Picture Property

Applies to:  Panel control, HotButton control, DirectionalButton control
See also:  HotPicture property, DisabledPicture property, MaskColor property, Property Index

For the Panel control, the Picture property is the picture that will be drawn in the control.

For the HotButton control, and DirectionalButton control, the Picture property is the picture that will be drawn in the control, when the control is enabled, and the mouse pointer is not over the control.

Read/write at both design-time and run-time.




For HotButton and DirectionalButton controls, the Picture property is automatically set to a modified version of the HotPicture, whenever the HotPicture property is set.

If you want to design your own combination of Picture/DisabledPicture/HotPicture, set the HotPicture property first and the Picture and DisabledPicture properties second, so that your Picture and DisabledPicture properties overwrite the automatically generated Picture and DisabledPicture properties.

The Picture is displayed using a transparency mask, which is generated using the MaskColor property.  Note that the transparency effect does not work correctly under Windows 95, if the Picture has more than 256 colors.



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