This file contains the list of all the samples that ship with Microsoft Image Composer. They are listed in the following order: 1. Fonts 2. Web Art Samples 3. Sprite Samples 4. Button Textures 1. FONTS These files are installed in your C:\Windows\Fonts directory. FONT (FILENAME) SERIF Calisto MT (calist.ttf) Calisto MT Bold (calistb.ttf) Calisto MT Italic (calisti.ttf) Rockwell (rock.ttf) Rockwell Bold (rockb.ttf) Rockwell Extra Bold (rockeb.ttf) Rockwell Italic (rocki.ttf) SANS Eras Light (eraslght.ttf) Eras Medium (erasmd.ttf) Eras Demi (erasdemi.ttf) Eras Bold (erasbd.ttf) Eras Ultra (erasult.ttf) Verdana (veranda.ttf) Verdana Bold (verandab.ttf) Verdana Italic (verandai.ttf) Verdana Bold Italic (verandaz.ttf) SCRIPT Viner Hand ITC (vineritc.ttf) Comic Sans MS (comic.tff) Comic Sans MS Bold (comicbd.tff) Bradley Hand ITC (Bradhitc.ttf) FUN BeesKnees ITC (BeesKnees.ttf) Matisse ITC (matisse_.ttf) Juice ITC (juice__.ttf) Curlz MT (curlz__.ttf) Snap ITC (snap___.ttf) DISPLAY Impact (impact.ttf) Wide Latin (latinwd.ttf) Elephant (elephnt.ttf) Elephant Italic (elephnti.ttf) Tempus Sans ITC (tempsitc.ttf) 2. WEB ART SAMPLES The Web Art Samples are listed by directory. The type of each Web Art component is indicated by the subdirectory that it is in. They may be one of the following types: * Background * Bullet * Button * Horizontal Rule * Navigational Control * Page Counter These files are installed in \Multimedia Files\Graphics\Web. \Microsoft Image Composer Themes \DESIGN \Buttons and icons double.mic space.mic hoop.mic spinner.mic home.mic boxarrow.mic h-arrow.mic arrow.mic \backgrounds circuit.mic raygun.mic rabbit2.mic washer.mic \horizontal rules blasto.mic blokrule.mic slatrule.mic \bullets glowcut.mic gear.mic golden.mic flower.mic window.mic 2ndgear.mic \navigation controls homebar.mic lockbars.mic softbox.mic \RETRO \Buttons and icons saturn.mic sticker.mic signpost.mic splitoval.mic sunspot.mic redgear.mic bluehome.mic direct.mic smiley.mic greeting.mic hot.mic \backgrounds formica.mic fabric.mic tabletop.mic softblu2.mic softgren.mic \horizontal rules boxrule.mic ovalrule.mic flatrule.mic \bullets crossed.mic oval.mic pointer.mic split.mic \navigation controls diner.mic roadsign.mic label.mic \PASTA \Buttons and icons bowtie.mic ring.mic crkscrw.mic elbow.mic shell.mic rotelle.mic cbowtie.mic celbow.mic cscrew.mic cshell.mic \backgrounds alferdo.mic pesto.mic saucy.mic verde.mic \horizontal rules fusilli.mic fetta.mic spagheti.mic \bullets tomato.mic red.mic green2.mic star.mic \navigation controls forklift.mic lasagna.mic \MUSIC \Buttons and icons cddisc.mic harp.mic tape.mic eguitar.mic aguitar.mic clap.mic piano.mic amp.mic \backgrounds keys2.mic sheet.mic disc.mic score.mic \horizontal rules pianobar.mic strings.mic bottom.mic top.mic \bullets bass.mic treble.mic mf-note.mic notes.mic \navigation controls keybar.mic measure.mic \WESTERN \Buttons and icons bottle.mic saloon.mic spurs.mic cactus.mic campfire.mic poker.mic earth.mic \backgrounds dustbowl.mic west.mic wheels.mic \horizontal rules barbwire.mic rope.mic snake.mic \bullets cacti.mic cards.mic wagon.mic \navigation controls westnav.mic chuck.mic \TECHNO \Buttons and icons solo.mic eye.mic plus.mic single.mic culture.mic question.mic blank.mic go-left.mic \backgrounds firefall.mic aquafall.mic forest.mic hazy.mic \horizontal rules redbar.mic greenbar.mic bluebar.mic heavy.mic \bullets redball.mic green1.mic blueball.mic fireball.mic \navigation controls woodtek.mic chromtek \PAGE COUNTERS \Gold gold_0.mic gold_1.mic gold_2.mic gold_3.mic gold_4.mic gold_5.mic gold_6.mic gold_7.mic gold_8.mic gold_9.mic \LED LED_0.mic LED_1.mic LED_2.mic LED_3.mic LED_4.mic LED_5.mic LED_6.mic LED_7.mic