A Horizontal Rule element is a divider between sections of text such as a full width horizontal rule or equivalent graphic.

Example of use:

<ADDRESS>August 20<SUP>th</SUP>, 1996, Swansea</ADDRESS>

would render as :

August 20th, 1996, Swansea

The <HR> element specifies that a horizontal rule of some sort (The default being a shaded engraved line) be drawn across the page. Recent browsers have added new attributes to this element, which can be used to describe the colouring, size and position of the horiztonal rule.

<HR SIZE=number>
The SIZE attributes lets the author give an indication of how thick they wish the horizontal rule to be.

<HR WIDTH=number|percent>
The default horizontal rule is always as wide as the page. With the WIDTH attribute, the author can specify an exact width in pixels, or a relative width measured in percent of document width.

<HR ALIGN=left|right|center>
Now that horizontal rules do not have to be the width of the page it is necessary to allow the author to specify whether they should be pushed up against the left margin, the right margin, or centred in the page.

For those times when a solid bar is required, the NOSHADE attribute lets the author specify that the horizontal rule should not be shaded at all.

<HR COLOR>=name|#rrggbb
Internet Explorer allows the specifying of the hard rule colour. Accepted values are any of the Internet Explorer supported colour names (see <BODY BGCOLOR=...>, or any acceptable rrggbb hex triplet.


<HR SIZE="5">
<HR WIDTH="50%">
<HR WIDTH="50%" ALIGN="right">
<HR WIDTH="50%" ALIGN="center" NOSHADE>

would render as :

<HR> can also take the CLASS, ID and STYLE attributes to allow style sheet definitions to be applied to it. For more details of these attributes, see the Style Sheets topic.

<Hx> Block Formatting Elements Overview <LISTING>