siGGis H.a.R ware © M.HaraÜta |
Brief description: siGGis Monitor program is made for vector file *.sig (format siGGis) shapefile *.shp (format ESRI - ArcView).You can create own vector layers (e.g.: digitize imported orthofotomap - JPEG format, edit databases new layers) save they into *.sig , *.dbf (DBase III) files change the following properties for polygonal,line, point and text graphics: foreground fill and color, outLine, text, font, size, style . You can join a table to the active table based on the values of a common field found in both tables. You can open a html document on active geoObject. You can export a view to a graphics file (output formats: *.wmf, *.emf ) ASCII files (coordinate files of points) import orthofotomap - format JPEG. Attend to configuration applet's siGGisApplet and siGGisEvent ( internet/ intranet - don't require any action from server, don't need JDBC/ODBC interface. You can save your work to a projectFile ( *.hgf ) with a different name. With this program it is possible to join other programs or systems ( INI type file ) and monitor events (change properties of geoObjects by mean of ASCI event file:e.g. secure of objects , flood monitor, GPS ... ). It is possible to save individual events into graphics files(*.wmf, *.emf) Properties:
Restriction: Don't attent to robust geoLayers ( more 10 MB).
Description of the program: Main panel |
Contains basic features used to manipulate the geoObject layers. The File menu offers these services::
First row of Main panel enables basic manipulation with the map:
Second row enables project description with predefined dates:
Switches on the Main panel : |
MapWindow - import *.jpg file, digitize new layers, mapextent Top button in mapWindow:(needs install TrueType font Webdings) show / hide buttons for import/edit coordinate Images, Digitize, mapExtent modification (horizontal buttons), zooming,set layers,select geoObjests,draw labels,open/save GISprojects (horizontal buttons).
Import JPEG file:
If is imported JPEG file into GIS project, imageExtent is same as extent of layers otherwise is in interval: 0,10 (left,top) - 10,0 (right,bottom). Position and resize image: In mapWindow - button [Image] - up / off modification size(position) by means of mouse. DoubleClick (mouse) in bounds - set change and open window for detail modification (edit coordinate imageExtent). MapWindow - button [Digitize] - up / off drawing in map to Import new layer. Show / Hide(not clear) window for digitize and off / up zooming. When is not empty digitizeWindow drawing (black objects) is permanent, zooming, reset map not clear it. If is selected type Line,Polygon - right button click(mouse) ended drawing current geoObject ( polygon is closed - last,first point is equal ) and allowed to make new geoObject. All coordinate new geoObjects are saved in digitizeWindow - ASCII format. DoubleClick on selected row showed current point (blink) and allows window coordinate for detail edit (soft move XY by distance, add/delete point). Button [Save as *.txt] saved content window in ASCII file. Button [Now Layer] added new geoObjects in new *.sig,*.dbf files. New layer is added in GIS project automatically . Button [Add to Layer] saved new geoObjects in selected layer. Before saving it is possible edit databaze (add, modify, delete fields). Button [Bounds] allows change mapExtent (all layers) - move GISproject in new coordinate.
Information about the current active geoObject: Mode full table - position of the actual geoObject in the attached database. Database can be sorted by any entry - double-click on any column.(e.g.: LABEL) Column width can be changed by before printed by dragging the border line in the column description field Description of Database windowÆs buttons: Set table: - Opens a window that allows to set attributes of the gird (hide unwanted items, change order of entries, change entryÆs titles and connect any *.dbf files using the join entry).
Addition to a database :
à. selectData - assist to choose the database entry that will contain data for parameter generation according to database. When is fileType asociated with any program, textField (path and exeName of program) can be empty. Example : geoObject is described in the document on an address (HD) : http://city.geo.cz/lay_123/object_xx3457.html , selected entry of current database of geoObjects can contain :
Confirm all changes by pressing Ok button Print the table : Print window enables to choose the font, header, and printer setting for the current database printing.