LED_8.mic LED_9.mic \Circus circus_0.mic circus_1.mic circus_2.mic circus_3.mic circus_4.mic circus_5.mic circus_6.mic circus_7.mic circus_8.mic circus_9.mic \Plate plate_0.mic plate_1.mic plate_2.mic plate_3.mic plate_4.mic plate_5.mic plate_6.mic plate_7.mic plate_8.mic plate_9.mic \Typo typo_0.mic typo_1.mic typo_2.mic typo_3.mic typo_4.mic typo_5.mic typo_6.mic typo_7.mic typo_8.mic typo_9.mic \Roman roman_I.mic roman_C.mic roman_X.mic roman_L.mic roman_M.mic roman_V.mic roman_D.mic 3. SPRITE SAMPLES These files are installed under \Multimedia Files\Photos. The subdirectories are noted below. \Animals \Microsoft Image Composer adillo1.mic dog1.mic eagle.mic flamingo.mic macaw1.mic macaw2.mic \PhotoDisc dog2.mic \Backgrounds \Microsoft Image Composer bigpble.mic brick4.mic cherries.mic city1.mic city2.mic eggs.mic flag1.mic flag2.mic gnrlwood.mic lace.mic marble1.mic marble2.mic marble3.mic mint.mic paper1.mic paper10.mic paper11.mic paper12.mic paper2.mic paper3.mic paper4.mic paper5.mic paper6.mic paper7.mic paper8.mic paper9.mic peaches.mic pinmarbl.mic plaster.mic prchmnt1.mic raspberr.mic rattan.mic redbrick.mic rosewood.mic sand1.mic sand2.mic sand3.mic sand4.mic sand5.mic sand6.mic scenic1.mic scenic2.mic scenic3.mic stucco2.mic thinrock.mic whtbump.mic wirscrn1.mic wirscrn2.mic \PhotoDisc aerial.mic barkpeel.mic bluscrat.mic bludigit.mic bluegrn.mic bluelght.mic blumarbl.mic bluswirl.mic blutwist.mic bluwater.mic bread.mic brnpaper.mic brstone.mic brwnbags.mic cactus.mic clouds1.mic clouds2.mic corn.mic crayons.mic daisies.mic dirt.mic droplets.mic gentllt.mic goldbrck.mic goldfoil.mic grass2.mic grmarbl.mic husks.mic jellybns.mic leaves.mic lightnin.mic litpaper.mic macaroni.mic metalart.mic mtlstrip.mic metltube.mic muddybr.mic orngcrkl.mic paperart.mic peas.mic popcorn.mic purplght.mic rooftile.mic rwbstars.mic sand.mic scarf.mic shadow.mic skyclds.mic softblue.mic softbrwn.mic softyell.mic stamped.mic sunplane.mic sunset.mic wallart.mic whtembos.mic whtmarbl.mic whtpills.mic woodgran.mic woven.mic \Buttons and Icons \Microsoft Image Composer but_off.mic but_on.mic dntorus.mic fattorus.mic goldrose.mic rose.mic sphere.mic torus.mic uptorus.mic \Clothes \Microsoft Image Composer boot1.mic boot2.mic redboot1.mic shoe1.mic shoe2.mic sunglas2.mic \ClassicPIO hiheels.mic purse.mic \PhotoDisc hat.mic sunglass.mic \Dividers and Decorations \Microsoft Image Composer frame1.mic frame2.mic frame3.mic frame4.mic \Entertainment \Microsoft Image Composer \ClassicPIO microphn.mic jukebox.mic \Flags \Microsoft Image Composer \PhotoDisc australi.mic canada.mic china.mic europe.mic france.mic gbritain.mic germany.mic italy.mic japan.mic mexico.mic usa.mic \Food and Dining \Microsoft Image Composer pretzel.mic \PhotoDisc toast.mic \Gestures \Microsoft Image Composer \PhotoDisc hand.mic handbatn.mic handcd.mic handcup.mic handdart.mic handglob.mic handkeyb.mic handlens.mic handmous.mic handpenc.mic handplan.mic Handprsd.mic handrose.mic handscis.mic handshkr.mic handstk1.mic handstk2.mic handwat.mic wristcuf.mic \Healthcare and Medicine \Microsoft Image Composer \PhotoDisc bandaid.mic crutch.mic icebag.mic pills.mic stethosc.mic \Household \Microsoft Image Composer basket2.mic book1.mic book2.mic books.mic brass3.mic brnplate.mic candlstk.mic chbowl.mic comb1.mic cup_sauc.mic cup1.mic cup2.mic decoplat.mic dirchair.mic glass.mic goblet.mic iron.mic knife.mic mbrush.mic paperbag.mic pedstl.mic pen.mic pipe.mic saucer.mic shaker.mic suitcase.mic vase.mic whtplat1.mic whtplat2.mic wineglas.mic \ClassicPIO alrmclok.mic blender.mic camera.mic lamp.mic rotrphon.mic toaster.mic typewrit.mic \PhotoDisc binocul.mic broom.mic brwnbox.mic carvfrm.mic cd.mic cds.mic