Service Packs and Security Updates
To ensure that the most recent security updates are applied, you need to install all of the latest service packs and individual updates on your system.
The scan report identifies which service packs and security updates are missing on your computer. Users can click the link in the security report to view the Microsoft security bulletin or download page, which includes the install location for the security update. The Windows Update
Web site also has the latest service pack and security update releases available for you to download for the Microsoft® Windows® operating system and its components.
- Windows Update does not carry non-Windows security updates such as Microsoft® SQL Server™ or Microsoft Exchange updates, and users should view the Microsoft security bulletins for these product security updates using the links provided in the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) scan report. Users can also download Microsoft Office security updates from the Office Product Updates Web site.
- Please visit the following site for details on Office products supported in
MBSA 1.2 and scanning limitations:
MBSA Version 1.2 Support
for Microsoft Office Products.
Customers can also subscribe to the Microsoft Security Notification
Service, a free service that sends e-mail messages to users when new security bulletins
are released.
Additional Resources
Microsoft Hotfix and Security Bulletin Service
Microsoft Strategic Technology Protection Program
Microsoft Software Update Services
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