1 Midi Control 2 Midi Property Page 3 MidiView Control 4 MidiView Property Page 100 General 101 General 201 Invalid property value 202 Property cannot be set at design time 203 Property cannot be set at runtime 204 205 Invalid type 206 Unexpected internal error 207 Duplicate key value 208 Index out of bounds 209 Element not found 210 Element is not part of a collection 211 Collection changed during enumeration 212 Reference to released object 213 Invalid key 214 Invalid parameter 215 216 File is not opened 217 Device doesn't support this operation. 218 Device is already open 219 220 Invalid file format 221 Invalid device 222 Packet is too large 223 Unexpected MIDI message 224 No reply to MIDI message 225 Synthesizer is uninitialized 226 Error in MIDI input 227 MIDI device timeout 228 Error while writing file 229 Operation is not valid while playing MIDI 230 Device already in use 231 Already loaded 232 This operation requires the MIDI control to have a MIDI sequence 233 This operation requires the Track to have a Patchlib (Synth) 234 This operation requires a Patchlib to have a MidiPort 235 Tried to mix audio sounds with different qualities such as sample rate or bits-per-sample. 236 Out of memory when trying to post a message 237 Metronome port needs to be set via the SetMetronomeDevice method before this operation can be performed. 238 Invalid Pan/Volume 239 Reference beyond wave data 240 Clipboard contains no Audio data 241 Tried to load a .WAV file as a .MID file. 250 Wave Control