ActivateApp Event

Applies to:  Subclasser object, PowerForm control, Event Index
See also:  DeactivateApp

Occurs when a top-level window is activated as a result of the focus being switched from another application.


Private Sub object_ActivateApp()

The ActivateApp event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object The name of an object in the Applies to list.  If object is a SubClasser object, then the object must be declared using WithEvents.


Typically, your application should perform the same actions in response to both Form_Activate and ActivateApp.


Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub

Private Sub PowerForm1_ActivateApp()
End Sub

Private Sub ActivateForm()
    'Write some code here to change the colours of various form components so that
    'it looks like the form has been activated.

End Sub 



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