VerticalScrollPosition Property

Applies to:  SubClasser object, PowerForm control, SubForm control
See also:  MinVerticalScroll Property, MaxVerticalScroll Property, Property Index

Sets or returns the position of the vertical scroll bar.

Read/Write at run-time, not available at design-time.




The VerticalScrollPosition of a SubClasser object or PowerForm control must be between the values determined by the MinVerticalScroll and MaxVerticalScroll properties.

The VerticalScrollPosition property of a SubForm control is only available if the SubForm's View property is vwSingleForm.  If the SubForm's View property is vwContinuousForms or vwGridOfForms, then refer to the LeftColumn , TopRow, VisibleColumns, and VisibleRows properties.

The VerticalScrollPosition property of a SubForm control represents the y coordinate on the child form, of the top-left corner of the visible area of the form.  If the height of the child form is less than or equal to the height of the SubForm control, then this will correspond to the top-left corner of the child form (ie 0), and a vertical scroll bar will not be displayed.


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