0 do Cstate := ShowCursor(False); { While ON turn Off } End; Procedure CursorOn; { Turn Cursor On } Var Cstate : Integer; { Current cursor State } Begin Cstate := ShowCursor(True); { Get current State } While Cstate < 0 do Cstate := ShowCursor(True); { While off turn on } End; Procedure Delay(Ms : Integer); { Delay for Ms millisecs } {If Ms is passed as 0, then calibrate } Var L,MaxLoops,StartL,EndL,Down,Up,Res : LongInt; { Local Vars } Ti : TTimerInfo; Begin Up := 0; Down := 100000; if Not DelayInit then begin Ti.dwSize := sizeof(LongInt) * 3; TimerCount(@Ti); StartL := Ti.dwmsSinceStart; { Get Start Time } if Not DelayInit then begin { Include the Test } for L := 0 to 100000 do begin { Loop through the following 100000 times } Dec(Down); { Drop it } Res := Abs(Down - Up); { Diff } if Res = 0 then Inc(Res); { Bump } Inc(Up); { Inc } end; end; TimerCount(@Ti); EndL := Ti.dwmsSinceStart; { Get Start Time } LoopsMs := 100000 Div (EndL - StartL); { Calc MS Rate } DelayInit := True; { We are done } end else begin if Ms = 0 then Exit; MaxLoops := LoopsMs * Ms; { Get Number of Loops } for L := 0 to MaxLoops do Begin { Loop through } Dec(Down); { Drop it } Res := Abs(Down - Up); { Diff } if Res = 0 then Inc(Res); { Bump } Inc(Up); { Inc } end end; End; end.
{ File Name: HRTimer.PAS V1.00 Created: Apr 17 1997, 06:40 on the ThinkPAd by John Mertus Revision #6: Oct 12 1997, 10:56 on the Gateway by John Mertus This is a wrapper around the High Resolution Timer in Win95/WinNT Var HRT : THRTimer HRT := THRTimer.Create; HRT.StartTimer; Resets the timer to zero HRT.ReadTimer; Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds since the time start HRT.Free; Edit history Version 1.00 Initial release } {------------------Unit HRTimer---------------------John Mertus April 97---} Unit HRTimer; {--------------------Interface-------------------------------} interface Uses Windows; Type THRTimer = Class(TObject) Constructor Create; Function StartTimer : Boolean; Function ReadTimer : Double; private StartTime : Double; ClockRate : Double; public Exists : Boolean; End; {------------------------Implementation---------------------------------} implementation {------------------Create-------------------------John Mertus----Mar 97-} Constructor THRTimer.Create; { This reads the windows HR time and stores it for later use. } { } {*************************************************************************} Var QW : TLargeInteger; BEGIN Inherited Create; Exists := QueryPerformanceFrequency(QW); ClockRate := QW.QuadPart; END; {------------------StartTimer---------------------John Mertus----Mar 97-} Function THRTimer.StartTimer : Boolean; { This reads the windows HR time and stores it for later use. } { } {*************************************************************************} Var QW : TLargeInteger; BEGIN Result := QueryPerformanceCounter(QW); StartTime := QW.QuadPart; END; {-------------------ReadTimer---------------------John Mertus----Mar 97---} Function THRTimer.ReadTimer : Double; { This reads the windows HR time and stores it for later use. } { } {*************************************************************************} Var ET : TLargeInteger; BEGIN QueryPerformanceCounter(ET); Result := 1000.0*(ET.QuadPart - StartTime)/ClockRate; END; end.
From: Yeo Keng Hua <>
Check out FMXUTIL.PAS in Delphi examples:
function ExecuteFile(const FileName, Params, DefaultDir: string; ShowCmd: Integer): THandle; var zFileName, zParams, zDir: array[0..79] of Char; begin Result := ShellExecute(Application.MainForm.Handle, nil, StrPCopy(zFileName, FileName), StrPCopy(zParams, Params), StrPCopy(zDir, DefaultDir), ShowCmd); end;
Called with the code :
executeFile('maker.exe','text_file','c:\maker', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
This is a bit of code that came on a CD-ROM with a "How To Book" I bought.. The file is called "HowUtils.Pas" Fades Text in, and or out on a Canvas.
