Mokry Systems

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Odhlášení odběru provedete z tohoto odkazu.

Exchange Archives

messaging services
CompuServe mail CompuServe MAPI service for MS Exchange.
Internet Mail Internet MAPI service for MS Exchange.
AT&T Mail AT&T MAPI service for MS Exchange.
Intergate/SMTP A SMTP/MS MAIL gateway. Closer information in Off-line HTML Documentation.
Transcend MAPI connector for Lotus cc:Mail Lotus cc:MAIL MAPI service for MS Exchange.
Exchange to Notes connector Lotus Notes MAPI service for MS Exchange.
Internet Series for Exchange  
Workgroup Internet Gateway v2.0 This is a solution which allows entire office to get Internet mail with only one dial-up connection.
Spinmail A Microsoft Mail / Exchange to Internet UUCP or TCP/IP Gateway.
MCI mail MCI Mail MAPI service for Exchange
MobileWare personal MobileWare point to point mail for Exchange.
Marcwell MobyMail A transport provider for sending and retrieving messages to cellular phones and pagers using European service providers.
Personal Fax Personal Fax for Windows NT 4.0 Workstation See this FAQ for more Info!
Mail4u Lets users send and receive e-mail in Exchange with their UUCP account.

MS Fax Cover Page Fix This update fixes a problem with Microsoft Fax for that may disable cover pages when sending a fax. When this occurs, there are no cover page files listed in the Compose New Fax Wizard, or in the Default Cover Page section of the properties for Microsoft Fax.
Imaging Software for Windows 95 developed by Wang New Update for October '96! The Microsoft imaging software for Microsoft Windows 95 provides powerful imaging services that enable users to access and control paper- and fax-based information directly at their desktops.
Windows Messaging Upgrade This contains a complete update for the Exchange components that shipped in Windows '95
Service Pack 2 for MS Exchange Server  
Service Pack 3 for MS Exchange Server  

*)  Uvedené ceny obsahují 5% slevu a jsou platné jen pro nákup v internetovém obchodě Studna Online. Na objednávky přijaté poštou, faxem, telefonem, emailem se tato sleva nevztahuje.
**)  Všechny ceny jsou uvedené bez 5% DPH.

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