The following example demonstrates how to use Akemi Spy
Library to trap Mouse events in another application.
To create this example from scratch, create a standard exe
project with one form. Open
zip file
The form has the following controls:
lblmDescription |
Label. Displays a description of the application. |
lblmMousePositionLabel |
Label. Displays the words "Mouse Position" |
lblmMousePosition |
Label. Displays the coordinates of the mouse whenever
it is over a Notepad window (or Notepad generated
dialog). Coordinates are relative to the top-left corner
of the window or control that the mouse is over. |
lblmControlTextLabel |
Label. Displays the words "Control Text" |
lblmControlText |
Label. Displays the caption of any control that the
mouse is over, as long as it is a control owned by the
instance of Notepad being monitored. |
lblmButtonClickedLabel |
Label. Displays the words "Button Clicked" |
lblmButtonClicked |
Label. Displays the caption of the last button to be
clicked (the last button owned by the instance of Notepad
being monitored, that is. |
btnmStartNotepad |
CommandButton. Starts an instance of Notepad.exe or
switches to an already open instance. |
The code for this form is below:
Option Explicit
'ShellExecute API is used to launch Notepad.
Private Declare Function ShellExecute
Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd
As Long, ByVal lpOperation
As String, ByVal lpFile
As String, ByVal lpParameters
As String, ByVal lpDirectory
As String, ByVal nShowCmd
As Long) As Long
'Constant used in call to ShellExecute
Private Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1
'SetActiveWindow API is used to activate an already opened
'instance of Notepad.
Private Declare Function SetActiveWindow
Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd
As Long) As Long
'AttachThreadInput API is necessary in order for
'SetActiveWindow API to work.
Private Declare Function AttachThreadInput
Lib "user32" (ByVal idAttach
As Long, ByVal idAttachTo
As Long, ByVal fAttach As
Long) As Long
'Object to receive mouse events must be declared at
'class or form level.
Private WithEvents objmMouseEvents
As MouseEvents
'Number of seconds to wait before giving up
'in Function WaitForWindow
Private lmSeconds As Long
Private Sub btnmStartNotepad_Click()
Dim objNotepadWindow
As Window
'Find the first instance of Notepad to come to hand.
'This example does not account for the possibility of multiple
'instances of Notepad being open - only the first one to be
'found will be monitored.
Set objNotepadWindow = GetTopLevelWindows.FindWindow("* Notepad", "Notepad")
'If there is no instance of Notepad already running, then
'start one.
If objNotepadWindow
Is Nothing Then
If ShellExecute(Me.hwnd, "Open", "Notepad.exe", "", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= 32
MsgBox "Unable to start Notepad."
Exit Sub
Set objNotepadWindow = WaitForWindow("* Notepad", "Notepad")
If objNotepadWindow Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Timeout expired, waiting for Notepad to open."
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'There is already an instance of Notepad running,
'so switch to that instance.
AttachThreadInput App.ThreadID, objNotepadWindow.Thread,
SetActiveWindow objNotepadWindow
End If
'Start monitoring Mouse Events
Set objmMouseEvents = objNotepadWindow.Thread.MouseEvents
End Sub
Private Function WaitForWindow(ByVal sCaption
As String, ByVal sClassName
As String) As Window
Dim objWindow As Window
'Wait up to 5 seconds for the specified window to be opened.
lmSeconds = 5
While objWindow Is Nothing And lmSeconds > 0
'DoEvents gives Timer chance to fire its event.
Set objWindow = GetTopLevelWindows.FindWindow(sCaption, sClassName)
'If the specified window was not opened, then the return
'value will be Nothing.
Set WaitForWindow = objWindow
End Function
Private Sub tmrm_Timer()
lmSeconds = lmSeconds - 1
End Sub
Private Sub objmMouseEvents_MouseEnter(Window
As AkemiSpyLibrary.Window)
'As the mouse pointer enters a window, display
'the window's caption.
lblmControlText.Caption = Window.Caption
End Sub
Private Sub objmMouseEvents_MouseLeave(Window
As AkemiSpyLibrary.Window)
'As the mouse pointer leaves a window, clear the
'control text label.
lblmControlText.Caption = ""
End Sub
Private Sub objmMouseEvents_MouseMove(Window
As AkemiSpyLibrary.Window, ByVal Shift
As Boolean,
ByVal Control As
Boolean, ByVal x
As Long, ByVal y
As Long)
'Display the mouse position. Coordinates are relative
'to the top-left corner of the window in which the mouse is moving.
lblmMousePosition.Caption = Format$(x) & ", " & Format$(y)
End Sub
Private Sub objmMouseEvents_Click(Window
As AkemiSpyLibrary.Window, ByVal Button
As MouseButtonConstants, ByVal Shift
As Boolean, ByVal Control
As Boolean, ByVal x
As Long, ByVal y As
'If the user clicks on a control, display the caption of that control.
'Note that if the caption contains an ampersand (&), the letter
'after the ampersand will be underlined to indicate a keyboard
lblmButtonClicked.Caption = Window.Caption
End Sub
See also: KeyboardEvents Object,
MouseEvents Property