clippers.mic clock.mic clothpin.mic comb2.mic corkscrw.mic deckchr.mic dogbone.mic flshligh.mic gascan.mic hedgtrim.mic hourglas.mic jacksbal.mic key.mic keys.mic lifevest.mic lighter.mic lightswi.mic mirror.mic phone.mic plasduck.mic pltfrkkn.mic plug.mic plunger.mic radio.mic sftypin2.mic socket.mic toothbr.mic trunk.mic umbrella.mic washbrd.mic wskbroom.mic \Industry \Microsoft Image Composer \PhotoDisc axe.mic butknife.mic can.mic clamp.mic copngsaw.mic curvwren.mic extruler.mic fan.mic flathamr.mic gearwhl1.mic gearwhl2.mic hammer.mic hammers.mic maglens.mic oilcan.mic paintcan.mic palbrush.mic pliers.mic plumb.mic plumwren.mic ptbrush.mic rulpener.mic saw1.mic saw2.mic scale.mic scrwdriv.mic triangle.mic vactubes.mic whlbarro.mic wrenches.mic \Metaphor \Microsoft Image Composer \PhotoDisc balloon.mic banapeel.mic billiard.mic boxglove.mic brorecrd.mic chainlnk.mic champagn.mic cherrbwl.mic compass.mic crown.mic devilfrk.mic doorknob.mic egg.mic eggbrokn.mic eggcartn.mic eightbal.mic eyeball.mic glsbottl.mic goldfish.mic groceri.mic horsshoe.mic ladder.mic lifepres.mic martini.mic mask2.mic masks.mic megaphon.mic nail.mic nutbolt.mic papermen.mic paperwmn.mic papplane.mic paprfldr.mic pie.mic pinkeras.mic pinkpig.mic rabbit.mic sawblade.mic sftypin.mic slate.mic slinky.mic soupbowl.mic star.mic trophy.mic watergla.mic \Music \Microsoft Image Composer calyba.mic drum1.mic drum2.mic guitar1.mic guitar2.mic metronm1.mic \PhotoDisc baritone.mic bugle.mic \Nature \Microsoft Image Composer abshell.mic \PhotoDisc crab.mic nesteggs.mic shell.mic starfish.mic wing.mic \Office \Microsoft Image Composer blkpshpn.mic blupshpn.mic clrpshpn.mic cynpshpn.mic grnpshpn.mic magpshpn.mic redpshpn.mic scissor1.mic stapler.mic tape.mic yelpshpn.mic \PhotoDisc blkbrd1.mic blkbrd2.mic pencil.mic pencils1.mic scissor2.mic \Plants \Microsoft Image Composer almond.mic apple1.mic areca.mic banana1.mic bjfree.mic brom_lg.mic brome1.mic cane.mic chrysmum.mic croton.mic daisy.mic flowers.mic forsinte.mic glox_l.mic hibiscus.mic jc_larg.mic leaf1.mic leaf2.mic leaf3.mic lime.mic mango.mic margc_l.mic marie.mic neph_ob.mic orange.mic pear1.mic pepper.mic petal1.mic petal2.mic petal3.mic petal4.mic petal5.mic pointpk.mic potato.mic pumpkin1.mic qsago.mic raphis.mic redlily.mic rose1.mic rose2.mic silkpalm.mic silktre1.mic sq_larg.mic sunflwr1.mic sunflwr2.mic tomato1.mic tulip.mic warn.mic wash.mic \PhotoDisc apple2.mic banana2.mic brocoli.mic carrots.mic cherris.mic flwrfram.mic garlic.mic grapes.mic lemon.mic peanut.mic pear2.mic peppers.mic pickles.mic pumpkin2.mic purpfl1.mic purpfl2.mic strawber.mic sunflwr4.mic tomato2.mic wedbouq.mic \Shapes \Microsoft Image Composer ball2.mic chain1.mic chain2.mic chain3.mic coil1.mic coil2.mic cube1.mic cube2.mic triring.mic \Symbols \Microsoft Image Composer bowlpin.mic mask1.mic world1a.mic world1b.mic world2a.mic world2b.mic world3a.mic world3b.mic 4. BUTTON TEXTURES These files are installed under C:\Program Files\Microsoft Image Composer\Buttons\Textures. These files are used by the Button Wizard and Button Editor and could cause unexpected results if altered or deleted. Aquaaura.jpg Basalt.jpg Blueburl.jpg Bluejean.jpg Bluerock.jpg Bluesnow.jpg Bronze.jpg Camouflg.jpg Candy.jpg Cedar.jpg Cement.jpg Cheaprug.jpg Clay.jpg Coffee.jpg Darkburl.jpg Dropclth.jpg Feldspar.jpg Glasseye.jpg Gneiss.jpg Granite.jpg Graywood.jpg Gumbo.jpg Jade.jpg Leafvein.jpg Liteshow.jpg Mahogany.jpg Maple.jpg Marssoil.jpg Moodring.jpg Mossy.jpg Oakgrain.jpg Parched.jpg Pine.jpg Redpetal.jpg Redweave.jpg Rockdots.jpg Rockrust.jpg Sawnrock.jpg Shagrug.jpg Soapston.jpg Sunspot.jpg Teakburl.jpg Tiedyesk.jpg Toxicmud.jpg Tweed.jpg Twill.jpg Veneer.jpg Water.jpg