Menu lists are typically rendered as discrete items on a single line. It is more compact than the rendering of an unordered list. Typically, a menu list will be rendered as a bulleted list, but this is at the discretion of the browser.

A menu list must begin with a <MENU> element which is immediately followed by a <LI> (list item) element:

E.g :

<LI>First item in the list.
<LI>Second item in the list.
<LI>Third item in the list.

Would render as:

  • First item in the list.
  • Second item in the list.
  • Third item in the list.
  • <MENU> and <LI> can also take the CLASS, ID and STYLE attributes to allow style sheet definitions to be applied to them. For more details of these attributes, see the Style Sheets topic.

    <DIR> List Elements Overview <OL>