The element you asked for help about has not been found. There must have been an error. Below is a list of typical errors encountered :

Tip : Instead of pressing F2 for context sensitive HTML help, select the element you want help on and use the 'Help On ...' option in the right-click menu. If the text has been selected properly and help is available on that element, the menu item will be useable and will display 'Help On <element>', where element is the element you selected.

Incorrect Selection of Element
Perhaps you did not select the correct text for context sensitive help. Make sure that you select the main element name, together with the initial '<' character. For example, if you require help on :

Then select :

The Element is a child element
Some elements are (in this reference) treated as child elements that can not exist outside of their parent elements. An example is the <PARAM ...> element. If you want help on the <PARAM ...> element, then select either <OBJECT>, or <APPLET ...>, which are it's possible parent elements. The other example is <LI> which can exist in <DIR>, <MENU>, <OL> and <UL>
Closing element selected
If you selected the closing element, instead of the opening element, then the element will not be picked up correctly. Try re-selecting the element and pressing F2 again.