Main Commands:
File Menu: New Project Creates an empty button project. You can resize the button project by dragging the corners of the Design window, and you can add buttons with Add Button Open Project Opens an existing button project file (.mbt file). Save Project Saves the current button project as a .mbt file. A .mbt file. is a text file which describes your button project, it is not the applet itself. To turn your button project into a java applet (that can run over the internet) you must first build your applet, then upload it to your web server. Buttons: New Button Creates a new button. You can adjust the appearance of the new button after you create it. Duplicate Button Duplicates the currently selected button. If you are specifying the position of each button, the new button will be placed on top of the current button and offset slightly to the right and down. Duplicate Button is handy for creating a group of buttons with a consistent look and feel. First create one button with the look you desire, then duplicate it as many times as you like. Delete Button Deletes the currently selected button from the button project. |