A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions. Definition lists are typically formatted with the term flush-left and the definition, formatted paragraph style, indented after the term.

Example of use:

<DT>&lt;PRE&gt;<DD>Allows for the presentation of preformatted text.
<DT>&lt;P&gt;<DD>This is used to define paragraph blocks.

Would render as:

Allows for the presentation of preformatted text
This is used to define paragraph blocks

If the <DT> term does not fit in the <DT> column (one third of the display area), it may be extended across the page with the <DD> section moved to the next line, or it may be wrapped onto successive lines of the left hand column.

The opening list element must be <DL> and must be immediately followed by the first term (<DT>).

The definition list type can take the COMPACT attribute, which suggests that a compact rendering be used, because the list items are small and/or the entire list is large.

Unless you provide the COMPACT attribute, the HTML user agent may leave white space between successive <DT>, <DD> pairs. The COMPACT attribute may also reduce the width of the left-hand (<DT>) column.

<DT>&lt;PRE&gt;<DD>Allows for the presentation of preformatted text.
<DT>&lt;P&gt;<DD>This is used to define paragraph blocks.

<DL>, <DT> and <DD> can also take the CLASS, ID and STYLE attributes to allow style sheet definitions to be applied to them. For more details of these attributes, see the Style Sheets topic.

List Elements Overview List Elements Overview <DIR>