Click Event

Applies to:  Subclasser object, PowerForm control, Panel control, HotButton control, DirectionalButton control
See also:  ClickChild event, ClickControl event, Event Index

For the SubClasser and PowerForm controls, the Click event occurs when a mouse button is pressed whilst the mouse pointer is within the window subclassed by the SubClasser or PowerForm control, and is then released whilst the mouse pointer is within the same window.

For the Panel control, HotButton control, and DirectionalButton controls, the Click event occurs when the mouse button is clicked within the opaque region of the control.


Private Sub object_Click(ByVal Button As MouseButtonConstants, ByVal Shift As Boolean, ByVal Control As Boolean, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)

The Click event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object The name of an object in the Applies to list.  If object is a SubClasser object, then the object must be declared using WithEvents.
Button A value indicating which button was clicked.  Can be any one of the following values:
  • vbLeftButton
  • vbMiddleButton
  • vbRightButton
Shift A boolean value indicating the state of the Shift key.  A value of True indicates that one or both Shift keys are down.
Control A boolean value indicating the state of the Control key.  A value of True indicates that one or both Control keys are down
x The x coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer at the time it was clicked, relative to the top-left corner of the window or control.
y The y coordinate (in pixels) of the mouse pointer at the time it was clicked, relative to the top-left corner of the window or control.



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