Netscape and Internet Explorer now support use of the <NOSCRIPT> ... </NOSCRIPT> container in HTML, which allows authors to write alternative content to cater for those users who browse with scripting capabilities disabled in the browser (or for those using non scriptable browsers). If your intended HTML document completely relies on a Script for its effect, then the alternative content should be contained within the <NOSCRIPT> ... </NOSCRIPT> container.

For example :

<HEAD><TITLE>Welcome to the HTMLib world of JavaScript</TITLE>
All of the JavaScript that controls the page goes here
// -->
Sorry, you need a JavaScript capable browser to get the best from this page

Users browsing with a script capable browser (Netscape and Internet Explorer) that have scripting enabled will get the full effect from the Script contained in the document. For those browsing with scripting disabled, or using a non scriptable browser, they will see the message "Sorry, you need a JavaScript capable browser to get the best from this page" (The alternative, standard HTML content should go there)

The <NOSCRIPT> ... </NOSCRIPT> container can be placed either inside or outside the <BODY> element.