function TFadeEffect.FadeInText(Target: TCanvas; X, Y: integer; FText: String): TRect; var Pic: TBitmap; W, H: integer; PicRect, TarRect: TRect; begin Pic := TBitmap.Create; Pic.Canvas.Font := Target.Font; W := Pic.Canvas.TextWidth(FText); H := Pic.Canvas.TextHeight(FText); Pic.Width := W; Pic.Height := H; PicRect := Rect(0, 0, W, H); TarRect := Rect(X, Y, X + W, Y + H); Pic.Canvas.CopyRect(PicRect, Target, TarRect); SetBkMode(Pic.Canvas.Handle, Transparent); Pic.Canvas.TextOut(0, 0, FText); FadeInto(Target, X, Y, Pic); Pic.Free; FadeInText := TarRect; end; procedure TFadeEffect.FadeOutText(Target: TCanvas; TarRect: TRect; Orig: TBitmap); var Pic: TBitmap; PicRect: TRect; begin Pic := TBitmap.Create; Pic.Width := TarRect.Right - TarRect.Left; Pic.Height := TarRect.Bottom - TarRect.Top; PicRect := Rect(0, 0, Pic.Width, Pic.Height); Pic.Canvas.CopyRect(PicRect, Orig.Canvas, TarRect); FadeInto(Target, TarRect.Left, TarRect.Top, Pic); Pic.Free; end;
Does anybody know how to set different colors for the lines in the DBCtrlGrid?[Cory Lanou,]
use the drawColumnCell event. Also be sure to defautlDrawing false
procedure TMain.ProjectGridDrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); begin projectGrid.canvas.brush.color := clWindow; projectGrid.canvas.fillRect(rect); if gdSelected in state then begin projectGrid.canvas.brush.color := clHighlight; if fsBold in then begin projectGrid.canvas.font.color := clHighlightText; := [fsBold]; end else projectGrid.canvas.font.color := clHighlightText; end else if gdFocused in state then begin projectGrid.canvas.brush.color := clWindow; if fsBold in then begin projectGrid.canvas.font.color := clWindowText; := [fsBold]; end else projectGrid.canvas.font.color := clWindowText; end else if gdFixed in state then begin projectGrid.canvas.brush.color := clHighlight; if fsBold in then begin projectGrid.canvas.font.color := clHighlightText; := [fsBold]; end else projectGrid.canvas.font.color := clHighlightText; end; with globalDataModule.qProjects do begin // test cirteria of record. Set properties to override the default; if fieldByName('EST_COMPL_DATE').asDateTime < date then projectgrid.Canvas.font.color := clRed; if compareStr(fieldByName('STAT_CODE').asString, 'HD') = 0 then projectgrid.Canvas.font.color := clOlive; if (compareStr(fieldByName('CHANGED').asString, 'Y') = 0) and (fieldByName('ASSIGN_EMP_ID').asInteger = userRecord.UserId) then := [fsBold]; end; projectGrid.canvas.textOut(rect.left+2,, column.field.text); end;
Anybody know what the difference is between OVERRIDING a virtual method and REPLACING it? I'm confused on this point.[Brian Murray,]
Say you have a class
TMyObject = class (TObject)and a subclass
TOverrideObject = class (TMyObject)Further, TMyObject has a Wiggle method:
procedure Wiggle; virtual;and TOverrideObject overrides Wiggle
procedure Wiggle; override;and you've written the implementations for both.
Now, you create a TList containing a whole bunch of MyObjects and OverrideObjects in the TList.Items[n] property. The Items property is a pointer so to call your Wiggle method you have to cast Items. Now you could do this:
if TObject(Items[1]) is TMyObject then TMyObject(Items[1]).Wiggle else if TObject(Items[1]) is TOverrideObject then TOverrideObject(Items[1]).Wiggle;
Now, say you left out the override directive in the declaration of the TOverrideObject.Wiggle method and then tried
So, overriding a method means declaring the method with the virtual (or dynamic) directive in a base class and then declaring it with the override directive in a sub class. Replacing a method means declaring it in the subclass without the override directive. Overriden methods of a subclass can be executed even when a specific instance of the subclass is cast as its base class. Replaced methods can only be executed if the specific instance is cast as the specific class.
> I have to write a server-application (text-mode) in Delphi 3pro > that waits for some input on the serial port. While waiting for input > i need to make my app sleep to give other applications on the server > the chance to use the cpu (so a simple repeat ... until won't work).
repeat while PeekMessage(Msg,0,0,0,pm_Remove) do begin TranslateMessage(Msg); DispatchMessage(Msg); end; until ThereIsSomethingGoingOnOnTheSerialLine;
function MyWndProc(Wnd: HWnd; Msg,wParam,lParam:Integer): Integer; begin case Msg of wm_SerialLineReceivesData: begin ... end; else Result:=CallWindowProc(OldWndProc,Wnd,Msg,wParam,lParam); end; end;
var OldWndProc: Pointer; begin OldWndProc:= Pointer(SetWindowLong(GetActiveWindow,gwl_WndProc, Integer(@MyWndProc))); ... SetWindowLong(GetActiveWindow,gwl_WndProc, Integer(OldWndProc)); end.
This here little piece of code GOT to be the quickest way to create a true shareware nag, that gives people the full functionality of the program, yet nags people big time untill they register (cruel, huh :) )
This shareware nag makes sure that the user can only execute your program ONCE every Windows session.
In your FormShow event:
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender : TObject); var atom : integer; CRLF : string; begin if GlobalFindAtom('THIS_IS_SOME_OBSCUREE_TEXT') = 0 then atom := GlobalAddAtom('THIS_IS_SOME_OBSCUREE_TEXT') else begin CRLF := #10 + #13; ShowMessage('This version may only be run once for every Windows Session.' + CRLF + 'To run this program again, you need to restart Windows, or better yet:' + CRLF + 'REGISTER !!'); Close; end; end;
This routine has made life very very easy. This routine will insure that your application will look scaled at ANY resolution. Notice the 640 reference. This is because I develop apps in 640x480. You can adjust the routine to work from what YOU develop in so you dont have to worry about the odd and big screen resolutions that your users may have. Place, in the OnCreate event of the form you want auto-scaled:
{ AdjustResolution ******************************************************* } { This procedure scales all the children on a given form to conform to the } { current screen resolution } { ************************************************************************ } procedure AdjustResolution(oForm:TForm); var iPercentage:integer; begin if Screen.Width > 640 then begin iPercentage:=Round(((Screen.Width-640)/640)*100)+100; oForm.ScaleBy(iPercentage,100); end; end;