Mily priteli prirody, jiste vite o rozhodnuti prezidenta USA Bushe (byvaleho pracovnika naftarske firmy) odstoupit od tzv. Kjotske dohody. Ta zavazuje vsechny zeme ke snizeni emisi tzv. sklenikovych plynu zpusobujicich globalni klimatickou zmenu, jiz se projevujici tanim ledovcu, presunem pasma monzunu, zpomalovani Golfskeho proudu atd. (Znate-li knihu Zeme na misce vah od kandidata na prezidenta USA Alberta Gora, vite, o cem je rec.) Obdrzeli jsme zajimavou zpravu o akci ZACHRANTE JEDNANI O KLIMATICKYCH ZMENACH ZAPLAVTE GEORGE BUSHE SVYMIE-MAILY! Obsahuje tuto vyzvu: Berte prosim tento vzkaz vazne, 1. poslete sami a co nejvice sirte mezi sve zname a dal 2. nejde jen o legraci, ma to vazny politicky potencial - je to neuveritelne uspesne, v pondeli chodil asi jeden vzkaz za vterinu, uplne to zahltilo pocitace v Bilem dome! (pro zajimavost: Do akce se masove pripojili dokonce i pracovnici Shell a BP) Pratele Zeme prosi lidi z celeho sveta, aby elektronicky zaplavili Bily dum svymi protesty. Dejme Bushovi pocitit, co klimaticke zmeny znamenaji a kolik lidi znepokojuji. ========================= Vytvorte prosim z prilozeneho dopisu e-mailovou zpravu, nezapomente ji podepsat a poslete na adresu prezidenta Bushe: pro evidenci poslete kopii (CC) na: ========================= Dear President Bush, I call on you as President of the USA not to betray the Kyoto Protocol. The United States must live up to its commitment to the UN negotiations to prevent global warming. Sabotaging the Kyoto Protocol puts the USA into a position of environmental isolationism and makes it responsible for climate catastrophe. The US has one of the highest per capita CO2 emissions in the world. People around the world already faced with the first signs of climate change, suffering from floods and hurricanes, expect your country to be in the forefront of tackling climate change. An enormous potential of creativity, innovation and efficiency is there to be harvested once we have decided to really reduce CO2 emission. If you fail to reverse your decision to kill the Kyoto Protocol, future generations will not forgive you. President Bush, the science is proven and the international political will is there to tackle climate change. The US must join the world in fighting climate change.
Sincerely, X
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