SameGame for Windows 95/98/NT t h e u l t i m a t e t i m e w a s t e r _______ ABOUT SAMEGAME SKINS You can make your own skins and use them with SameGame. This file contains information about how you do it. _______ HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN SKIN 1. Create a folder in the SameGame directory. The name of the folder will be the name shown in the skin selector. 2. Design your skin. Look at the pictures in the default folder and figure out how to cut your images. 3. Create a file called samegame.ini in the folder. This file positions all the elements. See ini file variables below for details. 4. The icon shown in in the skin selector is 32x16 pixels and should be named sm_icon.bmp. Make a nice one. 5. Test your skin. 6. If you're satisfyed, send the url and a short skin desciption to and your skin will be added to the download list. _______ INI FILE VARIABLES [squares] BASE - all files missing in current skin is taken from this skin. SQUARES OFFSET , - offset if grid has a border. [images] - bg.bmp always loaded first and used as background. INVISIBLE <0xRRGGBB> - hex red green blue. Color to treat as invisible when showing graphics. Invisible is valid from the position it's used and until replaced with other invisible color. GRID , - This is the area the game is played on. , corresponds to .bmp and indicated what file to load. & is coordinates where to place the image. The following names have special meaning and a special format : ABOUT,MINIMIZE,CLOSE,HISCORE,NEWGAME are buttons. The image should contain two images side by side, one for normal and one for when it is pressed. About shows the about dialog box with the possibility to change skin to something else. Minimize and Close do just that. Hiscore shows the high-score dialog and newgame starts a new game! [entryfields] LEVELFONT LEVELSIZE LEVELCOLOR SCOREFONT SCORESIZE SCORECOLOR SCORE ,,, - position and size of area to display score. LEVEL ,,, - position and size of area to display level. FONT SIZE COLOR BITMAP <0x0 hex color of background> The file "numbers.bmp" is always loaded and should contain all numbers from 0 to 9 in that order and all numbers should be of the same width. [audio] LEVEL - sound to play when a level is cleared. GAMEOVER - sound to play when the game is over. REMOVE - Played when some bricks are removed. CYCLE - sound to play when player cycle colors. NEWGAME - sound for when newgame is pressed. STARTGAME - This is played when the program is started. QUITGAME - Played when SameGame is closed.