====================================== Windows Installer Redistributables 1.5 ====================================== The Windows Installer redistributables may only be redistributed as part of INSTMSI.EXE. You may not redistribute any of the DLLs in INSTMSI.EXE except by using INSTMSI.EXE. You may not modify INSTMSI.EXE INSTMSI.EXE is a self-extracting executable that will install the Windows Installer redistributables only if there is not a more recent version of the DLLs in the system directory. INSTMSI.EXE will write the registry keys required by Windows Installer. In addition to the rights granted in Section 1 of the Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit End User License Agreement ("Agreement"), with respect to the Redistributable Code, you have the following non-exclusive, royalty free rights subject to the Distribution Requirements detailed in Section 1 of the Agreement: (1) You may distribute WIN9X\INSTMSI.EXE for use only on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME (2) You may distribute WINNT\INSTMSI.EXE for use only on Windows NT Version 4 and Windows 2000