Over the course of developing Maelstrom, it has accumulated quite a few command line and compile-time options. Multiplayer Commmand Line Options: -- Only supported if network play is compiled in. -player N[@host][:port] This tells Maelstrom that it is playing a network game, and that player N is at host "host" -server N@host[:port] This option tells Maelstrom to use a network address server at host "host" for a multiplayer game with N players. -deathmatch [N] A multiplayer game continues until someone gets N frags. A frag is 3 shots at a player. Command Line Options: -netscores This option tells Maelstrom to use the Internet Maelstrom Score Server for the high score list. -printscores This option prints out a list of the current high scores. If used with the -netscores option, it will will connect to the Internet Maelstrom Score Server and print out the world-wide Maelstrom high scores. -display This option runs Maelstrom on the given X11 display. It is disabled if Maelstrom is compiled with -DFORCE_XSHM -privatecmap Runs Maelstrom with a private (custom) colormap. This prevents Maelstrom from locking up all of the colors on your display. It is only useful on 256 color (pseudo-color) displays. -nofade This option prevents Maelstrom from doing the screen fading. This is useful if you find screen fading annoying. -gamma [0-8] Sets the gamma correction level for Maelstrom. The higher the gamma correction, the brighter Maelstrom will appear on your monitor. If no gamma level is given, Maelstrom will print the current gamma level saved in your custom configuration. Once this option is used, the gamma correction level is saved, and this option doesn't need to be used later unless you want to change it again. -fullscreen This option puts a big black border around the Maelstrom screen, and centers Maelstrom within it. This help create a "full screen" effect on large displays. -version This option prints the version of the Maelstrom binary. -speedtest This option will run Maelstrom in a graphics test mode. It prints the number of milliseconds it takes for your graphics display to display a full 48-frame, 360 degree rotation of your ship. It is for comparative information only.