The Blockquote element is used to contain text quoted from another source.

Typically, blockquote rendering would be a slight extra left and right indent, and possibly rendered in an italic font. The Blockquote element causes a paragraph break, and typically provides space above and below the quote.

The HTML specification implies that rendering on single-font systems (e.g. on non graphical browsers) may reflect the quotation style of Internet mail, which is normally represented by putting a vertical line of graphic characters, such as the greater than symbol (>), in the left margin.

Example of use:

In "Hard Drive", a former Microsoft project manager has said,
"Imagine an extremely smart, billionaire genius who is 14 years old and subject to temper tantrums"

would render as:

In "Hard Drive", a former Microsoft project manager has said,

"Imagine an extremely smart, billionaire genius who is 14 years old and subject to temper tantrums"

<BLOCKQUOTE> can also take the CLASS, ID and STYLE attributes to allow style sheet definitions to be applied to it. For more details of these attributes, see the Style Sheets topic.

<BASEFONT> Block Formatting Elements Overview <BR>