Juraj Sipos xvudpapc@savba.sk is the author of these pages, responsible for their contents. He works and lives in Bratislava, Slovakia. His hobby is jazz, especially Miles Davis, computers and mysticism. He published and translated a few books from English, e.g. Zen Flesh Zen Bones by Paul Reps, he published his own books of poetry here and some stories in the USA. Here are some links to his works. English         Slovak

Or try this: http://www.crosswinds.net/~aproximetri/index.htm

Róbert Rýcha robi@post.sk helps to maintain these pages. He works and lives in Bratislava, Slovakia. His hobby is to create html pages.

       Here you can see Miles Davis doing miracles with his trumpet. Here you can listen to what a composition inspired by Miles sounds like.