1 Microsoft Windows 2 COM/DCOM Object Handler 3 COM 4 Meta object native object handler plugin for COM/DCOM. 50 COM Method call succeeded 80 Yes 81 No 82 N/A 100 get 101 set 102 is 103 This object is programmable. 104 This object is not registered as programmable and may not respond correctly, or at all. 105 Loading installed objects. Please wait... 106 The selection contains some objects that are programmable and some that are not. 107 All selected objects are programmable. 108 The selection contains objects that are not registered as programmable. These objects may not respond correctly. 109 param 110 The object(s) that you are about to add contain references to other objects. Do you wish to add these objects as well? 111 Add referenced objects 120 Unknown Object 121 No Type Library 122 %s (Version %d.%d) 123 Program Identifier: 124 Searching for objects installed on this system. Please Wait... 125 Unknown 200 COM Servers (*.dll;*.ocx;*.exe)|*.dll;*.ocx;*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 201 Select COM Server 500 Class ID 501 Type Library 502 Prog ID 503 Threading Model 504 InprocServer32 505 LocalServer32 506 RemoteServerName 507 Version 508 Requires License 509 Local License 510 License Key 511 Collection Object 512 Server Location 1000 None 1001 Bool 1002 Char 1003 Unsigned Char 1004 Short 1005 Int 1006 LongInt 1007 Unsigned LongInt 1008 Unsigned Int 1009 Unsigned Short 1010 Unsigned Int 1011 Int 1012 HResult 1013 SCode 1014 Float 1015 Double 1016 FixedPoint 1017 Text 1018 Text 1019 Text 1020 Currency 1021 Date 1022 Any 1023 Enumeration 1024 Array of 1025 Struct 2000 Could not load type library 2001 No valid license found for this object. Please reinstall it or contact the vendor. 2002 Illegal enum value 2003 Parameter Validation Error 3000 COM Handler