The following example demonstrates how to handle the
SetFocus event centrally in an application. Open
zip file
This project has two forms: dlgDataEntry and dlgOptions.
dlgDataEntry is shown below:
fig1. dlgDataEntry
In this image, the background of the Surname field is
yellow. As the user moves about the form using the tab key, or
clicking on other fields, the field with the input focus is
Most of the work is done in a class module,
clsControlHighlighting. The code for this class is below:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents objmCbtEvents As CbtEvents
Private ctlmPreviousControl As Control
Public Sub SelectText(ByVal ctl As Control)
ctl.SelStart = 0
ctl.SelLength = Len(ctl.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set objmCbtEvents = ThisThread.CbtEvents
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set objmCbtEvents = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub objmCbtEvents_SetFocus(Window As AkemiSpyLibrary.Window,
PreviousWindow As AkemiSpyLibrary.Window, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim ctlActiveControl As Control
'Find out which control is active.
'Note that Screen.ActiveControl will return the previously
'active control (which corresponds to PreviousWindow). This is
'because the SetFocus event handler is called prior to the event
'being processed by VB.
Set ctlActiveControl = FindControlFromWindow(Screen.ActiveForm, Window)
If TypeName(ctlmPreviousControl) = "TextBox" Then
ctlmPreviousControl.BackColor = vbWindowBackground
End If
If TypeName(ctlActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
ctlActiveControl.BackColor = &HC0FFFF
SelectText ctlActiveControl
End If
Set ctlmPreviousControl = ctlActiveControl
End Sub
Private Function FindControlFromWindow(ByRef frm As Form,
ByRef Window As AkemiSpyLibrary.Window) As Control
'Return a reference to the control which corresponds to
'the Window.
Dim ctl As Control
On Error Resume Next
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
'The following line will raise an error if the control does not
'have an hWnd property.
If ctl.hWnd = Window.hWnd Then
Set FindControlFromWindow = ctl
Exit Function
End If
Next ctl
Set FindControlFromWindow = Nothing
End Function |
The application only ever creates one instance of
clsControlHighlighting. This object in turn retrieves a
CbtEvents object during its Initialize
event. objmCbtEvents triggers a SetFocus
event whenever the input focus moves from one control to
In this example, the CbtEvents object is retrieved using
ThisThread.CbtEvents which means that it will only raise events
triggered from within the application.
The project's main form is dlgDataEntry. An instance of
clsControlHighlighting is created during the form's load
event. The highlighting object remains active for the
life-time of dlgDataEntry, even when another form is opened.
'There is only one
objmControlHighlighting object.
'Since dlgDataEntry is the main form for
the project,
'the instance of clsControlHighlighting
'is created in the form's load event
will have the same
'life-time as the application.
Private objmControlHighlighting As
Private Sub
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub
End Sub
Private Sub
'The following
two lines force a SetFocus event when
'the form is
first opened so that txtmSurname will be
before the user has interacted with the
End Sub
Private Sub
Set objmControlHighlighting =
New clsControlHighlighting
End Sub |
Clicking on the "Options" button will bring up a second
form, dlgOptions:
The code for dlgOptions is below:
Private Sub
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub
'The following
two lines force a SetFocus event when
'the form is
first opened so that txtmOption1 will be
before the user has interacted with the
End Sub |
See also: CbtEvents
Class Reference