Mokry Systems

Přihlásit se k odběru emailu, který informuje o novinkách na našem serveru.
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Odhlášení odběru provedete z tohoto odkazu.
Recipient Information

MS Exchange Client / Windows Messaging Extension for Windows 95/NT

Copyright (c) 1996 Ludek Mokry. All rights reserved.

Version: 1.00

Last Update: December 14th, 1996

This software is freely distributable.



This extension allows the user to show information about all recipients (To, Cc, Bcc) - in archived messages.
The command is found on the Tools Menu (Recipient info) within the main windows (also is possible to put it on toolbar).

RcpInfo is a Freeware.



  • Show all recipients of selected message.



  • Windows 95, Windows NT
  • MS Exchange Client / Windows Messaging (provided with Windows 95/NT)
  • MS Exchange Client for MS Exchange Server



Copy the DLL RcpInf32.dll into your "\windows\system" directory. Register the DLL by double-clicking RcpInf32.reg in Explorer.



Exit and log out of Exchange. Start RegEdit, open the key


and delete the "LM Recipient Info" tag and its value. Then delete the file RcpInf32.dll from "\windows\system".


Try Our Other Extension

  • ExLife For Windows 95/NT (shareware)

Extend features of MS Exchange Client (MS Windows Messaging). Add FILTERS (online and offline inbox assistant for incoming and outgoing messages - NOT have to be connected to an Exchange Server) and SIGNATURE. OnLine - move messages immediately after delivery, reading (non-read) and sending. OffLine - items from current folder are moved to other folders by defined condition.



  • Filter current message folder. Items are moved to different folders by defined conditions. You can choose from as many types of filter as you define.
  • Automatic filter incoming messages after delivery.
  • Automatic filter after reading non-read messages.
  • Archiving of outgoing messages into defined folders - controlled by conditions (works only in "offline transferring internet mail mode", not in "scheduled mode" or "remote mail mode").
  • Unlimited number of user defined filter condition.
  • It's possible to filter by these mail items: From, To, CC, Subject and Message.
  • 3 methods of comparison Items and entered values: FullString, SubString and Prefix.
  • Append signature to end of mail.
  • Support for multiple exchange profiles.


Where To Get These Extension

/windows/exchange or contact:


How To Contact Author

Ludek Mokry
9. kvetna 263
664 61 Rajhrad
Czech Republic


Fax: +42-5-48520007



*)  Uvedené ceny obsahují 5% slevu a jsou platné jen pro nákup v internetovém obchodě Studna Online. Na objednávky přijaté poštou, faxem, telefonem, emailem se tato sleva nevztahuje.
**)  Všechny ceny jsou uvedené bez 5% DPH.

Copyright © 1996-2002, Mokry Systems