Splitter Demo 1

Next:  Splitter Demo 2

This example demonstrates using a Splitter control to host two forms at a time.  In this example, the user can select which form to display in the right-hand or bottom pane, by selecting an item from the TreeView in the left-hand or top pane.

Related Help topics:

ChildForm1 and ChildForm2 Properties
Orientation Property

Open zip file

Design-time Run-Time

Navigation between the different pages is accomplished by clicking on a TreeView which is hosted on the form cfmNavigation.  The Load event handler for cfmNavigation is shown below:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    'Initialize the Treeview
    TreeView1.Nodes.Add , , "About", "About"
    TreeView1.Nodes.Add , , "Page1", "Page1"
    TreeView1.Nodes.Add , , "Page2", "Page2"
End Sub

The NodeClick event for the TreeView is below:

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
    'Set the Active Page based on which node was clicked.
    Select Case Node.Key
        Case "About"
            Set frmMain.ActivePage = cfmAbout
        Case "Page1"
            Set frmMain.ActivePage = cfmPage1
        Case "Page2"
            Set frmMain.ActivePage = cfmPage2
    End Select
End Sub

The ActivePage property is implemented in code, in frmMain:

Public Property Set ActivePage(ByRef frm As Form)
    Set Splitter1.ChildForm2 = frm
End Property

Public Property
Get ActivePage() As Form
    Set ActivePage = Splitter1.ChildForm2
End Property

An alternative way of implementing this behaviour, would be for cfmNavigation to access the Splitter control directly, so that the NodeClick event for the TreeView would look like:

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
    'Set the Active Page based on which node was clicked.
    Select Case Node.Key
        Case "About"
            Set frmMain.Splitter1.ChildForm2 = cfmAbout
        Case "Page1"
            Set frmMain.
Splitter1.ChildForm2 = cfmPage1
        Case "Page2"
            Set frmMain.
Splitter1.ChildForm2 = cfmPage2
    End Select
End Sub



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