Finding of geoObjects can be more specified by selecting of the particular layer or by selecting particular dBase entry. Switch equal - will find the geoObjects if they contain the exact some text as entered. Switch within - will find any geoObjects that contains somewhere in description the entered string. DblClick in List - show selected geoObject Button Show all will show all corresponding geoObjects and show them in map window
Object selection will be preformed according to chosen database entries that corresponds with the Operator description:= equal to value ,<> unequal to,> bigger then,< less then,in value is in range of border values (including) the only allowable format : x..y entered manually to the window for limitation,geoObject color in (according toà.) if the selected layer is original the goeObjects will be colored in according to default definition (set layers). If the set color value is active the color of the geoObject can be selected: If the window for selecting the entry (SES_ID) stays clear then for polygons Red ( RGB 255:0:0 ) determinates the color of the outlines and Yelow the color of the filling. For the line Yelow has no meaning and the color of the line is determinated by Red. By selecting the SES_ID entry form the database, Red determinates the color of geoObject with lowest value of SES_ID and Yellow is the color of geoObject with the highest SES_ID value. Mixed color (RedYelow) will be given to other geoObject corresponding with ratio of SES_ID. Next select: - biding of following selection : value determinates logical biding between definitions. OR means also. AND means that the selected object has to corresponds with both conditions. BLANK represents no logical value e.g.: Definition: x > 5 and x <> 8 select into group this values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.. Definition actualization :
Update/edit database table (out siGGisMonitor):
Tip: service Fill color and OutLine color. You can write your color in service's textField ( RGB model (e.g.: 218:118:218 ) - separator is :) Option enables to change the geoObject attributes in selected layers. The color, style, size (for points) of geoObject can be set. Define entry and font for geoObjectÆs description (any database entry can be used as a description) If the current layer is a layer of polygons or lines then type can be changed by clicking the mouse Warning : that service works without any problems in the Polygon to line direction in the reversed direction just in case that lines creates a closed polygon. If lines doesnÆt represent a polygon the result may be unpredictable. If the lines forms a polygon the filling of this polygon can be changed. The service can be used in case of :
right mouse button - edit the legend of current layer Double-click on the text switches on/off the layer Change the order : click on the icon and drag up or down
The project file is assigned complete save of all information about the semi-finished state. It has sense just when using the Project Selection service. Add selection button offers a window for the projectÆs title definition and prepares it for save in to *.hgf. Actualize button enable to change the name of loaded *.hgf file. Any project can be described in a memoPanel.
Section : [Project] Count - number of projects if > 0 window containing list of defined projects will automatically open if the program was launched without any parameters. As parameters names of files (*.shp, *.hgf, *.hge) can be used. pth_x - path to the x th project prj_x - name of the x th project When the program finds a project with a path pth_x it will search the place determinates in [Path] section - pth_x - project. If the search fails it searches in the Program_siggis\data\project directory (if exists). Correspondingly works for *.shp, *.dbf files defined in individual projects.
Menu - Options |
Language service switches between languages for program and applets (define in siGGis.INI file, section [language]). Section [language] fstName entry - text in the 1. menuÆs row nxtName entry - text in the 2.menuÆs row actual entry - chose language. List of predefined languages in entries fst_x and nxt_x : Rows 161,162 : set for applet configuration (Respect separators "|" and "#").By selecting the Default service (F12) the implicit languages English and Czech are going to be prepared for default saving into siGGis.INI file. Service Properties: The whole section of all general attributes of Default F12 service can be switched off in the menu by the noConfig = 1 entry in [General] section, and turned on (enabled) by value noConfig = 0 (siGGis.INI). Save when finished if the Update INI file service is selected, the current setting of all attributes is going to be saved. Entry path toà determinates where will the program search for .shp and .dbf files that are defined in .hgf file if the program wonÆt find them. If it wonÆt find them even in those places it will search the directory of the program siGGis and itÆs subdirectories ..\data\Project ( *.hgf) , .. \data\Vector\vector (*.shp,*.dbf) a ..\data\Table (other files *.dbf for connection), if existing. Redefine keyboard (HelpKey) for help : Service will define actions (launch help program describing e.g. projects, supportive database etc.). If the entry is defined the service can be reached in file menu of the program. [Czech Language] Service has sense just for Czech GIS it determinates what code page will be used to display text from database files. [Events setting] service is designed as a interface between program siGGis and other programs or systems. Using this service you can use the program as a monitor for watching changes of geoObjects outside siGGis EventFile path - file of events : determinates where will the program search for file for defined changes. If this field is empty the implicit directory of the program : data\Events\ will be searched. Export in applet: EventFile path determine location owing to appletURL: E.g.: appletURL : http://www.aaaa.bbb/ccccc/my-applet.html Address for xevent.mon files: http://www.aaaa.bbb/ccccc/Data/Events/ EventFile path: Data/Events/ EventFile name : name of the file of events that will be used when activated (*.*) .
