This represents the caption for a table. <CAPTION> elements should appear inside the <TABLE> but not inside table rows or cells. The caption accepts an alignment attribute that defaults to ALIGN=top but can be explicitly set to ALIGN=bottom. Like table cells, any document body HTML can appear in a caption. Captions are, by default horizontally centred with respect to the table, and the may have their lines broken to fit within the width of the table.

The <CAPTION> element can accept the following attributes:

The ALIGN attribute controls whether the caption appears above or below the table, using the top and bottom values, defaulting to top. The Internet Explorer allows the <CAPTION> element to be left, right or center aligned. For the Internet Explorer to set the <CAPTION> at the top or bottom of the table, it is necessary to use the VALIGN attribute.

The Internet Explorer allows use of the VALIGN attribute inside the <CAPTION> element. It specifies whether the caption text should be displayed at the top or bottom of the table.

<TH> Tables Overview <THEAD>