It is allowed to prepare - save mask eventFile. Offers complet list of eventCommands. Path (destination): path to save eventFiles Source file:determined for prepare eventFiles by content of sourceFile.
E.g.: from row [Static]#eventCount=1 #eLayer1=1 #eObject1=0 #eMoveXY1= 9,27947598253275|7,77838427947598|# is generated eventFile(content):
Button [Make mask file]: prepares file mask by selected commands
Interval/seconds : sets freqention for watching the changes. Event process : Single file - event changes in file event.mon. Multiple files - event changes in file Xevent.mon (X: 0 to EventFileCount - 1 ( 0event.mon to 49event.mon )). Repeat: for process Multiple files(0..49,0..49..). Reload project: - for setting Repeat - loading original setting of geoObjects - before 0event.mon. If is disabled checkbox Default window, allows definition of appletWindows ( place, hight, width ).
The service [Export] is assigned complete save of all information about the project in applet's configuration file - siGGis Applets . siGGisMonitor is determined to configuration of applets. First step: build project and save as *.hgf *.hge (check), second step: export applets Description: Export directory - determinates where will the program save all vector/database files(*.sig, *.dbf). Into vector files : All geoObjects - exports and saves complet layers , setting: Only selected geoObjects - creates vector files of geoObjects in particular layers according to values in databases . Into database files : All database fields - export only one file*.dbf for one layer *.sig (complet database with all fields - Classic way ). The Switch: Only selected fields -. create one new optimal file - *.dbf, include only showed fields( sign "Yes" - service: Set.). Warning: In the new database have to be the define fields - Objects selection. Applet setting: Config fileName - define name.* - configuration applet file. It is created prototip file name.htm (include the definition of applet running) and name.log - file of export progress . If the Layer_name.zip(In the archive must be include all vector/database files) service is selected, the cross-reference of archive file (URL_applet/Data/name.zip) is going to be saved in appletConfig file - name.cfg. Data path: - determinates where will the applet search for *.sig and *.dbf files. E.g.:
Button: [Define fileNames] - Open a window that allows to change names all files of geoProject:
Button: [Define dbf action] - Open a window that allows to Define the action (e.g. : open html file with detail geoObject description, following reference to additional information, load configuration file *.cfg - other map) or fill in AppletProjects list. Example : 135 th geoObject is described in the document on an address: http://geogis.xyz.ce/fLay0/ID135.html., selected entry of current database of geoObjects can contain :
The dbf Action may be start from applet window:. The type of Action is depend on your internet browser. A several types for MSIExplorer:
Brief description: siGGisApplet- is included in siGGis program. Applet is designed to viewing and presentation geographical projects through an internet browser. Applet's configuration is made by service: Export. You can export new layers (*.sig - format for internet) according to setting ( only seleced geoObjects, only displayed database's fields of all joining). You can define any action for selected geoObject (e.g.: show *.html document, run any program associated with document type, run post program and sending e-mail - is generated e-mail address is cames from geoDatabase, load other map...).All files can be pack in to archive file (ZIP).The working with applet is same as with program siGGisMonitor.The Applet was on trial through an internet browser (MSIE v5.0 - higher).Does not require any action from server(....CGI scripts etc), doesn't need JDBC/ODBC interface. When is applet loaded correctly the Load List window will be hide otherwise stay on screen and can contain Error Info. (When is find any Exception or the eventProcess/applet was not start - reload document with applet! ). Limits: Polygons - only solid or transparent fill, lines - only solid line, labels only default font, style is limited normal,italic,bold,boldItalic. siGGisEvent - applet - is included in siGGis program. Is designed to join with another programs or systems and monitor events (change geoObject's properties, flood monitoring, object security guard, GPS.. ). The changes can be defined - generated another programs - in same ASCII file ( type *.INI ).Does not require any action from server(....CGI scripts etc), doesn't need JDBC/ODBC interface. Intention: Applet siGGisEvent is scanning content of ASCII file - eventFile. The eventFile can be placed on a server or local PC ( URL - intranet / internet / PC ) . It can be selected a type of monitor:
The eventFile ( siGGisEvent v 1.6 )- command description:
1) Detail format to editing and back importing ( *.d01 ): Description - structure import ASCII file(Separator = |):
2) Format for events (new laers, modify new geoObjects - siGGisEvent - *.e01) Description - structure import ASCII file(Separator = |):
Description configuration INI file: |
© Milan HaraÜta, H.a.R ware (http://web.quick.cz/siggis) |